Are you a wide boy (or girl)?

Oh lord I closed this forum and had a notification from the local classified, Tokina 11-16 for sale.

It's a conspiracy I tell ya!!!
I think the world is trying to tell you something. I'd sit up and listen :naughty:
Leathertramp said:
I think the world is trying to tell you something. I'd sit up and listen :naughty:

I'm still try to recover from the 70-200 2.8 mrk2 I bought last month. I really would like to try one out though. The only thing is, I really would like to stay away from the ef-s lenses because I am planning to go full frame next year. Hmmm.
Rarely take my sigma10-20 off these days love it!
(Cropped sensor)


The near pebbles in this pic were around 30-40cm in front of the camera to get an idea!

Cheers t
My 17-40mm is perfect for the majority of my landscapes on the 5d. Generally most of my landscapes fall in the 17-24mm category, though all the range gets used. When I'm feeling creative I'll break out the 70-200mm for landscapes too though
I tend to shoot and think wide on my landscapes, and most seem to be taken with a 17-40 lens on a FF body.

My most popular landscapes (published) have all been taken on this combination, usually at the wide end. Three examples:



Like Ed, I used to have a 12-24mm sigma which was great fun on a FF body, you could almost see behind you, although I often struggled to 'think' 12mm.
#1 a corker of a shot Les.