Bob's attempt at 52 week 27 Art OoF but i still love it

hmm well a pants photo of a pants street rofl
oh to be on that hill !!!
Would I be right in guessing that there was very little effort put in this week? Did you perhaps just take the shot out of the window? :cautious:
Would I be right in guessing that there was very little effort put in this week? Did you perhaps just take the shot out of the window? :cautious:

:LOL: @68lbs
Sorry bob, I found 68lbs honesty funny.
I too found the theme this week tough, here's hoping next week's is just as challenging.
Would I be right in guessing that there was very little effort put in this week? Did you perhaps just take the shot out of the window? :cautious:
no was not out of a window :(
couldnt get where i wanted due to stuff lol
So where did you take this one from Bob, I,m guessing you didn't fancy laying in the snow for a different angle,you must give more of yourself to your art(y).....Mick
Ah well Bob... it's a shot of a street ;)... it looks wonky too... :D
Well done for getting a shot in this week.
Seems like it was a tough one for a lot of people and it doesn't help when you're busy too.

It's not really doing much for me though sorry :(
Maybe if you'd got higher and shot the patterns of the rooftops, or a bit lower and got some more of the street in :shrug:

Onwards and upwards though for a better week this time round.
Ok another bad week for me ! (no surprise there then )
was hoping to get some sunshine but no such luck so have had to take these last minute pics in the garden (which is a nightmare from all directions lol . Can't move the trampoline somewhere else though grr.
I do hope to get out and take what I actually wanted over half term the idea was to get my oldest free running and doing some flips off stuff :eek:(
Have put these so that I dont fail this week entirely .




Ho hum maybe next week ???
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Would have loved to have seen number 1 without anything in the background, maybe from a lower angle. It would have looked like he was falling from something, quite dramatic. Still, some interesting images and you've put the effort in and got something out of it.
Would have loved to have seen number 1 without anything in the background, maybe from a lower angle. It would have looked like he was falling from something, quite dramatic. Still, some interesting images and you've put the effort in and got something out of it.
I am trying to understand ps I can crop now :LOL:
There's plenty of movement and speed in all of those images. It may have worked better, keeping him sharp (although the movements look far to unpredictable to be able to track him easily ;)) and having the background more blurred... I think that would perhaps have shown his speed more. Of the three, I prefer the last one, although I'm not sure says more about speed :D...
I did try and keep him sharp but he just kept moving :eek:)
last one is my fave as well think the camera was on speed lol
Ok another bad week for me ! (no surprise there then )

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself!

If I'm honest, no.1 isn't doing much for me. The background lets it down and there's to much blur to make much out - but the other two really do have something about them.
I bet this wasn't at all easy to do, so getting 2 shots that work is pretty good going.

The second is my favourite. The motion blur is just about right for me. Enough to show that he is moving, but enough definition to make out some details. Background still isn't brilliant and could maybe do with being a bit more oof but it really isn't all that distracting and the trees make a nice backdrop.

I'm not quite sure what's going on in number 3. All very strange and ghostly, but there is something appealing about it!
Aside from the clutter backgrounds I think you've captured the speed well. There's some nice timing, and the shutterspeed looks to have been pretty spot on IMHO.
Well done Bob for this weeks effort. I think no 2 is about the best with a bit of blur to create the movement.Did you take single shots or continuous shooting mode....Mick
Well done Bob for this weeks effort. I think no 2 is about the best with a bit of blur to create the movement.Did you take single shots or continuous shooting mode....Mick

thanks !!!
they were single shots
In that case Bob you've done very well. Try popping it on continuous shooting mode it'll give you a better chance of catching the one you want...Mick
Ok so present hmm I thought Valentines day cutting it fine but I am sure to get flowers so will take a pic of them so here they are ....

Nope not a single bloom actually not even a card :eek:(

so bit of a panic ...
this is a Photograph of the PRESENT that I treasure most (apart from my children) taken with my canon G9


please note clutter in the background !!!!!
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There weren't any flowers here either... ;)... But I did get her a card... and some other stuff.

No clutter in the background... but I'm not sure about cutting the hot shoe off in it's prime :D...

Still... it does look very nice.
There weren't any flowers here either... ;)... But I did get her a card... and some other stuff.

No clutter in the background... but I'm not sure about cutting the hot shoe off in it's prime :D...

Still... it does look very nice.

yeah was really cross about that but was losing light and time to get a pic in in time
:clap: well done on cracking the background issue this week.
Nicely executed shot, a shame about the slightly tight crop at the top as already mentioned, but still well done.

. . . and I didn't get any flowers either :( :crying:

:thinking: Now I'm intrigued . . . where is it?

bah men are so dense at times arent they !!!
I did post 2 different pics but tbh they were downright awful so have taken them off again although I do have a couple of plans hopefully one of them will pay off :LOL:
just means that this weeks pic may be late going up as we are away in the caravan as of tomorrow .

another disaster think this attempt may be my last of the 52 :eek:(
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Firstly you can cut out all that talk of quitting right now :nono:

After looking at some of the garbage I have posted you are not getting out of that easily :p

Right now the image itself.

First impressions for me are old fashioned and looking back in time.

I like the period costume, the toning and the idea of blurring to get the feeling of looking back.

A couple of points are some of the modern day people in the shot (not always easy to avoid but may have been worth waiting a while to see) and the blurring / vignette is a little heavy for me.

All in all a very good effort and far from a disaster.

I think the point of the 52 week challenge is to get out of our comfort zones and hopefully improve our photography as a result. The only way that we can do this is by posting our shots and getting the constructive criticism

Keep posting and good luck with the rest of the year.
I like this pic, i just think the blur is slightly too heavy. The sepia works well and the modern looking clothing was probably unavoidable. Far from disastrous. (y)
Before you quit take a look at some of the pap I've had the audactity to post on this forum. Then slap yerself - hard.

I've missed your thread entirely for some reason or another, I do my damdest to visit and comment on everyones so apologies for missing you.

What you've presented so far is actually very good, as has been said the whole idea of the 52 is to push yourself, to try new things and hopefully learn a few tricks. I'd say you're doing well.

Now subscribed.

this was my first choice but the girl has a map in her hand which makes the man look as though he has part of his leg missing lol
thanks for the posts think i look at all the greta photos on here and cant see my way forward
I will post again next week considering myself slapped
The processing is making this look like it's an old photo taken with a pinhole camera. Shame about the "modern" people in it, and perhaps the vignetting is a little overdone, but it's a nice shot and certainly nothing for you to be ashamed of or quit over.

Look forward to your week 8 :)
I liked the first attempt personally - heavy vignetting and the toning very much.

Actually reminds me slightly of those photos taken with tilt-shift lenses that make the world look minature due to the highly selective focus.

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Bob... don't think about quitting, and stop trying to compare where you are with some of the people who post on here, do that, and it'll feel like there's no point. You can only compare where you're at now, with where you were at a while ago and if it's improved then you're going in the right direction. I'd say you're definitely moving in the right direction...

That shot, I like the look and feel of it. The blurring works well, and I half expected to see Bagpuss in the window of the shop. Well done. As for the new and old... the new looks a little odd with the tones, it's fine with the blur.
ohhh, am drooling over your D90.. i want one soooo much ;)

I like the first version of 'people' yes the blur is a little heavy but I like the feel of it, very olde worlde indeed.. the sepia tones suit very well too..
Less of the quitting talk. Do what I do and badger the hell out of the people on here until they give you all their secrets. :LOL:

Stick with it, they're better than mine at least.
Bob... don't think about quitting, and stop trying to compare where you are with some of the people who post on here, do that, and it'll feel like there's no point. QUOTE]

think you hit the nail on the head of how i was feeling about it all cos thats excatly what i was doing
thanks for your support