Camera Club Cream Tea and Photo 'Chat' in my back Garden

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I hosted a ' Gathering' for members of Brentwood & District Photographic Club while The Wife was away with Daughter ! We had a great Chat and Slagged off the Committee and enjoyed a traditional English 'Cream Tea' ! The WEATHER was overcast and Dark but at least it did not rain !
Club Tea Party.jpg
What a motley looking crew, Peter :LOL: It looks like a good time was being had by all (y)
Looks like everyone had a good and happy time and these days we all need a good and happy time :D Well done :D
I'm glad to see it was cream first then jam, for those still munching.
Jolly nice.
If you slagged off the Committee, have you communicated the issues that concern you to the Committee? Why not put yourself forward and take on some of the Committee duties. At my club we always encourage new members to join the Committee.

I think it was a joke, hence the smiley's.
I take it you're on the committee at your club?
Yes have been for almost 20 years but given notice that this is the last. Unfortunately, there is no rush to take on the Treasurers job. Overall my duties take an average of 15 hours a week. Whenever I attend and event (not just related to the Camera club) I always send a message after to thank the organisers but do not sit around slagging off the workers.

Looks like your posse might need an influx of young blood
Hallo ALL !! YES - a JOKE and I AM on the Committee -- I do the Publicity for the Club as I used to do loads of Local Press Photo Work and 'know' local newspapers and i get the Arts Council Lady to put Posters in the Brentwood Arts Council thingy outside Iceland Store .. YES we cannot get 'Younger Members' same as all the Local Camera Clubs - you are 'YOUNG' if you are 52 like the member standing next to ME at REAR RIGHT !! ( I got 'Slagged Off ' by WIFE on her return from Philippines as the Washing Up was 'Not UP To Her Standard' )