Best shows on Prime/Netflix?

Don't know if they are on Netflix but I really enjoy watching lethal weapon and luther is brilliant.
Don't get too attached to Lethal Weapon, Riggs actor has been fired.
I have had prime for nearly 2 years and pickup on greys anatomy. What a great series. We laugh at it all the time. There are sad times too but dont know how we missed it
I'm watching Grey's anatomy too. About the only thing on Prime that's been worth watching.
I have had prime for nearly 2 years and pickup on greys anatomy. What a great series. We laugh at it all the time. There are sad times too but dont know how we missed it
I've watched it in its entirety a few times.
No Netflix here but the latest season is on the usual mid-seaxon break on Sky and I'm impatient for its return.
Netflix: MST3K Classic. If you've never seen it before, skip to the movies (about 8 minutes in) because the intro segments can be a bit hit & miss.
Episodes I'd recommend:
- 17: Space Mutiny - Riotous Star Wars ripoff with Sting, Debbie McGee & God. "We shall be reaching speeds of 3"
- 13: Manos: Hands of Fate - 1960s spooky horror. "Every scene looks like someone's last known photograph"
- 14: Catalina Caper - Beach party comedy musical with a cameo from Little Richard.
- 15: Eegah! - Caveman-takes-teen-hostage thriller with Bond villain Richard Kiel. "Watch out for snakes!"

I'm not sold on the reboot, but if you're a bit younger than me, then S01E05 (Starcrash) and S02E02 (Atlantic Rim) are about the best.
Ive been watching Alias on prime, up to about episode 19 of S1. Went back in yesterday to carry on and I now have to pay for that series apparently. Time to cancel prime again I think. Dont get any of that pay randomly crap on netflix.
Just finished Person of Interest Series 5 on Prime...thoroughly addictive, but sad it's over. Just wonder if the Machine can resurrect itself with a new team....
Finished Killing Eve ... enjoyed that.

Just started a new series called Manifest ... Looks promising.

Loved Killing Eve and noticed there is Killing Eve 2 coming soon as advertised on BBC
anyone any recommendations for either? Ive cancelled prime because to me the selection is she-ite, However am desperately trying to finish the man in the high castle as thats pretty good. Into the Badlands also not bad. Black sails was a bit dull I thought and the Arrow ones just ridiculously bad acting all round. Bosch series 1 was pretty good too, second one a bit slow.(although Geri Ryan looking very nice in it :love:)

Anything worth going back to Netflix for? Daredevil season 2 I presume is out now? Any others?

Cheers all.
On Netflix, Sex Education is brilliant, a little bit of suspension of belief required as the setting is odd... Modern day UK, with strong American influences and 80s styling... You'll see what I mean if you try it! Clever, awkward, touching and most importantly funny. Also Gilliam Anderson.

One to avoid is Netflix made film Close, starts well but falls apart, awful dialogue, editing, some ropey cliché baddies, I was genuinely angered by how bad it was, when could have been good. (Mrs says I need to relax, it's just a film [emoji13])

Final rec. on Netflix is Canadian mini series Bad Blood, true story of the mafia family that ran Montreal for the last few decades. Interesting as fact based drama. ( it's a real life mini sopranos)
If you like science fiction, The Expanse is the best series i've seen for years.
Enjoying Manifest but currently up to date so have started watching Outlander.

6 episodes in and the womans voice is really doing my head in but not allowed to stop now as the wife has got into it.

Only another 4 seasons and roughly 50 episodes to go .... :banghead:
Try "The Marvellous Mrs Maisel" on Prime. Hilarious............and the high production values really shine. You have to get Jewish humour though and sometimes the dialogue is fast and furious and fruity.

"Slasher" seasons 1 & 2 on Netflix..............extremely gory thriller from Canada. The two seasons are completely different stories.

"Ghost Stories" British horror/supernatural/creepy film on Netflix with a twist.

"You" on Netflix - psychological thriller about a stalker.
On Netflix a new season of The Bridge is on. A gritty Swedish/Danish crime drama with a twist. (not the watered down, US version)
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I really enjoyed titans, very well done. Have watched the first of umbrella academy and really enjoyed that too.
Watched Umbrella Academy a few weekends ago. Very good.
Last week I watched Glitch. I had seen season 1 before on the TV, but watched it again last week followed by season 2. Now got to wait for season 3.
Currently watching The Strain on Now TV. Already seen 1st 3 seasons on TV, last episodes of season 4 to watch tonight.
Watching season two of The Orville, well worth the wait.
On Netflix a new season of The Bridge is on. A gritty Swedish/Danish crime drama with a twist. (not the watered down, US version)
Is that the final series, that was shown on BBC4 last year then?
Ive been watching Secret City on netflix. it's an Oz political drama ala homeland/house of cards - it has Anna Torv from Fringe in, who i love and I can't believe i didnt know about the show til last week, when its on season 2 now.

if you have amazon prime, the 1st series of icelandic crime drama Trapped is on there, and then you can get onto series 2 on iplayer before the episodes disappear :) (or wait til they are on prime - i dont have prime.. boo)
Watched After life in one session, I really enjoyed it.
Watched After life in one session, I really enjoyed it.

i tried to watch it...but 2 weeks ago my missus found a lump in her boob and her nipple was itchy...she was sent off to the breast cancer clinic by her GP for a review but we had to wait 2 weeks to be seen, i found it really difficult to watch, i could 100% see myself in ricky gervais...thankfully she got the all clear on thursday and i felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders...maybe il try again to watch it
i tried to watch it...but 2 weeks ago my missus found a lump in her boob and her nipple was itchy...she was sent off to the breast cancer clinic by her GP for a review but we had to wait 2 weeks to be seen, i found it really difficult to watch, i could 100% see myself in ricky gervais...thankfully she got the all clear on thursday and i felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders...maybe il try again to watch it

I was shocked to hear that news and then so happy for you and your wife with the outcome, now enjoy your lives to the full.
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Just finished watching season 2 of The OA after having to rewatch season 1, WOW.
Hoping for more, apparently they have material for another 3 seasons.
Just binged Bodyguard on Netflix, it was bloody good, the plot twists were very well done.
Watched The Dirt on Netflix earlier, the Mötley Crűe story. Worth it just for the music alone.