Be quick, don`t miss out on a bargain.

Thats worth around £20 to someone without a box when it comes to selling a 40D. I just swapped a Gorrilapod for a Sigma box.
If you've had you're house broken into recently and you want to claim for a 40d you didn't have, it might be a bargain, or if you're selling a 40d without a box, it may be usefull!
To be honest these boxes are large enough to increase the postage cost significantly. I will probably sell my 30D unboxed. I don't think a box adds any functionality at all. The condition of the camera is important.
A box to me is irrelevant, as long as i got the body and all the genuine accessories in a well packed box of any kind then i`m happy with that, a box won`t improve your photography and genuine buyers are more interested in the condition of the equipemnt in my opinion than whether its boxed or not.
I think a box will make a difference to the resale value for most people, and I don't think it has any effect on the postage costs. It is also a much better way to post things.

However the serial number for the camera is on the box isn't it?

Boxes for rolex watches do a roaring trade on ebay, but the boxes don't have the watch number on them.