CarolF's 52 for 2011 - Wk8, 9 and 10 added

Nice enough composition, but as you've already identified yourself, the DOF is a bit too shallow. Seems to be suffering from quite a lot of noise too, what ISO whas it shot at?

I like this shot. Yes, it has a lot of noise but that is not always a bad thing.

Comp is good as is the take on the theme.

I like the composition and dof, the tones are nice too.

Hi i like the composition and colours but feel it could do with a bit more dof, with macro work the dof can be be tiny but I find macro most enjoyable

Thanks for the comments. The more I look at this, the worse I think it is! The dof has been bugging me, so I've been having a play to see if I can do any better . . .
I tried a few things with this, but I think I need to try and get my head around some theory before I go much further with the macro capability of my 70-300.

This is my reshoot at ISO400 at f11, focal length-180mm, 2.5 sec exposure. I also tried a 30 second exposure at f36 to see how noisy it was, but got bored waiting. One for another time I think!

Hiya Carol,

Apologies for the delay in replying to your Week 5 post, I confess I have been waiting to see other replies.

When I saw your first image, I wasn't very keen, and didn't know how to put it into words (so sorry about that)

But now that I have seen your re-post, I really like this .... love the angle you have shot it, the colours, the sharpness and DOF do the image so much justice, so well done :clap:

Personally, I think this is your best image so far ..... and it just shouts out to me that you are feeling better.


Dawn :)
Hi, Carol, I'm glad you reshot as the second one is much better, nice lead in and the noise isn't as evident as your first one.

Thanks for all your comments. I've fallen a bit behind which I didn't want to do . . . it's the start of a slippery slope to failing completely and with week 8 now out in the open I've got some serious catching up to do.
I really struggled with this one. It would be easy to open door of wardrobe, spare room, garage, cupboard etc and take a quick snap, but I wanted to put some thought into it. Another macro-type shot this week of sugared almonds. I need to put some more thought into my shots and hope I can get a better thinking cap soon!

Am soooo falling behind now! I was hoping to make more of the feather in this shot as it's one of the few we have from our budgie. Life's pretty quiet without her, but we are slowly moving forward. I do swear I hear her playing with her mirror or swing every now and then though - maybe we have a ghost budgie!

Egg 581 (now beautifully transformed into a ginger cake!):
Nice idea for delicate, and interesting to put the feather in with the eggs. I do wonder if a wider shot might have worked better perhaps?

Good work on catching up though - I know what it's like to do so, but keep plugging away and keep at it! :)
Hiya Carol,

Glad to see you are still around, hope you are keeping well.

I seem to have missed two of your weeks, so I'll do a quick catch up:

Week 6: I absolutely love sugared almonds, they wouldn't have been around long enough for me to take a clutter shot though :D The colours are lovely, although I think the focus should have been more on one of of the middle almonds rather than the front. I like the shallow depth of field and think the image would have worked better shot from a bit further back so as to get some blurred dof in the fore and back.

Week 7: Agree with Ray's comments. I bet the ginger cake was delish ;)

Well done and I look forward to seeing the other pics you have when you get round to posting them.


Dawn :)
I've been trying to think on this one for a while, but with not much luck. Whilst doing some tidying up around the house, I came across some old tacks and the rest, they say, is history. My idea on this was that the tacks are order, but the odd one out provides chaos to an otherwise ordered shot.

I was going to do that for the trio shot, but with sugar. I was having a nightmare trying to get things in focus so I gave up and took a photo of two watches and a clock, all showing 3pm :D

I like your idea, and the only thing I can think of that I'd do differently would be to get all three sweets in focus.

I did something similar for the finished shot too. :)

I like your chaos shot. I'm not sure it says chaos to me, but I love the textures on the nails, and the DOF :)
Hiya Carol,

Well done on catching up (y)

Have to agree with Niall, not sure if chaos shouts the theme to me, but having read your expo with it I can see your thinking.

The daffodil is definitely finished, so good thinking to shoot that for the theme. The focus seems a bit soft, but otherwise I like the background.

Trio ..... well actually I see 6 there :LOL: I like the reflection, what have you used as the base? Once again the focus seems a tad out.


Dawn :)
Hi Carol, you've got a good thread going here. I haven't visited before and I've definitely been missing out on some really striking images.

My favourite is the tacks for "chaos" but week 10 "chaos" is a fun shot too.

Huge credit to you for catching up (which I am still struggling to do:help:)
