any app ideas?


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I spent a lot of time developing some of my apps for the iPad, put some educational thought into it and made some great educational apps .... but my best sellers are a balloon pop and bubble popping app, where you simply just pop balloons and bubbles,

each of which took me a few hours to make over days for some of my others (and weeks on 1 of them)

does anyone have any ideas of other simple pop type applications i could make?

i have a few:

fly swatting
bug squashing
spot squeezing
no ideas sorry :)

but id like to have a look at your apps (always interested to see what other developers are doing) :)
just type my name into the search, mainly my stuff is for early education and autism

but i do have a fun word game in the whack a mole style :)

and yourself?
me , mainly sports apps so far, and one for a building society using location stuff

if you search for newsquest, those are mine.

i want to start trying my hand at animation/game stuff.

i thought a whack a mole game would be fairly easy if you already have most of the code. did you code them native or have you gone third party?

i like the learn object one, ill try it on my daughter when she gets a bit older :)
me , mainly sports apps so far, and one for a building society using location stuff

if you search for newsquest, those are mine.

i want to start trying my hand at animation/game stuff.

i thought a whack a mole game would be fairly easy if you already have most of the code. did you code them native or have you gone third party?

i like the learn object one, ill try it on my daughter when she gets a bit older :)

ah right, no mine are all built in flash.

I didn't have any code to start with and I'm also not the most experienced programmer so my apps are always very simple, yours look good, looks like you mainly get your rev from advertising right?

how old is your daughter i can sort you out with some promo codes for some i have that might be more relevant to her age
yeah, it helps doing apps for a big company , you have a whole department trying to sell the space for you , the downside is you don't get any of the money

she is only coming up to 1, so it will be a while yet, all she wants do do with my phone is eat it :D
well id love to say yes, as I'm trying to learn object C in the hope to make apps, but unfortunately I'm just learning now, with no aim in mind.
How long did it take you guys to learn to programming, because my head hurts every time i look at it :p

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i did a week long course at nti leeds. but that really only gets you starting to learn the sdk and xcode. then its learn by doing. but i managed to get the hang of it and im no developer (only knew vb scripting before)

stack overflow has saved my life countless times
I want to know when my bladdy phone is calling somebody when its in my pocket, that would be a worthwhile app.:|