Best Free VPN Software???

What are you connecting to? Or are you asking because of the Watchdog scare story?
What are you connecting to? Or are you asking because of the Watchdog scare story?

Thanks to all who replyed, yes I watched the watchdog thing Im just interested in it for my home network surely someone could to the same thing from anywere in the world.
I don't understand. I didn't see the programme but I've read a summary. If you use a firewall on your PC (XP onwards does by default) and you use secure internet services like webmail, banking using SSL (which most email providers and all banks do by default) and do not use unsecure clear protocols like POP, IMAP or any HTTP site that is not SSL secured but requires you to authenticate, then there should be no security issues.
VPN's are to setup private connections, sorry I didn't see the watchdog program, but you would not be able to setup a VPN to your bank or anything like that! As Chris says it's browser based and would use SSL, VPN's are used for connections to other networks i.e. your company's network, you go home with a VPN client on your laptop and then log in, so you can access data on that network. What exactly would you want a VPN at home for? What is your current setup? You want to connect to a machine in your office (which is attached to a different network)?
Oh and don't open unsolicited email that looks to be from your bank, credit card company, ebay or paypal telling you your account has been locked out/frozen etc. They are almost always fraudulent. You can easily tell though: hover (but don't click!) your mouse over the login URL and if the status bar shows anything other than your bank's domain name, don't click it.

Better yet, if in doubt, delete the mail. Banks/Ebay/Paypal are not in the habit of "requiring you to update your details" or freezing your account so you must login.
Or forward it to the "phishing" dept of who it is claiming to be from...