Anyone here on strike tomorrow?

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This thread won't last long I bet!

Luckily my son has good teachers at his school who will not be on strike! So parents won't have to use up one of their holiday days or take unpaid leave (I know 1 day means nothing to those getting 12 weeks, but the rest of the population get just 4-5).
This thread won't last long I bet!

Luckily my son has good teachers at his school who will not be on strike! So parents won't have to use up one of their holiday days or take unpaid leave (I know 1 day means nothing to those getting 12 weeks, but the rest of the population get just 4-5).

If they have any holidays left to take :shrug: I suspect quite a few people will lose pay to take the day off.
My fiancée is a teaching assistant, her school has in my mind taken a strange decision, some classes are closed because of no teacher and others are ongoing. She has had to take a days leave because both her children are affected, this is unpaid. Bit annoying she is punished for the actions of others.

I won't be striking, but have been informed before that merely filling in a union form entitles me to strike, have often thought fill it in, go home, bin it the next day.

Not really the spirit though.
My SO is not striking but schools will be closed so she has to do a H&S course instead of scrote politics..:)
My wife is on strike tomorrow, my day off as I work alternate weekends. OHH she says we can go shopping Weds.:puke:
Yep, I'll be on strike tomorrow. :)

My SO is not striking but schools will be closed so she has to do a H&S course instead of scrote politics..:)

My wife is on strike tomorrow, my day off as I work alternate weekends. OHH she says we can go shopping Weds.:puke:

A simple question........ Why strike? Do you think it will really help to change anything :thinking:
Dad's not striking but still has to go to work, despite the students being told to stay home! (College lecturer)
This thread won't last long I bet!

Luckily my son has good teachers at his school who will not be on strike! So parents won't have to use up one of their holiday days or take unpaid leave (I know 1 day means nothing to those getting 12 weeks, but the rest of the population get just 4-5).

So those that care about their pension and future of teachers careers in this country are not "good teachers"

The strike is supposed to inconvenience you, that's the point. You moan and the message gets spoken about further
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A simple question........ Why strike? Do you think it will really help to change anything :thinking:

My SO is not striking but schools will be closed so she has to do a H&S course instead of scrote politics..:)

I don't support the strike, not because I don't think peeps should strike but because I don't think they have any half decent reason to, in the real World we all have to.........NO POLITICS...;)
Strike doesn't effect me. I have a days holiday, but I'll still nip into work to use the gym. Then come back home again. :) My wife howeve ris a mid-day care assistant (dinner lady) no kids will be at school but she still has to go in and do her hour and a quarter as she isn't in the union.
Strike!!! BOOOOOOO!!

Many public workers do not live in the real world (I was one for 12 years so I speak from experience)!

I heard a woman say she's not had a pay rise for 5 years..... Are private workers any different? No. She said her pension is at risk (well it's niot really) but ours is!

I have zero support for this strike especially the way the economy is at the moment. We're all having it hard.

We should however be hitting those that started the mess but that will never happen and we need to get out of this together.
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I don't support the strike, not because I don't think peeps should strike but because I don't think they have any half decent reason to, in the real World we all have to.........NO POLITICS...;)

Where is the politics? :shrug:
I work in the public sector - some of my staff are striking but most including me are working.

The wife (teacher) is still on maternity leave but school is closed for my two eldest kids.

Happy St Andrew's Day !
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So those that care about their pension and future of teachers careers in this country are not "good teachers"

The strike is supposed to inconvenience you, that's the point. You moan and the message gets spoken about further

There is a difference between inconvenience like other public sector workers and forcing parents to take days off. Why should I or many other people be penalised financially because teachers want to strike. That is not fair? Will the unions compensate those, of course not.

Couldn't really care about the rest of public sector, although I don't agree because firstly we are all suffering, be it job insecurity, pay decrease/freeze, redundancy, no or poor pension, and secondly, the majority of union members did NOT vote for a strike. No doubt someone will pipe up about the bankers again, but you know what, blaming people is going to get us nowhere. We need to knuckle down and get on with it. Even with the cuts, many public sector (especially teachers) are in a much better position than many private sector workers, I mean how many teachers are made redundant??? We have to adapt to change, with the population living longer and the 65 plus group ever increasing, we cannot keep things as they are. We need to retire later and/or put more in/take less out.
I'm on strike..... as of 13 minutes ago.. My classes for tomorrow will enjoy an extra day off. Lets see if any of them do some independent learning? lol
There is a difference between inconvenience like other public sector workers and forcing parents to take days off. Why should I or many other people be penalised financially because teachers want to strike. That is not fair? Will the unions compensate those, of course not.

Couldn't really care about the rest of public sector, although I don't agree because firstly we are all suffering, be it job insecurity, pay decrease/freeze, redundancy, no or poor pension, and secondly, the majority of union members did NOT vote for a strike. No doubt someone will pipe up about the bankers again, but you know what, blaming people is going to get us nowhere. We need to knuckle down and get on with it. Even with the cuts, many public sector (especially teachers) are in a much better position than many private sector workers, I mean how many teachers are made redundant??? We have to adapt to change, with the population living longer and the 65 plus group ever increasing, we cannot keep things as they are. We need to retire later and/or put more in/take less out.

As it stands im going to have to pay an extra £80 a month towards my pension. I've seen colleagues that have left had their pensions cut already.... when will it end?

We were told by a local councillor that going on strike was a good idea, because the money they are saving by not paying us for the day will add a massive chunk of cash to pay off the deficit..... and meet their local targets :bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:
So go on strike for 6 months and the countries deficit will be wiped out? :)
There is a difference between inconvenience like other public sector workers and forcing parents to take days off. Why should I or many other people be penalised financially because teachers want to strike. That is not fair? Will the unions compensate those, of course not.

Couldn't really care about the rest of public sector, although I don't agree because firstly we are all suffering, be it job insecurity, pay decrease/freeze, redundancy, no or poor pension, and secondly, the majority of union members did NOT vote for a strike. No doubt someone will pipe up about the bankers again, but you know what, blaming people is going to get us nowhere. We need to knuckle down and get on with it. Even with the cuts, many public sector (especially teachers) are in a much better position than many private sector workers, I mean how many teachers are made redundant??? We have to adapt to change, with the population living longer and the 65 plus group ever increasing, we cannot keep things as they are. We need to retire later and/or put more in/take less out.

Well said (y) but I'm fed up with this living longer crap! Pensions pretty much only pay basic interest on the fund, so the longevity of of the payout is moot! .... and when we die the pension company keep the pot of money anyway, so where does that go? and don't forget the huge sums they take in charges :shrug:
Were all in the wrong jobs, we need to go and work for a charity... my wife does and the benefits are frankly ludicrous.
My OH is on strike and she's having panic attacks about it, keeps on going on about her patients. There's emergency cover so she'll probably spend most of the day on the phone.

Pay more in-get less out-work longer. Who wants a bunch of geriatric nurses looking after people that are younger than them, oh that's right, the people who can afford to go private.
Wohoo! A free day off school for me to play about with the camera out in the rain and rank up on modern warfare!


(17 )
I'm going in ... always had a socialist heart, but I can see that many of those around me are just taking a day off ... without pay, but still, it's a holiday.
I love how the government and media have managed to make it a "blame the public sector" game and concentrate on teachers (already disliked due to "too much holiday" apparantly) and council workers (again already less liked as they are to blame for our rubbish collection, potholes, council tax etc etc)

Never mind the police (150,000 of them, who legally are not allowed to strike and we were all so proud of during this years riots), or the 1.3million nurses, midwives, carers, doctors etc in the NHS (you know, that point of entry free care you get and don't have to have insurance for like in many other euro countrys), or the firefighters (50,000 of them) who only a few years ago were on full strikes and had huge public support.

And then last but not least but you hear nothing on the media or from the government about this particular group either, but you know those guys that protect this country, you know, the ones that many of us were so proud of on November 11th and had our minutes silence, the one's whose colleagues keep coming home in boxes through the likes of Wootton Basset?

Yeah, funny there's no mention of the 200,000 armed forces members that are likely to get their pensions screwed too. A lot of these soldiers start at less than £18000 a year....
What really gets me is the fact that my son who is paying to go to uni is having to miss a day as his teachers are out and a daughter who has missed 2 days last week due to teachers being out and then today.. and no it is not a day off for them they will both be working.. oh and while i am at it ask the forces if they can strike!!!!! they have had their pension cut/messed about. but nah they will just keep going.. think on peeps rant over
The private sector has endured these cuts already and so it only fair it affect the public sector too. The economy is screwed with no end in sight, we must all make sacrifices.

I have seen my pension which I paid 20 years into destroyed by the Blair government, its not fair on any of us but It's just the way it is for now!

Get used to it and get on with life, all the striking in the world won't change a damn thing!
Pension what pension, its allright moaning about being in poverty in old age, i would say 90% of private sector workers will be, we have already been told we will have to work longer, and a lot of us can't afford to pay into pensions,too busy trying to make ends meet now.
I work in the public sector but not in the union so not on strike.
I agree that striking probably wont achieve anything. If they don't fill the black hole from our pensions the government will just tax/penalise us elsewhere.
What i do despise though is people saying that I have a gold plated no! If you saw my annual pension forecast you would see there is nothing gold plated about it.
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stupar said:
If you saw my annual pension forecast you would see there is nothing gold plated about it.

If you saw my annual pension forecast you would see there is just nothing in it, let alone gold plated! I guess that's what comes from working in the private sector.

As a self employed individual I get to lose a days salary to look after the kids because the school's closed. Personally, I think if people want to strike that's fine. A) peacefully and B) they should actually be out on strike somewhere, not christmas shopping or in Costa bemoaning their lot!

And if you didn't vote to strike then you work and the establishment you work for makes provision for that…
I'm a public sector worker too, and won't be on strike either. I work from home so having a one-man picket of my back office/back bedroom is rather pointless.

Normally I'd be out and about in the countryside, but I'll just use today catch up on boring paperwork, and generally look forward to a reduced pointless email load today :)
Maybe if they sacked all the public sector workers then re-employed them on private sector contracts they'd all realise what survival's like in the real world.
Job for life with built in sickies, early retirement and bigger, guaranteed pensions than most, are already more than enough cream on their cake.
mercedes said:
Job for life with built in sickies, early retirement and bigger, guaranteed pensions than most, are already more than enough cream on their cake.

Is that in reference to the public sector?
What really gets me is the fact that my son who is paying to go to uni is having to miss a day as his teachers are out and a daughter who has missed 2 days last week due to teachers being out and then today.. and no it is not a day off for them they will both be working.. oh and while i am at it ask the forces if they can strike!!!!! they have had their pension cut/messed about. but nah they will just keep going.. think on peeps rant over

I remember when I was a student in London there was a group of people outside one of the libraries trying to stop me using the library saying I was "crossing a picket line".

I made it quite clear that if they wanted to reimburse me a day's tuition fees then I would happily not use the library.
I'm rather looking forward to today. I'm in a union but we are working, for obvious reasons!
I've worked as a teacher and now in the private sector so i can speak from both sides unlike a lot of you.

Teaching is harder than any job I've done in the private sector, unless you have done it, you have no idea, so your comments about cushy holidays etc are all mute - you don't know what you are talking about.

So many jobs in the public sector ask you to give more than you get out. Stop moaning just because you have a little inconvenience for one day, think about other people for once. We're talking about the people in the community who do all the kinds of jobs that keep the community going, they teach your children for god sake - don' you want them to be the best they can and have the best job satisfaction possible? After all, it's a knock on effect to your spawn!!

Good luck to all of them, and if it doesn't work? Well, at least you tried and got your message heard, rather than sitting back and letting the profession fester!
How did I guess that this would be another teacher bashing thread ... teachers are not the only ones on strike today *sigh*
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