Are You Camera-Shy?

I hate photos of me ..... it's why I take the photos and why my avatar is like it is ....... :confused:

Not quite sure what you mean but if you could explain in further detail I might have a photo (safe for work - just ;) ) which I could post here to illustrate my point.

Don't worry, I'm not at work :D

And it's my birthday today, so I deserve a treat :)
I dislike shots of me! I cannot, for the life of me, generate a half decent smile!
I love it but then having a photography mad father immunised me against shyness :LOL:.
I become just like Phil Cool doing his routine

Now there's a name you don't hear these days!

I HATE having my picture taken - I'd much rather be at the rear of the camera than in front of it. I've just been home to Yorkshire to see all my family and had to have loads of pics done :puke: before I disappear. It's even worse at work when someone has a new baby and wants a pic of the midwife in there too - I don't have time to even check what I look like first :LOL:
Im not camera shy, I love getting my picture taken.

The problem is, I'm shy behind the camera! getting better i think
I'm not a massive fan of having my photo taken but won't go out of my way to avoid it. I always end up looking like a complete muppet.
well i would not spend so much on the camera if i wanted to be infront of it :D

I used to hate it but as I have gotten older I don't mind it as much, think Iv become more confident with myself thanks to outgoing friends.
I really dislike posing for pictures, I can't smile properly unless I really force it (years of wearing braces on my teeth as a teenager) the only reasonable shots of me are unposed ones that I don't know are being taken
I really dislike posing for pictures, I can't smile properly unless I really force it (years of wearing braces on my teeth as a teenager) the only reasonable shots of me are unposed ones that I don't know are being taken

Same here, although most of those are pretty horrendous :(

Did I mention it was my birthday today? :wave:
If people want a photo of me I have to be extremely drunk or you'd need a big enough lens to capture me without me knowing about it.
I use to hate having my picture taken.
We've got a blown up pic on the lounge wall from my eldest stepdaughters wedding.
It made me realise I need to lose weight and I've shed 2 stone since then :)
I don't mind my picture taken for events but I prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front of it.
Trouble is I look like Quasimodo so hate having my picture taken!
I hate the way I look. I haven't a single pic of me that I'd be prepared to show. Thats why wherever a profile pic is required it's inevitably of an animal. (Can't stop others taking sneaky pic's though, so there may be one or two floating about.)
Not a fan of being of being on the other side of the camera but as the night progresses I end up look fapping awesome! :D
From the neck down, even butt naked, no probs. Hate having pics of my face taken though and always have. Not much good for weddings :LOL:

Did I mention that I specialise in "From the neck down" photography? :naughty: :LOL:
By the way.......I love having my photo taken! Been accused on many occasions of being a poser! :LOL:
Theres hardly any photos of me where i don't look awkward. Would much rather be behind the camera than infront of it.
I really don't photograph well and hated picture taken but since getting involved with Edingary in photography I have totally got over it now you cant not be when he about lol.