Antc's 52 - UPDATED 19/07 Week 29 - "Capital One, Nottingham"

Sorry I missed your post last week - I think because you're a week ahead, I miss it in the listing. :bonk:

Your 'ugly' duckling is really sweet and I don't suppose he stood still and posed for you. :LOL:

But what I really love is the oof ducks in the background. They make it for me. :clap::clap:

Ant, a really good set of shots, (just catching up)... Lovely colours in the Bluebells, the duckling is spot on and the DOF works really well. I like the last one, with the drops on the CD, it's not a variation I've seen before from that distance.
Sorry I missed your post last week - I think because you're a week ahead, I miss it in the listing. :bonk:

Your 'ugly' duckling is really sweet and I don't suppose he stood still and posed for you. :LOL:

But what I really love is the oof ducks in the background. They make it for me. :clap::clap:


Thanks, didnt realise i was a week ahead? We are in the 20th week of the year are we not? :shrug: Certainly didnt pose i can tell you! for such a little duckling he moved real fast but he was oh so cute!

Ant, a really good set of shots, (just catching up)... Lovely colours in the Bluebells, the duckling is spot on and the DOF works really well. I like the last one, with the drops on the CD, it's not a variation I've seen before from that distance.

Thanks for the comments on my shots, very good of you. Can i ask, you mention the cd with water drops isnt a variation you have seen before. Does that mean its a variation you like of dislike?

Thanks again.
This weeks blog shot comes right out of my back garden. So many nice colourful plants flowering at the moment I had to spend some time capturing them. Not really sure on the actual name of the flower, but I think it looks rather nice. I used my 100mm macro lens for this one and it has caught a great amount of detail on the inner plant, especially the stamens with the necta on them.

Week 21 - Garden Flower


This shot can also be found and commented on @ my blog -
Saturday came and what glorious weather we had! Not a cloud in the sky and very warm. Decided I would have a trip out to Calke Abbey Park as I havent been before and it had been recomended to me. So this weeks image is off a pair of lambs from the park. They were upto all sorts running around in the sun enjoying themselves. This photo was of a rare moment when they crept up fairly close to me to see what I was upto. They were pretty inquisitive little lambs!

Week 22 - What are you looking at?

some how i missed your CD water drops there really well done imo (y)

shame about what every is sticking out of the sheeps ear, otherwise i really like it :D
some how i missed your CD water drops there really well done imo (y)

shame about what every is sticking out of the sheeps ear, otherwise i really like it :D

Thanks for the comments on the cd shot, got a bit of a mixed reaction to that on my blog, some liked it, some wanted more depth, some even wanted a letter big style shot with only the front few bubbles in focus! So many variations its hard to choose :)

I let the thing (twig) stay on the sheep to keep it natural, i dont think it detracts from the image personally, others may think it does i guess.

He he, I think it's the latest fashion statement earring for lamb dressed as mutton. :confused::exit:

Well done on getting the shot - it can't have been easy. :)

The garden flower is lovely - I like the colours and the light works well. (y)


Fashion statement indeed. It was indeed tricky, due to the lighting conditions which to be fair i try not shoot in such harsh sunlight but i think it came out ok.

Thanks for the comments both of you, much appreciated (y)
Marks and Spencers lemon and ricotta cheesecake. This weeks picture of my rather tasty desert after Saturday evenings Marks and Sparks meal deal! I couldnt not take a picture of this, looks as good as it tastes I can tell you. Due to having such poor weather over this weekend it had to be an indoor shot and what better to take pictures of something you can eat afterwards!

Week 23 - Not just any lemon and ricotta cheesecake!

1 and 3 I really like, especcially 3.

2, I am not a fan of the processing, it seems to be missing a shedload of contrast.

4 I feel the same applies, really needs some more contrast.

5 I like, the slant is not required though imo.

6, I am not feeling this one :)

7 is simple and fun.

8, good contrast, bit of a tight composition though.

9, :D :D :D

1 and 3 I really like, especcially 3.

2, I am not a fan of the processing, it seems to be missing a shedload of contrast.

4 I feel the same applies, really needs some more contrast.

5 I like, the slant is not required though imo.

6, I am not feeling this one :)

7 is simple and fun.

8, good contrast, bit of a tight composition though.

9, :D :D :D


Thankd for taking the time to look through the photos in my blog thread Gary. Its much appreciated, i have taken your comments onboard and will try a little reprocessing.

What do you find wrong with number 6? And im glad you like 9 :woot:
For the first time in 6 months my weekly blog shot is a day late. This is mainly due to being way too tired from traveling back from The Lakes where I have just spent a rather enjoyable 3 days taking in the sites and many many photographs! I was mainly based in between Buttermere and Crumock water in a rather nice hotel with some superb food. All I can say is WOW! What a place and such amazing scenery. I think you could spend many months in the lakes and still not see and photograph all the place has to offer. Its definately a place I shall be returning to thats for sure.

Week 24 - Stormy morning on Buttermere

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Its a great vista but the HDR is just too much for my taste, a more sedate version of this would be a real winner though.

Sounds like a fabulous place.
I ready storm on a buttercup so not what i was expecting but makes more sence :D

I love the composition but the greens are way to green and the gap between the cloud and the mountain is a little distreacting. I would tone down the greens a little and do a little cloning on the gap which will really help the overall look imo :D
Okay, i think its time to re process the image, it seems most of the comments mirror toothies and hyster's.

Back to the drawing board.
After last weeks image and my slight OTT treatment using hdr (still practicing) this weeks shot has been processed by my normal methods without anything fancy. As the title says this was taken at Wast Water in the lakes on my recent holiday there. It was taken around 6am in the morning. There was some really great light, which you can clearly see change from left to right of this image. It was beautiful. This image is also the first panorama I have done and in my opinion I think its come out pretty well.

Week 25 - Early morning on Wast Water, Cumbria

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The HDR seems a little overcooked, but looks like there's a result hiding in there somewhere. The Pano on the other hand is a lovely shot, and works really well.
The panorama is lovely, very nice shot.

I really have to get my finger out and have a go at landscape stuff.
Right.............taking onboard some feedback on the original shot that i have recieved on my blog i have reprocessed slightly the panorma shot for this week.

Do you guys think the following is an improvement or do you prefer the original?

I have also not re edited Week 24 due to OTT hdr treatment that i gave it.

Here is the new much more subtle hdr version.


Be great see what people think of the re edited one compared to the original.
I'm really liking your shots Ant. Loving the recent pano too. You seem to have nailed it with your 2nd attempt at processing it.

Keep up the good work :)
I'm really liking your shots Ant. Loving the recent pano too. You seem to have nailed it with your 2nd attempt at processing it.

Keep up the good work :)

Thankyou very much, the pano i am really loving at the moment (new edit of course) and i want to get out and so more.
London. What a cool place to visit. The 3rd time I have been and the first time I have been there sight seeing. So many places I wanted to visit, so little time to do them all in. I dont think I will get through my list if I spent a week down there. I departed for the big smoke at around 5.20am on Friday, caught the bus down there and we arrived shortly after 9am. Got ourselves a hearty breakfast and headed off for a days snapping. The weather was beautiful, if a little too hot and muggy for my liking but hey ho. This weeks shot comes from Millenium Birdge. The famous "Wobbly bridge" due to the wobbling sensation people felt when walking across the bridge when it was first opened before it was modified and made not to wobble. Its a fine looking piece or architecture in my humnle opinion, on one side you have St Pauls cathedral and on the other The Tate Modern. Quite photogenic too.

Week 26 - Millenium Bridge, London

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I have decided the image needed slightly lightening so have tweaked only very slightly. See what you guys think.

Hi Antc, first time I have looked at your 52, some good stuff in here. I'll try and check back regularly.

I prefer the edit. It has more contrast. I like the shot but I think it would be a bit better if more of the people where heading towards the camera.

The edit has also created a little bit of a halo around St Paul's, but I don't think it detracts from the shot much.
Hi Antc, first time I have looked at your 52, some good stuff in here. I'll try and check back regularly.

I prefer the edit. It has more contrast. I like the shot but I think it would be a bit better if more of the people where heading towards the camera.

The edit has also created a little bit of a halo around St Paul's, but I don't think it detracts from the shot much.

Hi and thanks for the comments, glad you like the photos. You are correct it does look like there is a tiny bit of a halo but not too much i dont think. I prefer the edit too :)
This week see's another image from my trip to London, The Lloyds Building. I really like this piece of design, I find it very attractive, yet very cold and clinical due to it being entirely clad in metal. I have tried to reflect the buildings coldness in the processing I have used with a cool colour temp. As I see and photograph more and more architecture I am begining to appreciate little design features like for example the enclosed stair wells on the outside of the this buidling. Its funny things that I never used to look at or take notice of I know "see". Everything I look at I am trying to make a photo from. Its wierd how things change when you become a photographer.

Week 27 - The Lloyds Building, London

I like the Lloyds building shot but the first Millenium Bridge shot, thats a killer, usually hate that kind of thing but it just works really well for me.

Not so keen on the lighter version, you have some really good stuff going on here.
I cant choose between those two shots if im honest, i like them both a lot. If i was absolutely forced to choose i think maybe it would be the Lloyds building.

Thanks for the comments Hyster.
This week sees another shot from my Lakes trip. This one was taken early morning on Buttermere. I like this shot for a number of reasons. Firstly I really like the reflection of the mountains in the water, gives the shot an extra dimension. Secondly I like the way the mist is just dusting the mountain peaks which looks really nice. All in all im pretty happy with the way this image has turned out and will be entering it into an upcoming competition with the theme of Reflections.

Week 28 - Reflections in the Mist
