Baby swan and squirrel

I really like no. 2. Nothing wrong as such for capturing the feet (the feet of the adult nearby), particularly if it adds something that you like but for me it's a bit distracting when you've caught the cygnet really well. A lovely shot nonetheless. :) previous comment I presume might be due to your shot cutting of the cygnets right foot.
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Number 3 is fantastic! the cygnet shots are great too, but shame about the cropped foot
The Squirrel seems a tad over sharp, also the bg is a little noisey

good captures never the less :D

Les (y)
For a first time you have done really well capturing some good detail. The swans are a bit tight in the frame and the first would have been better with a lower point of view - not always possible I know.
The squirrel looks pretty good but with any wildlife its always better to have the subject looking into the frame rather than out as he is, so would have been better to frame up with him more to the right

Love the shot of the squirrel, but as mentioned the background is quite noisy. Do you set your ISO manually or allow the camera to do it? I'm not too familiar with the D5100, but it ISO 2500 meant to be usable?

Again, the shot is still great!

Love the shot of the squirrel, but as mentioned the background is quite noisy. Do you set your ISO manually or allow the camera to do it? I'm not too familiar with the D5100, but it ISO 2500 meant to be usable?

Again, the shot is still great!


I set my ISO manually=]

on the D5100, noise starts to appear around at ISO 1200 but 2500 is very usable for me plus I think noise is beautiful
cracking photo's, 3 for me just edges a great set, i'm begining to favour wildlife photography.(y)
A good set for starters (y) A good low pov on #2 which does make all the difference, a pity about the cropped foot but we all live and learn. The Squirrel is a good capture as well but I feel it looks a little too saturated, yes there is a little noise in the bg but nothing that cannot be sorted out. Hope you do not mind but I did a quick edit and will remove if you wish. Some may preferre the original but imo the harsh saturation just detracts a little from the subject.

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Very nice set, particularly if this is really your first time with wildlife shots. I like Lynne's edit above. The only other thing I would add is that, although it's not really clipped, I would have liked to see a little bit more space for the squirrel's tail (getting all those hairs in the frame).

Good work though! I'd be proud to have taken these.
Really like number 3. The squirrel actually looks like it's posing for the camera. (y)
yes, 3 is great

don;'t mind the noise, depends upon the kit and the lens (what you get out of it)
and the greens...that's just signature nikon isn't it?
My eye isn't as tuned as most on this site, so I can only really comment on what I like - and I really like #3 - I think the interaction of nature and man-made objects is really interesting and grabs my attention.

Good job
If this is your first attempt at wildlife, you have done ok. The exposure is generally good and focus is right. As far as cropping is concerned, I like the crop on number 1, for me its not too tight, but thats personal choice.
Its already been said about the foot in number 2, and potentially its got the making of a good shot, but some noise is creeping in and I think you are bordering on overexposing in this one.
Number 3 is noisy and it looks over sharpened and over saturated, Lynne's edit has improved the noise considerably by running it though a NR program, but without the original he cant reduce correct the sharpening or saturation.
keep at it and keep posting, I look forward to seeing some more (y)
Welcome to TP WilsonWan.
As others have said, for your first time shooting wildlife I think you've done well. All the images, especially the squirrel have a lot of appeal to them - and the focus / exposure looks good.

Most of the suggestions that I would have made have already been discussed so I won't repeat them. The only thing I can add is that IMO you've got a really good starting point there and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go from here.

My eye isn't as tuned as most on this site, so I can only really comment on what I like - and I really like #3 - I think the interaction of nature and man-made objects is really interesting and grabs my attention.

Good job

(y) That is exactly the sort of critique that I wish more new members would give. You really don't need to have been doing photography for a long time to say what you like and why you like it.
Well done Nick and welcome aboard. I hope we hear more from you.
I like the third (with the squirrel posing like an human). Did you use a flash ?
Otherwise I find the baby swans cute especially on the first pic.