Another 365 thread...

I'd rather not fail a 4th time and I'd rather have something to photograph. Meh...
Pete, I think you're trying to do too much. Setting such a high standard early on, you're more likely to fail. Sorry, but its the truth.

I am posting a pic a day. Thats it. I am not trying to document my life, or anything too taxing. Just a pic a day. Of anything. Not sure if that will encourage you? Start small :)
I've got my photoblog for my photo a day. I've been doing that for over 4 years. I spent most of last year taking a photo a day to document Liverpool. That I can do.
I'm going to keep doing that :) But as I said, the 365 would be more personal in the hope that by 2010 I'd be a better person for it. By 2020 I'd have a year of my life documented.
If you're going to do it, then get started! Do you need me and Kitten to kick you up the arse to remind you? :D

Marcel said to me it can be really disheartening at times, I dont know what else to suggest really. If you're that certain, then just give it another go :)
Its not so much reminding, but I just don't know how to face the bad days. A sunset would be a lie, hiding things. I know I don't need to be *that* open but the project would be documenting my life, mainly for me so I can look back at it. The bad days are just as if not more important to document. But on those days well...