Blondie606's Photo52 2011-Wk 52 Glass & Nature,Challenge Complete


#1, great idea and the first of this type (where's my car key!). I like it but is seems a tad close for me, especially at the bottom. I wish there was a bit more sun on his face.

#2, quite a lot if detail, especially in the darks. The but at the top of the flower spoils the symmetry a bit. Cries out for border, for me. What's the white edge caused by or is it part of the flower?

Hiya Lynne,

Ouch .... this week does seem to have given you the punch babes.

I'm really sorry to say (and I feel so bad saying this after the fab comments you left on my thread) but I have to be honest here......

Neither of the shots do anything for me this week :crying:

(but don't worry we all have weeks like this .... and considering the weather hasn't been too bright of late it is well understandable).

Having said that, I don't know if my critique is going to be too constructive .... but heyho it is early morning and I can't sleep so I might as well make use of the time.

#1 OMG your model has a gorgeous face/side profile, even though it looks like he has a bit of lunch on the corner of his lips, which could quite easily be resolved :naughty: :LOL:

I like the idea you had for this photo, the pose is good ... the composition is poor, especially with the building in the background. It may have been better to find a spot with either a cloudy (even if dull sky) behind the model.

The only plus is the light reflection on the arm and face.

#2 Nice colours and details in the flower ... but the background lets it down. I think if you had kicked the camera into Manual (either manual or auto focus .... but I prefer manual focus) ...... set the exposure to 1/200, F22'ish (play about with it to lower number depending on external lighting), ISO 200 or 400 and set your flash compensation to between -1 to -2 you would have captured some true detail in the flower and got a darker background which would have really emphasised the brightness of the flower. I would have also perhaps taken the shot from different angles and perhaps got really low down looking up from an different angle. As it is .... it is too symmetrical and there is the very OE blob below it which is very distracting.

I'm sorry if this all sounds negative .... but I hope I have included some constructive ideas that may help for a future shoot. I have to say I am still very much on a learning curve myself ... but one area that I have developed a passion for is taking photos of flowers and so far am happy with most of the results and I am happy to share that learning experience with you if you are interested.

I realise that these two photos are way out of your comfort zone as a photographer and bearing that in mind ... I think you have done considerably well.


Dawn :)
Hi Lynne

I'm low on inspiration also :(

#1 is a great shot but speaks of a setting sun in the evening.
#2 is beautiful, bright with detail showing how papery the petals on the poppy are (y) Well done, leave your coat in the cupboard ;)

Cheers Tina

Hi Lynne I think #1 has the makings of a very striking image. The pose, angle, focus, composition all call out to me

Thanks again least someone thinks it has potential :)

Hi Lynne

Im also Low on Inspiration and Time this week. I have one I took in NYC I may pull out the bag. Still need to do my hidden reshoot too.

Now for your pics... I like the first image but it's really under exposed to me... I think like others have said it needs pushed in PP a few stops brighter...

The second is one of those flower shots to me which is just OK... It's not bad dont get me wrong... and as i'm a bloke im not hugely into flower shots... but this just lacks interest for me... I much prefer a flower shot looking into the flower if that makes sense. It also looks slightly oversharpened... and could do with more DOF to catch the stem... but thats just me...

Good work though...


Hi Mark , thanks for your feedback , I was really aiming for some type of silhoette(sp?) effect but didn't quite pull it off :crying:

The poppy is not my fave shot but best of a poor bunch...serves me right for rushing!


#1, great idea and the first of this type (where's my car key!). I like it but is seems a tad close for me, especially at the bottom. I wish there was a bit more sun on his face.

#2, quite a lot if detail, especially in the darks. The but at the top of the flower spoils the symmetry a bit. Cries out for border, for me. What's the white edge caused by or is it part of the flower?


Hi Andy , I was sat on the floor looking up at his face using the macro lens..possibly should have tried the kit lens but time was against us .

The white edge is part of the flower & was trying to avoid piknic for a change . Still I'm gonna try for a reshoot if I can get someone to help me this weekend :)
Hiya Lynne,

Ouch .... this week does seem to have given you the punch babes.

I'm really sorry to say (and I feel so bad saying this after the fab comments you left on my thread) but I have to be honest here......

Neither of the shots do anything for me this week :crying:

(but don't worry we all have weeks like this .... and considering the weather hasn't been too bright of late it is well understandable).

Having said that, I don't know if my critique is going to be too constructive .... but heyho it is early morning and I can't sleep so I might as well make use of the time.

#1 OMG your model has a gorgeous face/side profile, even though it looks like he has a bit of lunch on the corner of his lips, which could quite easily be resolved :naughty: :LOL:

I like the idea you had for this photo, the pose is good ... the composition is poor, especially with the building in the background. It may have been better to find a spot with either a cloudy (even if dull sky) behind the model.

The only plus is the light reflection on the arm and face.

#2 Nice colours and details in the flower ... but the background lets it down. I think if you had kicked the camera into Manual (either manual or auto focus .... but I prefer manual focus) ...... set the exposure to 1/200, F22'ish (play about with it to lower number depending on external lighting), ISO 200 or 400 and set your flash compensation to between -1 to -2 you would have captured some true detail in the flower and got a darker background which would have really emphasised the brightness of the flower. I would have also perhaps taken the shot from different angles and perhaps got really low down looking up from an different angle. As it is .... it is too symmetrical and there is the very OE blob below it which is very distracting.

I'm sorry if this all sounds negative .... but I hope I have included some constructive ideas that may help for a future shoot. I have to say I am still very much on a learning curve myself ... but one area that I have developed a passion for is taking photos of flowers and so far am happy with most of the results and I am happy to share that learning experience with you if you are interested.

I realise that these two photos are way out of your comfort zone as a photographer and bearing that in mind ... I think you have done considerably well.


Dawn :)

Oh pants :( but in all honesty I agree with most of your comments ,I'm here to learn so everything helps (y)

11st shot...struggling for time as Ash should have been working so couldn't spend as much time as I'd have liked getting the positioning right . Tried some earlier in the day under beautiful blue sky with no building in the background but failed to get my models hair clip ( a girl not Ash !) in shot as again was pushed for time as she was meant to be working! The full sun shot didn't seem to work so well either..maybe I shoold stay away from people shots :shrug: The light bit by his mouth is actually sun reflecting off his stubble!

Poppy...1st off I have no idea what flash compensation is ? I would have prefered either a full shot down in to the open flower of an upwards shot however....all the poppies were closed up & to get an upwards shot would have meant lying down on the banking in my works uniform whilst trying to avoid getting run over by the passing traffic as it's a very narrow country type lane:LOL:
I did take a couple that resulted in a darker background but it had a weird effect on the petals detail so decided against it . The blob is another bud .This was taken handheld at f6.3 ISO 250 1/ idea if thats right or wrong . The picture ended up bright overall which I quite liked in terms of fitting the theme ?

So all crit taken on board...roll on the meet , as you may find yourself with a very attentative student (y)
Ok for a penny in for a pound...get the feeling I may just regret this however after the carp day I've had at work things must surely get better :LOL:

Had a little play with the 2 shots ( one the same one slightly different )...are these any better ?

DSC_5577b by llj666, on Flickr

& yes...the sky is bright/blown but not clever enough in pp to alter to it

DSC_5591 copy by llj666, on Flickr

I'll be back later for more abuse :LOL:
Hiya Lynne,

Sorry to hear you had a carp day .... hope your evening turns out a lot better.

Well done on the edits. For me #1 looks much better and brighter and fits the theme better than the original post. You are lucky to have colleagues at work willing to help you by modelling for your shots :D My colleagues would probably never dream of it :LOL:

I love the bright red of the poppy in the second take and think the composition works better (maybe a very slight crop of the right). I did like the first shot ... it was just the bright bud in the background that I found a bit distracting .... and now that I look at them both, I can't decide which I prefer, they are both good.

Look forward to a meet soon .... I think we will all learn from each other.

And BTW don't give up on portrait photography .... I think you are doing a great job and look forward to seeing more of same from you in this project.


Dawn :)
The first of your edits is spot on. This screams bright and the light along his arm, face and bottom of the glasses really stands out now. Perfect for the theme. The blown sky is acceptable as all the books and magazines tell us to expose for the subject, unless you are after a silhouette, and your subject is well exposed, with nice composition too.

Personally, of the two flowers, I prefer the first. For me it's brighter and i'm not sure about the composition of the second one.
Sorry it's taken me a while to get round to my comments.
The edits are an improvement, but despite the first shot being better, the sky is still blown. Always try to expose for the highlights, then use fill in flash, reflectors, and some dodge to deal with the midrange and shadows.

You have also cropped on the neck line, which upsets the balance. Ideally he should be on the right hand third line, looking into the photo, with possibly a bit more shoulder in, just to stop the "floating head".

But a good interpretation on a difficult theme.

The poppy edit is good. But the composition needs more work. Play around with crops, as there is something not quite harmonious with it as it stands. Maybe have the poppy on the righthand third line, and try a little rotation too. Something will work! 

Overall, good strong images. Visualising the shot is so important, and you have nailed that.
Hiya Lynne,

Sorry to hear you had a carp day .... hope your evening turns out a lot better.

Well done on the edits. For me #1 looks much better and brighter and fits the theme better than the original post. You are lucky to have colleagues at work willing to help you by modelling for your shots :D My colleagues would probably never dream of it :LOL:

I love the bright red of the poppy in the second take and think the composition works better (maybe a very slight crop of the right). I did like the first shot ... it was just the bright bud in the background that I found a bit distracting .... and now that I look at them both, I can't decide which I prefer, they are both good.

Look forward to a meet soon .... I think we will all learn from each other.

And BTW don't give up on portrait photography .... I think you are doing a great job and look forward to seeing more of same from you in this project.


Dawn :)

Many thanks Dawn...I am trying to learn from everyones comments & your's certainly help alot :)

The first of your edits is spot on. This screams bright and the light along his arm, face and bottom of the glasses really stands out now. Perfect for the theme. The blown sky is acceptable as all the books and magazines tell us to expose for the subject, unless you are after a silhouette, and your subject is well exposed, with nice composition too.

Personally, of the two flowers, I prefer the first. For me it's brighter and i'm not sure about the composition of the second one.

Thanks for commenting Darren...much appreciated :)

I agree with Darren.


Sorry it's taken me a while to get round to my comments.
The edits are an improvement, but despite the first shot being better, the sky is still blown. Always try to expose for the highlights, then use fill in flash, reflectors, and some dodge to deal with the midrange and shadows.

You have also cropped on the neck line, which upsets the balance. Ideally he should be on the right hand third line, looking into the photo, with possibly a bit more shoulder in, just to stop the "floating head".

But a good interpretation on a difficult theme.

The poppy edit is good. But the composition needs more work. Play around with crops, as there is something not quite harmonious with it as it stands. Maybe have the poppy on the righthand third line, and try a little rotation too. Something will work! 

Overall, good strong images. Visualising the shot is so important, and you have nailed that.

Thanks Adie....fill in flash, reflectors & some Dodge?? Appreicate what your saying ( I think ) but I'm no portrait tog :LOL: Composition I'm still a bit baffled with but I'll keep trying :)

Hi, Lynne, I rarely edit other members photographs but I had a go on your bright.

I thought a crop, B&E conversion and a boost to the bright bits might help.

I'll remove, if needed.


face NOT MINE by andysheader, on Flickr

Andy...I really like what you've done the shot , much more how I imagined it , never occured to try B&W but next time I'll give it a go .Thanks for posting (y)
OMG for a moment I thought I was suffering from Déjà vu ... but hey we are on your post now.

Lynne, I think you are doing a sterling job babes and I always look forward to your posts for each week. I have my favourites that I look out for (no names mentioned) but I get so excited to see they have posted :banana: and you are one of those babes.

You have come so far in your learning ... if you don't believe me ...cast yourself back to the beginning and look through your project ... I think you will be well surprised. And you know what ... it is all your doing ... with the advice and encouragement of your friends here on TP52 2011.

You have taken all the comments and critique and put them into action and for that I admire you.

You have definitely developed over the weeks and are starting to emerge as a butterfly ready to fly and discover more about the world of photography and I am sure you will learn more as the weeks progress.

We are one week away from mid-52 and I think it is getting to the stage where we all feel a tad drained .... but bear with it .... we just need to get over this hill and then it is a downward spiral from here ... it is all psychological and downhill is always better than uphill.

So please grin and bear ... it will be well worth it in the end :D

Luv you and your work


Dawn :)
Thanks Adie....fill in flash, reflectors & some Dodge?? Appreicate what your saying ( I think ) but I'm no portrait tog :LOL: Composition I'm still a bit baffled with but I'll keep trying :)

Stick at it :)
Like Dawn says in her post, I look forward to your posts as I like to see how you have improved from the beginning. As far as I can tell, you ARE a portrait tog. You have visualised a shot, and executed what was needed to bring your vision onto print. The last portrait told a story, and was shot with a style, the low down point of view.. That is portrait photography ;)
All you need to do is take your time with the set up, and use some of the tools available to you to really lift the shots to the next level.

For composition, just stick to the basic rules first, until the become second nature, then start to break em :D

Never crop a joint.
Eyes pin sharp
Try to put key elements on third lines (often the eyes, but not always)
Always try to have the subject look into the shot

As for reflectors, fill in flash and dodge.. Well a simple polystyrene ceiling tile will act as a good reflector, and most software has a dodge brush. Just set the tolerance to say 3% Midtones, and with a large soft brush, just lighten the areas that need bringing back a little.

But don't lose sight of what you already have, which is a good eye for a shot.

Keep it up, nearly half way there!

Also just remember... it is only a hobby... its not worth getting dewpressed over... Im assuming you have years worth of photography aheaed of you so dont get stressed over the next six months!

But also if it doesn't suit you relax your own rules on the 52! I did and makes it a lot easier and I get better shots as a result... The main one for me was that I wont lock down my weekly submissions for my final 52 till year end! Try to keep up but its not the bee all and end all!

Chin Up!

The first of your edits is spot on. This screams bright and the light along his arm, face and bottom of the glasses really stands out now. Perfect for the theme. The blown sky is acceptable as all the books and magazines tell us to expose for the subject, unless you are after a silhouette, and your subject is well exposed, with nice composition too.

Personally, of the two flowers, I prefer the first. For me it's brighter and i'm not sure about the composition of the second one.

I agree with Darren.


I love what Andy did with your Bright (y)

ps, don't fret, we promise to look at your pictures even if they are late/out of sequence/nothing to do with 52 as we like your work :clap:
OMG for a moment I thought I was suffering from Déjà vu ... but hey we are on your post now.

Lynne, I think you are doing a sterling job babes and I always look forward to your posts for each week. I have my favourites that I look out for (no names mentioned) but I get so excited to see they have posted :banana: and you are one of those babes.

You have come so far in your learning ... if you don't believe me ...cast yourself back to the beginning and look through your project ... I think you will be well surprised. And you know what ... it is all your doing ... with the advice and encouragement of your friends here on TP52 2011.

You have taken all the comments and critique and put them into action and for that I admire you.

You have definitely developed over the weeks and are starting to emerge as a butterfly ready to fly and discover more about the world of photography and I am sure you will learn more as the weeks progress.

We are one week away from mid-52 and I think it is getting to the stage where we all feel a tad drained .... but bear with it .... we just need to get over this hill and then it is a downward spiral from here ... it is all psychological and downhill is always better than uphill.

So please grin and bear ... it will be well worth it in the end :D

Luv you and your work


Dawn :)

Many thanks Dawn , I think I am learning but always a slow process with me !

Stick at it :)
Like Dawn says in her post, I look forward to your posts as I like to see how you have improved from the beginning. As far as I can tell, you ARE a portrait tog. You have visualised a shot, and executed what was needed to bring your vision onto print. The last portrait told a story, and was shot with a style, the low down point of view.. That is portrait photography ;)
All you need to do is take your time with the set up, and use some of the tools available to you to really lift the shots to the next level.

For composition, just stick to the basic rules first, until the become second nature, then start to break em :D

Never crop a joint.
Eyes pin sharp
Try to put key elements on third lines (often the eyes, but not always)
Always try to have the subject look into the shot

As for reflectors, fill in flash and dodge.. Well a simple polystyrene ceiling tile will act as a good reflector, and most software has a dodge brush. Just set the tolerance to say 3% Midtones, and with a large soft brush, just lighten the areas that need bringing back a little.

But don't lose sight of what you already have, which is a good eye for a shot.

Keep it up, nearly half way there!

Cheers Adie...appreciate knowing that I'm getting at least some of it right...need to concentrate on the finer points . My work mates already think I'm barking mad but always help me out when asked ....if I turned up with a polystyrene tile I think they'd have me carted off :LOL: Got a training session owed to me on PS so maybe then I'll have an understanding of dodge etc etc


I love what Andy did with your Bright (y)

ps, don't fret, we promise to look at your pictures even if they are late/out of sequence/nothing to do with 52 as we like your work :clap:

Many thanks Tina , appreicate you comments(y)

Love that poppy shot, just beautiful.
The edit of the portrait now shouts "BRIGHT". I like Andy's B+W too.

Cheers Patrick
Rescue....managed to get the shots I wanted on wednesday...still need to upload & sort them into what I am thinking of as the end result .Gonna be a late entry this week as working full day tomorrow so probably post up on sunday .If I can't get my POTY shot tomorrow then one of the Rescue shots is a back up so can't post till then

Thanks once again to everyone for all your support , advice & help with my 52...couldn't have got this far without you all (y)(y)(y)

ps...caught up ono a few posts tonihgt but now realise it's 9pm & not eaten yet so back tomorrow to check out all the 52's I've missed tonight :)
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Rescue....managed to get the shots I wanted on wednesday...still need to upload & sort them into what I am thinking of as the end result .Gonna be a late entry this week as working full day tomorrow so probably post up on sunday .If I can't get my POTY shot tomorrow then one of the Rescue shots is a back up so can't post till then

Thanks once again to everyone for all your support , advice & help with my 52...couldn't have got this far without you all (y)(y)(y)

ps...caught up ono a few posts tonihgt but now realise it's 9pm & not eaten yet so back tomorrow to check out all the 52's I've missed tonight :)

Hiya Lynne,

Ooooh, sounds interesting .... can't wait to see the shots your got for rescue. Don't worry about it being a late entry .... actually you still have a few days to go :D

Now you get something to eat and some rest, it sounds like you have a busy day tomorrow.

Take care


Dawn :)
Whew......just managed to sneak under the wre with this one :eek:

1st off some waffle....................

Aside from taking photo's outside of my normal area ( bikes n wildlife) & playing / learning about lighting,compostion etc a huge part of this challenge has been to build my confidence . I'm basically a very shy person & find it hard to talk to people & go in to places on my own ( it's true I tell ya !). So far in my 52 I've been in to a Porsche dealership & spent an hour (much to the sales guys amusement ) snapping the old classic which included laying on the floor , asked several of my collegues for help & confirmed to them that I am slightly odd , been to a tattoo parlour & snapped away whilst the artist did his work on his clients arm , spent an hour at the local Taxi rank ( they were very interested in what I was doing but both the drivers & passerby's had a good laugh at this mad englishwomen & her camera !) , spent several hours in the middle of Sheffield after dark on my own(poty) & done a self portrait .I've also spent time with the local police dog squad & puppy walkers & arranged to go do some photo's with the Rotherham United tog at a home game this coming season ! So , all in all my confidence has grown no end , my range of subjects has increased & hopefully I'm improving all the time , albeit slowly:D

RESCUE..... had no idea until a passing vehicle triggered a thought , a vision came to me & off I went to.................................................................. the local Firestation:eek:
Ring door bell...... "can I help you ?" said a rather dishy fireman

"Er , well....(always prepared, thats me ! )....I'm doing a photography project & I'd like to take some shots of various things around the fire station"...I replied , as if it was the most normal request ever :LOL:
" No problem , come back tomorrow & see Matt "

Woohooo....mile wide smile & that was that (y)

Trundled back the next evening , met Matt , the chap in charge of the Watch who was absolutely brilliant ( sure he thought I was barking mad as well !) He showed me round the garage , told me a bit about the Watch then bang....the siren for a shout went off.......What did I do ? stood out of the way till one of the guy's said...quick , get outside & catch the tender on it's way out of the doors ,lights flashing etc....DOH ! why didn't I think of that:bonk:
Anyway , 1 cup of tea & 45 mins later I'd taken as many shots as I needed , said cheerio to Matt & promised to email him the results . Was also mentioned that I should try n get back there when they were training for some action shots :)

The result....

Week 25 Rescue by llj666, on Flickr

Overall I'm pleased with the individaul shots , just upgraded picnik so still trying to figure out how to work the framing etc
So , fire away with crit... but as I like it I have only one reply :p:LOL:
Overall, you should be pleased. All the elements of rescue and some firemen...:naughty:

Framing works well as do the internal borders.

Lower left is a great one for me, a bit sci fi...:thinking:

Perhaps a polariser to remove the reflections on the window/front of fire truck?

Cheers and nice one...(y)
Well done. Outstanding effort. Good for you going out and getting this shot.

Photography is hunting, not shopping!
Hiya Lynne,

Only you ..... what a story I absolutely loved reading through it and indeed you have got it bang on theme this week .... so 10/10 to you :clap:

I absolutely love your montage .... you have captured so much which is all a story in itself and for me .... I think this is one of the best weeks you have produced.

You have had the 'balls' to phone them up ... arrange a meet, get told by one of them what would be a good shot, enjoyed a cuppa tea and had an all round blast of a time ... so for that I take my hat off to you.

I love your pic and the way you have included the emblem in the top left corner ... and then all the pics just give so much detail about the activity that goes on in the fire station ... you have defo got the tog eyes there.

I am so impressed with this pic for this week and for me it definitely takes the cake (y)

Well done babes, you have really pushed yourself on this one and it has paid off big time.

Keep up the brilliant work.


Dawn :)
lynne..i was going to do something similar..but with the local ambulance station...but me and hospitals don't mix after too many years of Carry on films and Benny Hill.... heaven help if i get an ingrowing toenail?
So , fire away with crit... but as I like it I have only one reply :p:LOL:

Fire away - no pun intended?

I love it Lynne, I pass Salford fire station every day going to work and had the same idea but chickened out, so good for you.
My idea wouldn't have been like this, I defo would have chickened out on doing all these shots, one shot and out of there would have been me!

I love the two fire engines under the badge, the fire pole, they're all great as is the arrangement of the pictures.

Big (y) and :clap: for the image, idea and for you for going to the fire station, although I am confused on that being difficult for you; I thought you ladies would jump at a chance to hang out with a fire man!
although I am confused on that being difficult for you; I thought you ladies would jump at a chance to hang out with a fire man!

Especially fully loaded hoses :LOL:

:thinking: this may be a bit :naughty:

But I like it ..... so well done babe you have hit the theme all round!!!!!

Overall, you should be pleased. All the elements of rescue and some firemen...:naughty:

Framing works well as do the internal borders.

Lower left is a great one for me, a bit sci fi...:thinking:

Perhaps a polariser to remove the reflections on the window/front of fire truck?

Cheers and nice one...(y)

Cheers currently thinking about one of those CP's.....along with a hundred other bits n pieces of camera goodies :LOL: The bottom left is THE Firemans pole....

Well done. Outstanding effort. Good for you going out and getting this shot.

Photography is hunting, not shopping!

Thanks Adie

Hiya Lynne,

Only you ..... what a story I absolutely loved reading through it and indeed you have got it bang on theme this week .... so 10/10 to you :clap:

I absolutely love your montage .... you have captured so much which is all a story in itself and for me .... I think this is one of the best weeks you have produced.

You have had the 'balls' to phone them up ... arrange a meet, get told by one of them what would be a good shot, enjoyed a cuppa tea and had an all round blast of a time ... so for that I take my hat off to you.

I love your pic and the way you have included the emblem in the top left corner ... and then all the pics just give so much detail about the activity that goes on in the fire station ... you have defo got the tog eyes there.

I am so impressed with this pic for this week and for me it definitely takes the cake (y)

Well done babes, you have really pushed yourself on this one and it has paid off big time.

Keep up the brilliant work.


Dawn :)

Many thanks Dawn , very happy with the result & still amazed at myself for being bold enough to do it

lynne..i was going to do something similar..but with the local ambulance station...but me and hospitals don't mix after too many years of Carry on films and Benny Hill.... heaven help if i get an ingrowing toenail?

Kev....what can I say....go for it (y)

Fire away - no pun intended?

I love it Lynne, I pass Salford fire station every day going to work and had the same idea but chickened out, so good for you.
My idea wouldn't have been like this, I defo would have chickened out on doing all these shots, one shot and out of there would have been me!

I love the two fire engines under the badge, the fire pole, they're all great as is the arrangement of the pictures.

Big (y) and :clap: for the image, idea and for you for going to the fire station, although I am confused on that being difficult for you; I thought you ladies would jump at a chance to hang out with a fire man!

Many thanks for your comments Neil...strange thing was I was far more interested in the shots than the sad does that make me:naughty:

Great set of photos!


& I really must say a mahooosive THANK YOU to all the lads at Rotherham Fire Station for being so helpful & making a great cuppa (y)
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Sorry been awhile computer problems. love your bright shot even more with andys edit , its amazing when someone edits your shots and just does what you wanted to do ! At the risk if being over done the fire engine shot has been saved by doing a montage really well put together and some great shots in there , well done I like it a lot
Aside from taking photo's outside of my normal area ( bikes n wildlife) & playing / learning about lighting,compostion etc a huge part of this challenge has been to build my confidence . I'm basically a very shy person & find it hard to talk to people & go in to places on my own ( it's true I tell ya !). So far in my 52 I've been in to a Porsche dealership & spent an hour (much to the sales guys amusement ) snapping the old classic which included laying on the floor , asked several of my collegues for help & confirmed to them that I am slightly odd , been to a tattoo parlour & snapped away whilst the artist did his work on his clients arm , spent an hour at the local Taxi rank ( they were very interested in what I was doing but both the drivers & passerby's had a good laugh at this mad englishwomen & her camera !) , spent several hours in the middle of Sheffield after dark on my own(poty) & done a self portrait .I've also spent time with the local police dog squad & puppy walkers & arranged to go do some photo's with the Rotherham United tog at a home game this coming season ! So , all in all my confidence has grown no end , my range of subjects has increased & hopefully I'm improving all the time , albeit slowly:D

I didn't really read your text in detail, but having just read it....I'm very impressed at your dedication, commitment and, well, bottle, to approach all the individuals and groups you refer to above.

I'm just to introverted to do any of this - I struggle taking a secret street phtograph...:confused:


Simple evaluation this week... ONE OF YOUR BEST... No critique from me... its well put together... and could be the front cover of their next advertising brochure!

FAB work!

Sorry been awhile computer problems. love your bright shot even more with andys edit , its amazing when someone edits your shots and just does what you wanted to do ! At the risk if being over done the fire engine shot has been saved by doing a montage really well put together and some great shots in there , well done I like it a lot

Cheers Paul , that edit was perfect...maybe I ought to ask Andy to crit my pic's before I post them:)

I didn't really read your text in detail, but having just read it....I'm very impressed at your dedication, commitment and, well, bottle, to approach all the individuals and groups you refer to above.

I'm just to introverted to do any of this - I struggle taking a secret street phtograph...:confused:


Thanks Andy , I find that when I've got the camera I can ask/do most things that normally I'm to shy to ..... stick at it & it'll soon be like 2nd nature (y)

Lynne, here follows my critique...

Brilliant! pluse well done you, I well understand teh nerve you have displayed to get these. I suffer from...nerves...

Thanks Tina....I'm coming out of my shell , I'm really quite shy but for some reason the camera helps...keep trying & always remember that the peolpe your taking shots of are genrally interested/fascinated by what you're doing & they know even less about it than you think you do (y)

thats right Lynne... enc

Encourage me why don't you.... get me in trouble more like.. :LOL:

Get you in more trouble......:naughty:


Simple evaluation this week... ONE OF YOUR BEST... No critique from me... its well put together... and could be the front cover of their next advertising brochure!

FAB work!


Much appreciated Mark , many thanks (y)
Ok , Sensual....had loads of ideas but still struggling for time & some of my idea's would probably be NSFW ......thats if I could have found a willing model :LOL: Did consider a fireman though....:naughty:

Googled Senual to see what I could find & cames across several ideas that appealed & I thought would be fairly safe for this forum ( I hope so anyway ) Was struggling a little to work out the fine line between Sensual & erotic/sexy and hope I've managed to stay the right side :thinking:

Roped another colleague in for this (big thanks to Derryn ),spent 1/2 hour taking a selection of shots & this is the one I really like . Some won't be keen as I've done SC again

Week 26 Sensual by llj666, on Flickr

Taken outside with the house as the background so quite pleased I've managed to lose most of the brickwork in blur .The crop is quite tight as I wanted the focus on the position of the strawberry , eyes closed to emphasize the sensuous feeling of the touch of the strawb on her lips . another idea but won't be able to try it till sunday...if it works ok I'll post it up :)
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lynne...thats an awwesome...delicious looking strawberry...i love the detail you've captured in it...will the next one include strawberries too..?