Anyone in Cumbria

We have a few members in that neck of the woods.

Not a million miles away myself and didn't feel a thing.
Dont think it was a big one but the news are on to it, just wondered if it was as big as ours a couple of years back

Just thinking back to ours and it was a bit nerve wracking as we hadnt had one here and for someone who hasnt gone through one its a bit frightening, especially for the older ones, just hope everyones ok
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Glad there is no major damage as you guys are just recovering from the floods right?
Cumbria is a big place, most of the flooding was in the West of the County, particularly North West and Cockermouth.

Not had it so bad down in in the South Lakes. We are a hardy bunch :)

":wacky:" more like ;) lol
BBC News Staff meeting

" Come on chaps we can't report snow and ice in London everyday, there must be some other news we can drum up"

"Well I live in Cumbria sir and my bed has a wobbly leg, but is did shake more than normal last night"
