Canon 5D MK I 'classic' - owners thread

Poop, my mirror has fallen out...need camera for a wedding this coming Saturday, does anyone have any advice as to where the place with the quickest turnaround would be?

You may be able to get it fixed for free if it was in the batch with the original issue. Most people tend to recommend Canon Elstree or Fixation (I believe the latter give priority to professionals not sure about Elstree).

Good luck!
Haha true!

I'll be sad to see my 5D go when I sell it but I just bought an R-D1 and the 5D hardly ever gets used these days.
Haha true!

I'll be sad to see my 5D go when I sell it but I just bought an R-D1 and the 5D hardly ever gets used these days.

Golly, you move fast.

I'd be interested to hear what you think of the RD1 although I doubt I'll be going down the RF road again myself.
Golly, you move fast.

I'd be interested to hear what you think of the RD1 although I doubt I'll be going down the RF road again myself.

I know, saw one on eBay and negotiated a little discount so couldn't help myself.

My gf still has a 5Dc though so I'm not completely out the game!

Pity I can't get access to the classifieds section on here till end of next month or I'd sell mine on here.
The end of the month will soon be here and 5D's seem to get snapped up so I don't think your problem will be selling the 5D... but resisting all the sfuff for sale :D
That's true! there's free listing on eBay this weekend though so going to list it there, I just have to inflate my price to pay for the fees!

Need at least one lens asap so I can put something on the RD when it arrives. I might be forced to just stick an enlarger lens on there and give it a try!
Finally got my sensor cleaned, Calumet did it for £56, I checked it before I left and it took 3 attempts before all the crap was removed. I've bought a Giottos rocket blower to try and keep on top of the dust. I bought the camera from a professional photographer and I was shocked at how dirty the camera was, externally its almost mint, but the mirror box and sensor where filthy. Any tips as to how to keep it clean ? I've ordered a "nearly new" canon 24-105mm L which I hope to keep attached to the 5D 95% of the time, hopefully minimising the amount of dust ingress. Went out walking and took a few shots with my nifty fifty, came home and tried the trial version of Lightroom, I was impressed , it seems more of what I need compared to photoshop, a lot to learn though. It's not the most intuitive piece of software I've ever encountered. Any I'm loving my 5D can't wait until the weather picks up so I can get out and about with my 24-105.
I've just realised there's lots more tweakable settings on the 5D so could I please be added to the DVD list ? Thanks.
Update list for the DVD....


Can we pick up the pace a bit with the DVD guys... some of the people on the list may have worn out their camera by the time they get it :D

I've just realised there's lots more tweakable settings on the 5D so could I please be added to the DVD list ? Thanks.

Done Jim (y)
A new member to the club! Just picked up a 5D on here so hopefully I will have it in a few days. Also ordered a Canon 200mm 2.8 L II as I wanted something long for a bit of motorsport but still just about compact enough for travelling. I also have a 50mm 1.4 and something wide (and not too expensive) on the to do list.

I'm coming from Micro 4/3 so full-frame should be an interesting culture shock!

Anyhow, any accessory suggestions? Is there a particular remote shutter that people use?
A new member to the club! Just picked up a 5D on here so hopefully I will have it in a few days. Also ordered a Canon 200mm 2.8 L II as I wanted something long for a bit of motorsport but still just about compact enough for travelling. I also have a 50mm 1.4 and something wide (and not too expensive) on the to do list.

I'm coming from Micro 4/3 so full-frame should be an interesting culture shock!

Anyhow, any accessory suggestions? Is there a particular remote shutter that people use?

An extra battery!

I use a generic china remote shutter, only a few quid off ebay.
200mm on FF is stretching it a bit for motorsport, I was just about OK with 200 on 1.3x trackside at most UK circuits, Silverstone, it wasn't long enough. I've also ditched my 70-200f2.8 for travelling, it's a great lens, but takes up too much room. The 50 f1.4 is great though, as is the 17-40 for wide stuff.
Can anyone tell me what remote shutter releases are compatible with the 5D classic? i cant tell what ones on ebay are for the 5D classic or 5d mkII


Just picked up a 5D and a 24-105 F4 L . Really happy with the combo. I've noticed a bit of dust on a few of my images. Not a major problem as easily cloned out but would like a totally clean sensor. What do you guys recommend to clean the 5D sensor? I used to use Eclipse and sensor swabs on my Nikons but they are quite pricey. Tempted by an arctic butterfly type device as a long term solution.
My first step is always a Rocket blower and if a wet clean is required I use a drop of Eclipse fluid on a Pc Pad wrapped around a slice cut from an old credit card. I've had the same bottle of fluid and pack of pads for years now so it's a good economical way to do it.
My first step is always a Rocket blower and if a wet clean is required I use a drop of Eclipse fluid on a Pc Pad wrapped around a slice cut from an old credit card. I've had the same bottle of fluid and pack of pads for years now so it's a good economical way to do it.

Not sure I can trust myself to cut an old credit card up and use it on my sensor. Just used a rocket blower and it has shifted a lot of gunk. I bought the 5D for full frame bokeh goodness so can't really see me shooting too much above f5.6 anyway. Hopefully the dust bunnies won't hurt too much.
The reason I use a slice cut from a credit card is that it's plastic and it bends easily therefore putting very little pressure on the filter. Once a Pec Pad is placed over it I really can't see any way at all that you can scratch the filter.

Honestly, I must have cleaned my 20D and 5D sensors a hundred times over the years and done no damage. I can't imagine restricting myself to f5.6. You are probably never going to see your lens at it's best.
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The reason I use a slice cut from a credit card is that it's plastic and it bends easily therefore putting very little pressure on the filter. Once a Pec Pad is placed over it I really can't see any way at all that you can scratch the filter.

Honestly, I must have cleaned my 20D and 5D sensors a hundred times over the years and done no damage. I can't imagine restricting myself to f5.6. You are probably never going to see your lens at it's best.

True...I'll be shooting all apertures if the truth be known so need to get thing cleaned up. Wet cleaned sensors many times over the years but the sensor swabs are really expensive. My last couple of cameras ( D300 and D90 ) had excellent anti dust features which means I haven't had to deal with wet cleaning sensors for a few years.
My first step is always a Rocket blower and if a wet clean is required I use a drop of Eclipse fluid on a Pc Pad wrapped around a slice cut from an old credit card. I've had the same bottle of fluid and pack of pads for years now so it's a good economical way to do it.
I do the same thing. I can't even remember when I last had to do a wet-clean.

Methanol, Ethanol, Isopropanol will all work, as long as it is reasonably clean.
Where's a good place to get sensor swabs these days and which are the ones to use on a 5D?
this has probably already been asked, but what is the sensor like at hi iso?

Mine arrived today, a one owner near-mint late serial example. :D

Just one question, does anyone else have to underexpose by 2/3's or so in most situations? I find that what the camera thinks is correctly exposed is actually over-cooked.

I found I had a similar problem with my 40D though.
I recently noticed the hotshoe on my 5D was slightly loose. I took it off and removed the black paint using some wet and dry then polished it off with my dremel. It looks really good now, the patchy black paint looked really tatty. It looks like a mk2 now :)
2Thumbs said:
Mine arrived today, a one owner near-mint late serial example. :D

Just one question, does anyone else have to underexpose by 2/3's or so in most situations? I find that what the camera thinks is correctly exposed is actually over-cooked.

I found I had a similar problem with my 40D though.

Yeah I've had to do the same on my 600D and my 5D , even on my little ixus 300HS, I thought it was just me, must be a Canon thing ?
Has anyone had their 5D classic serviced by Canon ? If so hw much does it cost, roughly ? There's nothing (obviously) wrong with mine , but I'd like to make sure it's 100% before I ake it off on holiday with me.
Sorry I haven't but the thread popping back up again reminded me I was on the DVD list, unfortunatly I am selling mine now so could you take me off the list.

Update list for the DVD....


Can we pick up the pace a bit with the DVD guys... some of the people on the list may have worn out their camera by the time they get it :D

Done Jim (y)

I've just posted the DVD on to BREN-ESCAPE.
Just one question, does anyone else have to underexpose by 2/3's or so in most situations?

Yes I continually 'under-expose' to obtain correct exposure, don't know why this (always) happens..??

I bracket like mad on ALL occassions!!!
Interesting, I sometimes have to overexpose by 1/3, never need to underexpose.
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I haven't used this camera for a while but I took it out today...





Has any one had/has problems shooting tethered to a pc running xp.
I have just purchased a 5D mk1 and cant get it to be recognised by eos utility unless its set to print/ptp in the camera menu.Then when i then press the 'remote shooting' icon in eos utility it asks for the camera to be set to pc connect. When set to pc connect in the camera menu the camera isn't seen by eos utility! Can tethered shooting be done?

If you do shoot tethered can you please let me know what version canon software you are running, or how you got around this problem.
I have latest software versions as i have another canon dslr.
Looked on internet for a solution but found nothing.
I've also asked in this thread

Update list for the DVD....


When sending the DVD on to the next person, just double check that they still want it before sending.. just in case they've sold their camera etc.. (y)