Canon 1D X Mk II Owners Thread

I have managed to set Custom Mode 1 but am unable to set different or in fact any settings for custom mode 2 or 3.
I have read the manual over and over plus searched for an answer but to no avail.
I shall phone Canon Europe tomorrow to see if they can answer but thought I'd ask here.
Given I have managed to input and register settings for CM1 any ideas what I may not be doing 2nd and 3rd time round.
It really does seem easy and as though I am missing nothing but then again?

Simon, it's easy......but it's a bit since I did mine and I'll have to look over the system again.

Could talk you through it tomorrow (Mon) evening if you'd like, just pm me your mob and I call you about 19.15 if you want?

Hello George, I am going to have to admit defeat and ask how do I PM I have looked but can't see how.
I clicked your avatar and saw some info but no pm button.
does anyone recommend a cfast card reader. Have a 1dx2 on order and just want to be prepared .
Pick the Sandisk reader that came with the promo cameras is very good.
Nice price drop on the body...

£4100 at digital Rev, if you want to go down that route.

I got my 1DX from them last Christmas, well after Christmas for a great price, they usually have sales on around that time, I never saw the MK1 cheaper than that again on their site, I paid £2995 for it and after on their site a few week later it was back up to £3400

Saying that I went with Calumet for my MK2 for £5200 so £4900 is a nice wee drop for a great camera.
£4100 at digital Rev, if you want to go down that route.

I got my 1DX from them last Christmas, well after Christmas for a great price, they usually have sales on around that time, I never saw the MK1 cheaper than that again on their site, I paid £2995 for it and after on their site a few week later it was back up to £3400

Saying that I went with Calumet for my MK2 for £5200 so £4900 is a nice wee drop for a great camera.

I am nervous going import for bodies. I don't mind on lenses.

4900 is a nice drop / price but I beat that negotiating before the price drop so always worth a call around :)
I wouldn't worry too much about it to be honest, I've been using HDEW and Digital rev for years now, I was worried about paying £3000 to DR but the 1DX turned up 3 days later, it needed to go to canon after i got it, there was a menu on the camera that was for the engineering team only, it didn't bother me but it was annoying as when you went into menu and changed any settings and went back in to the menu later it was always on this extra menu, it wouldn't stay on the tab I had just come out of, canon removed it and a sensor clean for £50 so I wasn't too bothered.

But the risk is there at the end of the day, lenses aren't covered by canon but I can say Ive never had to send in a lens yet in 18 years.
I wouldn't bother about the grey import either if you want to go down that route, the only real problem I've had recently was with the 7D2 which I bought from an approved UK dealer, was glad I had as after 2 bodies I just couldn't get consistent results and Canon refunded me my money....would perhaps have been a problem with a grey import, however.
I wouldn't bother about the grey import either if you want to go down that route, the only real problem I've had recently was with the 7D2 which I bought from an approved UK dealer, was glad I had as after 2 bodies I just couldn't get consistent results and Canon refunded me my money....would perhaps have been a problem with a grey import, however.

I have used HDEW and Panamoz for lenses, I saved a chunk on my 11-24 with Panamoz.

I am just always a little nervous buying a body. I know the only I have had is dropping one.

The 1dx is such a chunk of investment, I didn't mind paying a little more. I did negotiate a decent price for the Uk so not so bad.

Really enjoy using it as its my first ever 1 series camera.
Really hunting around for some CFast deals but none seem to be forthcoming........prefer Lexar (ideally) or Sandisc at a push......Transcend?......hmmmmmm....seem to have a slower write speed.

Any deals seen, put them on here please (but pm me so I can buy first!!!!!)
My scratching around has found a good deal with Calumet!!....64 Gig CFast for £159 until end Dec with code STOREMORE ...this gives 20% off their list.....and I've ordered 2.
Anyone got to the bottom of this Sandisc CFast card business requiring sanitising every so often?....the Lexar cards don't seem to require this so if that's the case, why did Canon provide the Sandisc ones with the first lot of bodies?.......seems strange.
Anyone?......lack of response suggests not!!!
Hi George so far I haven't had any issues with the Sandisk card I have 2 both 64gb the original freebie and a 2nd exact same make model free from the supplier.
But the risk is there at the end of the day, lenses aren't covered by canon but I can say Ive never had to send in a lens yet in 18 years.

I was paying a lot of money for an imported lens (over 5k) a couple of years ago so I asked canon if it was covered... canon UK told me YES all lens are covered.. but camera bodies are only covered if you have a recipt from a UK dealer..
Tony, lenses are NOT now covered, it changed fairly recently, say about 2 years ago or so.

I researched this and even spoke to one of my contacts at Elstree......and he confirmed that.
Hi George so far I haven't had any issues with the Sandisk card I have 2 both 64gb the original freebie and a 2nd exact same make model free from the supplier.

Thanks, Simon, do you "sanitise" them from time to time?
No never as as long as they are used up within six months max 1 year they shouldn't start to fungicide.
Word of warning to everyone though I putchased a multi pack 8. And found 2 yellows instead of a lgy most annoying as the lgy runs out quickest so check the insides straight away.
Tony, lenses are NOT now covered, it changed fairly recently, say about 2 years ago or so.

I researched this and even spoke to one of my contacts at Elstree......and he confirmed that.

Good to know... However Lens wise I am done.. cant see any reason to change... I may buy a 1dxII used when they start to appear during next year.. for now the two 1dx suffice.. my problem is my two cameras will be worth very little ..they have worked very hard ..
Good to know... However Lens wise I am done.. cant see any reason to change... I may buy a 1dxII used when they start to appear during next year.. for now the two 1dx suffice.. my problem is my two cameras will be worth very little ..they have worked very hard ..

Me too re lenses, although a 600mm F4 DO will be tempting........but unaffordable I reckon!!
Me too re lenses, although a 600mm F4 DO will be tempting........but unaffordable I reckon!!

400 f2.8 is
70-200 f2.8 is mkII
24-70 f2.8 mkII
135 f2 (life saver)

Plus other bits.. even going to a 1dxmkII i wouldnt need to update the lens :)
400 f2.8 is
70-200 f2.8 is mkII
24-70 f2.8 mkII
135 f2 (life saver)

Plus other bits.. even going to a 1dxmkII i wouldnt need to update the lens :)

Nope, me too.....4 lenses covering 11mm-800 (admittedly using extender on the 400 F4DO mk2) but the af at f8 and the 61 points with the mk2 is superb...was my main reason for upgrading.
Anyone got to the bottom of this Sandisc CFast card business requiring sanitising every so often?....the Lexar cards don't seem to require this so if that's the case, why did Canon provide the Sandisc ones with the first lot of bodies?.......seems strange.

Just done a request to Sandisc and this is the reply...really doesn't tell us much, but looks like sanitising is going to be a feature with SanDisc CFast cards for the foreseeable future.

"Thank you for your email.

We would like to inform you that we couldn’t comment on other brands cards and what other manufacturers recommend, but we have this toll online and provide to our CFast customers for free, so they might use the sanitizing process and wipe all the information from the card. This will make it as brand new after this formatting/sanitizing process, which will improve the quality of your pictures and videos and avoid any kind of corruption in future.

We understand that you have no option to use the computer and run the sanitize tool daily, but as we informed you in our last email, you may do the sanitizing time to time, just to clean the card and reset it to “factory settings”.

For any additional clarifications, we remain at your future support and we thank you for choosing our products.

Best regards,

Gianna V.
SanDisk® Global Customer Care"

I was paying a lot of money for an imported lens (over 5k) a couple of years ago so I asked canon if it was covered... canon UK told me YES all lens are covered.. but camera bodies are only covered if you have a recipt from a UK dealer..
Ive just bought a 600 mm f4 mk2 and like you haven't had any problems with lens over the years so have taken the plunge yet again and bought from digitalrev ordered 22 dec arrived on 28 dec , if it were to go wrong I ould always send it to fixation to fixed since ive saved over 2.3K on uk price
Nice one, Kev, lovely lens!!

BTW MyMemory have 10% off all cards including CFast for 48 hrs using code LEX10DAY ........just got an email this morning.
i have just acquired a 1dx mkii and can't seem to get it of auto iso.Anybody able to help me out with some info.
i have just acquired a 1dx mkii and can't seem to get it of auto iso.Anybody able to help me out with some info.
Allan, not sure what you are doing, but in say "P" mode, press iso button on the top and then you can select your setting by rotating the top wheel on the camera....Auto setting is followed by 100...200 etc?

Hi George, was having problems with it in AV, got it sussed now (iso speed settings changed in menu ) .To early in the morning for me.
Hi George, was having problems with it in AV, got it sussed now (iso speed settings changed in menu ) .To early in the morning for me.

Glad it's sorted, Allan, enjoy the camera!!

With my 1dx shooting in soccerdome (indoor small pitches) I am using iso 25600 f2.8 and only getting 500 shutter.. How much better ISO or Shutter or Combo would a 1dx2 be? Anyone shot real world simmilar enviroment can compare..rather than simply going by the spec ?

PS wheres the best deals for a mkII that anyone has actually used as apposed to seen? ta :)
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Can't answer the first part of your question, Tony, but regarding the second, would you consider grey or do you want UK Canon suppliers?
