Billybob's 52 2011 week 7 "DELICATE"

Hiya Andrew,

I agree there is potential for this subject from a photographic point.

Were you trying an HDR on this one? The only reason I ask is that there seems to be a interference in the sky and a lot of saturation in the bricks, with what appears to be a slight halo effect.

There is a similar building nearby to me that I was thinking of for this theme, and it has often proved to be a challenge to photograph, so it would be interesting to hear from the pro's what they advise on this.

Otherwise I think the photo has a very dramatic appeal and a 'take back to the time' feeling.

Well done and I look forward to seeing the rest of your pics in this 52.


Dawn :)
Agree the place is and interesting one and to fit this weeks challenged,

would need a bit of work to make it liveable again :D

Not sure about the processing though, looks over done, both with the luminosity slider and to over sharpened
You have made this building look very creepy - a really dramatic effect.
It looks a little oversharpened but a great moody scene. It reminds me of the army training camps used to practise urban warfare like Eastmere not far from me.
I like the building and the composition but I'm not really so fond of the processing on this one. Not sure why, just not my cup of tea I suppose.
HI Andrew,

Really like the first shot - very atmospheric

The NEW shot is pretty good too - the angle it is shot at gives it an almost horselike (neck / head ) appearance. The bokeh and plain background make the subject stand out for me too.

Hiya Andrew

Wow! I do like the image, very much! Well done on a great photo and take on the theme.

I think the sharpness and detail you have got is fantastic and I love the water drops and caught the translucency of the edge of the petals. Liking the background too and the slight blur of the stem in the foreground.

My only very slight crit would be about the light reflection on the stem, it is a tad harsh.

But otherwise I think you have a cracking shot there.

Well done, good luck with the next theme and look forward to following your project.


Dawn :)
Another super shot,just love seeing the detail of the droplets :)
love this weeks shots its great the water droplets and details are superb
Brilliant, love the composition and the texture and looks sharp where it should be. As mentioned the only mini letdown is the reflection on the stem.
good shot my man well done (y) like the droplets good shot ;)
I agree with the population that the 2nd shot is great - well done!
Week 1 - not keen on this. Strange pattern in the sky. The building has potential.
Week 2 - this is great. The shape reminded me of a seahorse. The water drops really add to the photo. Background colour really suits the subject.
Hiya Andrew,

Good take on the theme. I used to collect buttons years ago, not sure what happened to them all, and now only have a few in the sewing box.

I like how you have captured the colours, but think the image could benefit from different lighting, mainly because there is quite a lot of shadow around some of the buttons and perhaps if you had a light source from a different angle would prevent that. I only say this because it is the one thing that I have been more aware of since starting this 52.

It's amazing what one can do with a standard table lamp and different coloured bulbs.

I have also found that by taking the shot from a different anlge helps avoid the shadows.

Overall a good take on the theme.


Dawn :)
Hiya Andrew,

WoW!!! I absolutely love this photo and great take on the theme too :clap:

I love the colours, detail and subject. I might have suggested getting the background all dark, but then it is a tough choice because as it is it puts it in perspective of its surroundings, so perhaps a bit of DOF would have benefited :shrug:

Otherwise I think this is gorgeous, and it would be interesting to perhaps try an HDR processing on this subject.

Well done :clap:

Look forward to seeing what you get for the next theme.


Dawn :)
I adore this photo too... it has such a quality about it. Love the angle you took it at, the light on it.... really, everything about it, Andrew.

Blooming mahhhvellous darlin' methinks! :)

(wouldn't ya just love to have that in your garden ... its fab!)
They're looking good Andrew.
I like the frost on the bud. Is it just the DOF, or have you places a green sheet in the BG?

A great take on 'open'.
Any idea what the car is/ was?
I agree with Dawn that a bit of DOF would be good for the BG.
I also think getting some of the side of the car in shot would be good.
I love the carpet though.

I look at this picture and think why this car was placed under a carpet and left to go like this? It tells a sad story :(
Hi Andrew.
What a great sight to just come across. You have captured some great textures and colours there. The carpet draping the car looks like it might have been as valuable as the car at one time. Nice find and nice shot.

superb great idea i was looking and thinking what all tha about but then the penny dropped superb :bonk:
can i be the first to issue a groan....?

guess this week was too much of a tough nut for you to crack andy..?
Wk 1 - Liked the look of the building but not the processing
wk 2 - Love the bud, beautiful light and sharp focus
wk 3 - The buttons were a great idea and your photo competent but lacked something
wk 4 - a really interesting subject that is well lit and sharply in focus
wk 5 - the most amusing I've seen so far and you have been so quick off the mark (y)