children rant!

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My little girl is nearly one. I go to a group weekly and one child there is a spoilt brat, 3 1/2 years old and throws temper tantrums like no ones business. Her behaviour makes most of the mothers weary. Mother of brat has an angel child. Any misbehaviour is because her dear brat knows it's own mind and so forth. Thing is, this brat has whacked my little girl many times, when brats mother tells her no (in a very passive manner) the brat screams, then mammy instantly gives her milk, thus rewarding brat... What would you do? I'm avoiding the group for a while, I don't wish to leave the group but this brat is making it intollerable. The last twice we had to leave early because of the brat. Just inteterested in other peoples thoughts really...
cattle prod
Speak to the group leader and explain how you feel. Also depending on where you are the "darling child" may start going to "pre school" in September.

The leaders action will tell you if it is worth carrying on with that group.
I know plenty of brats like that lol needs a good slap up side the head lol
I'd also suggest talking to the mother and explaining the issue it is causing for you and yours. Sometimes I think parents just need to be told straight to really take the rose tinted lenses away.
I would have a word with the child minders there, and have them keep a closer eye. Keep the kids separate. A 3.5yr old could seriously hurt an almost 1yr old easily. And mothers of kids like that will never listen, their kid is an angel, don't you know!?
I would have a word with the child minders there, and have them keep a closer eye. Keep the kids separate. A 3.5yr old could seriously hurt an almost 1yr old easily. And mothers of kids like that will never listen, thei kid is an angel, don't you know!?

tell me about it. No childminders there, it's parent run, hence the difficulties. I'm not going to deny that my little one is very active and a tough cookie but your point is my main concern. That brat hurts my little one and I don't know what I'd do. Frustrating much??
There was a shocking vid on youtube of a 9yr old punching, choking and kicking toddlers, with the parents in the room! It was also a parent run creche.

What the hell he was even doing there in the first place?? The kids were all under 5, some not even walking yet.

A Father who's kid came home black and blue went in and punched the wrong kid, and was jailed for it.

Really pee'd me off seeing it, some of the parents that were supposed to be minding the kids were looking in the direction while this 9yr old went on pretty much a rampage.

I'd take my kid from a parent run facility tbh, and put them elsewhere.

I know budget may be a big issue as creches can be very expensive.

This isn't the full clip I saw, but a news story on it - which does show some upsetting scenes
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That's awful! That's one of the main reasons I'd never leave my little one at a group. I mean, the brat goes for my little one, at least if I'm there I can remove her from the brat...but leaving twice...the wrong child is being punished... :crying:

assuming she enjoys going there (with a one year old its hard to be sure)

may be leaving and going to a better group wouldn't actually be a punishment at all
And the balance is restored :thinking:

To be fair, if a 3.5 year old is hitting a 1 year old, and the parent of the older child has been approached but still does nothing, then talking about it is obviously not working, and the authorities would not be interested, so there are two choices - a quick slap for the stupid parent or take the younger child away from the group.
As Cagey pointed out a 3.5 YO could seriously injure a 1 YO.
I can think of 3 options:

1) drop kick the brat (my favourite)
2) have words with brats mother
3) tell the people in charge you're not happy with the brats/mothers behaviour. If possible get other parents to back you up. Threaten to leave on mass etc.
Or, sympathise with "brat's" mother - it's not easy having an ADHD child :(
Or, sympathise with "brat's" mother - it's not easy having an ADHD child :(

If that is a serious comment Sarah, then it suggests that the other people simply have to put up with the violent behaviour because the "brat" has "issues".
How far would that sympathy go if the 1 year old was to be seriously injured?
If the 3 year old has ADHD then they should not be in a group with large numbers of other children under parental control, but in the care of professionals in a much smaller group.
- it's not easy having an ADHD child :(

True but even those with ADHD can also be naughty - its not an excuse for going round smacking younger kids
Sorry did TP doctors diagnose the brat while I was away?

yeah its got "SBWTTTS" (spoiled brat who throws temper tantrums syndrome)

The prescribed cure is an application of FSA after each tantrum (yep - firmly smacked arse)
Or, sympathise with "brat's" mother - it's not easy having an ADHD child :(

I do find that "disorder" interesting..... when I was a kid my cousin was "hyperactive"..... I think before the 80s even that term didn't exist and they were just known as little brats :LOL:

Funny how since hyper active/ADHD have been recognised we've created a generation or two of adults who have no respect for anything or anyone.

In the OP's situation I think I'd make a point of telling this woman every time said brat hits her child and do it more forcefully each time, if possible encourage the other Mum's to do the same.
Also just re reading the OP why is the brat still being given breast milk at 3 and a half - thats surely not normal >
Also just re reading the OP why is the brat still being given breast milk at 3 and a half - thats surely not normal >
It doesn't say it's breast milk.

Also there was a programme on tv several years back about breastfeeding older children, iirc there was a woman still breastfeeding her 7 or 8 year old.
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Ah the mother needs a smack in the face with a manky rotting a trout just isn't adequate... (hyperthetically of course).

The brat is spoilt, it's as simple as that. With regards to breastfeeding at 3 1/2 - what's so wrong with that? It's more biologically normal than drinking milk meant for another species.

as it turns out, brats mother is about to pop another out and brat is going to nursery. In the meantime, - I'm staying clear. I don't want to lose my temper to be frank. Brat is very close to being shouted at by many of the other mothers as it is.
Also just re reading the OP why is the brat still being given breast milk at 3 and a half - thats surely not normal >

Oh Pete, now you've done it.

Can, open.....Worms everywhere.....
This is why we should all have a nuke button with us... to use at any given time, on anyone:D

Seriously tho, what is worse in this situation is the mother is oblivious to her darling little angel:bat:

My youngest (The rat) is 5 he/we used to go round one of his little friends house, now usually they came here as they still life with the her parents so my house used to be the usual place, but on occasion we did go there 90% of the time the rat ended up next to me on the sofa because his little friend, was also a spoilt brat and she used to cry everytime he picked up a toy to play with, now instead of her mum saying stop it and share blah blah blah, she would laugh and pander too her, the times i bit my tongue and made excuses to leave was ridiculous :bat:
T, that's exactly what it's like. The reason brat will no doubt never get booted out is mammy is one of the organisers (not that she does anything!) and it's the only local hippy mam group too - having a cloth bum, breastfed baby kinda makes you stand out like a sore thumb round here. Lol
maybe the entire group should leave her ?
To be honest if she is one of the organizers and the leader is aware of it and have yet to do anything, it would seem sadly you're banging your head.... ( would be better if it was darling brats mummies head).....against a brick wall..I know you probably don't want to leave, why should you when your little one has done nothing wrong, but perhaps finding another one where you are both happy and whilst she is young enough is the best option...because chances are it won't change... at least then you will feel more relaxed too

Unless of course she goes to nursery pretty quick...
or getting with some other dissatisfied parents and setting one up
Just think what brat will be like with its own new sibling!

I suspect bratmum might become a little less tolerant!

How funny (not for the OP) reading this!

We run baby and toddler classes all over the country (5-6,000 classes a week).

We get this from time to time, but very rarely. It sounds like the class leader hasn't been trained in dealing with these situations. This is a big part of our training.

Also, 3.5 year olds with babies? What's that all about??? I suspect they don't have enough customers to split the classes properly according to age.

I would NEVER advise approaching the parent directly. Instead, a more subtle (and very effective) approach is for the class leader to have a quiet word with the parent, telling her that other parents have made complaints.

The embarrassment almost always has the desired effect!
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