Christmas Day Grub


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Ok,so it's now December and we can now talk about Christmas. :D

It's the usual 2 of us (+ animals) Christmas day so the traditional Brunch fry up, including the obligatory Black Pudding, then duck with trimmings for the early evening. I don't like Christmas pudding so it'll be a small individual one for the better half and mince pie for me. Off to the butchers tomorrow to order the duck, sausages, bacon and black pudding. The eggs will come from the chickens at the livery yard.

So, what you having?
We haven't got the kids this year so we're off to our favourite curry house :)
This is the first year since I was married that I will not be cooking/helping to cook the xmas dinner :banana: that's 35 dinners. We will be eating at my sons who has just returned from Germany this year and I am so looking forward to it. Whilst I have no idea whats for xmas dinner breakfast will be either croissants and/or pain au chocolat followed by xmas dinner and then nothing for 2 days :LOL:

I am working Christmas Day so we will be eating our Christmas meal on Christmas Eve evening and then it will be Bubble & Squeak on the day.........probably the best bit for me.....(y)
MiL's taking us out well, (we're taking her but she's paying) for commercialmas lunch, so I'm not sure what I'll be having. I expect I'll go for the turkey option and, because it's my favourite pud, a decent size portion of Christmas pudding. Depending on driving privileges, I may have a glass of an apple based beverage with whatever I eat but hopefully I'll be driving so on the soft option.
Our usual Christmas breakfast is smoked haddock, poached eggs and champagne or sparkling wine (as quite a bit of it is at least as good or better than champagne), but the idea of a breakfast with good black pudding (which IMO is one of the gems of British cuisine) is very appealing.

The main Christmas meal is often beef, which I enjoy as long as it is rare enough to be still mooing, but what I really like are the roasties and the sprouts.

This year as well as the 5 of us I will be cooking for the mil the silver and mum, so only 8. Dinner will be turkey with pigs in blanket, gammon, honey roast carrots, sprouts, roast potatoes and parsnips, roast leeks, peas and lemon gravy. Followed by home made Xmas pudding.

Then on boxing day out is the left over turkey and gammon with a piece of beef and bubble and squeak with pickles. Then a lite tea.

Boxing day is my favourite day for food.
my fave on Xmas day is my over sized roast spuds which i hollow out with an apple corer, par boil for 5 mins then cook in a hot over for 40 mins before removing and stuffing the hole with a home made apple and sage and onion mixed with bacon bits then returned to the oven to finish off, all cooked in goose fat, beautiful.
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Probably scrambled egg on toast with chives and smoked salmon.

Will be 5 adults and 2 kids, and have just ordered a Kelly Bronze 8kg turkey. Will be keeping it traditional with roasties done in goose fat, 2 or 3 different stuffings, chipolatas, chipolatas with bacon, sprouts with chestnuts and bacon, red cabbage, peas, cauliflower, bread sauce, roasted parsnips and carrots in thyme and honey! A small pud for father in law, with the M&S White chocolate dessert for rest of us.

That night it will be turkey sandwiches (loaded with sausage, stuffing etc...) and a bit ham/cheese/party food.

Boxing Day will be a change to previous years (normally do the same roast dinner again) - large ham with baked spuds and various party foods with similar later on.

Should have lots of turkey still left!
We will have toast for breaky ( oh we sure know how to party !!) then goose for lunch and buffet for evening f anyone is hungry
Whatever the MiL overcooks. But at least it saves me cooking & washing up having done it the past 2yrs with them coming to us

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We're normally staying with family or have family staying with us at Christams.

This year we'll just be at home on our own - me, my wife, the 4 kids, dogs, cats and chickens.

I'm undecided whether to get a Turkey from our usual place or go for something completely different this year.

I saw a nice reindeer joint the other day.
We usually have a couple - Christmas eve for the Austrian side may well be a goose, while Christmas day for the English side will probably be beef. Accompaniment according what I fancy/see that looks good/hear interesting recipes for. Probably finish off Christmas eve with panetone dipped in a sweet spumante, and Christmas day will be a traditional pud (oversized to leave some for cold consumption later).

Boxing day will see us wanting a good long walk!
Haven't a clue, really. My wife will probably go to her sister's. I'm in SA and I've been invited to join my son and his family at his in laws - great people - for Christmas lunch. It'll probably be hot, and a roast with salads etc is normal. That would suit me very well, I don't have a big appetite and I dislike heavy/rich food!
Oggy's tip for roast duck - the skin can usually be taken off the thighs with the fat still attached. Season and cook with the meat. Duck crackling!(y)
my fave on Xmas day is my over sized roast spuds which i hollow out with an apple corer, par boil for 5 mins then cook in a hot over for 40 mins before removing and stuffing the hole with a home made apple and sage and onion mixed with bacon bits then returned to the oven to finish off, all cooked in goose fat, beautiful.

I really have to give that a try this year, alternatively I could just come to yours :LOL:

First year without the bratts so an easy one for me... pork... not sure how i am doing it but i hay ho.. this year after last year and having to do 2 Christmas lunches is going to be nice and well different.. just remember everyone it is but one day and just a roast (if your going down that path)..
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My tip for cooking is to be organised! I have an excel sheet where i have listed all the jobs and timings... so for example at 10am I need to put oven on at 230c, at 1010 put a pan of water to boil etc... This way I dont spend too much time cooking. Have this printed in the kitchen and a copy in lounge.

Sprouts tip... that morning, have some bacon cut into small pieces in a small bowl. In another bowl put some vac pac chestnuts, in another have some butter and in another some parsley. Prep sprouts and cook for 3-5 mins (depends on size). Then put into cold water to stop cooking. Just before serving, fry bacon and add sprouts and chestnuts to warm for 4 mins before adding butter and parsely.
Roast a chicken on the weekend and make a nice stock that you can then make a tidy gravy for the freezer. This helps with the final stages on Christmas day. One less thing to worry about.

I alway roast a Gammon on eve then the fat is used along with some bacon to based the turkey on Christmas day.
I really have to give that a try this year, alternatively I could just come to yours :LOL:

Just make sure the stuffing mix is quite dry before stuffing the roasties as it will draw moisture from the spuds during the final cooking phase (approx 30 mins at 225 degrees turning a couple of times)
Full Scottish Fry up

Rice pudding
Something else... um...

Chicken kievs, sticky Asian style chicken, bbq bacon, salmon, bbq pork squares, prawns buffet style

Chocolate cake
Ice cream
... lots of sweets

Full Scottish fry up
Prawn cocktail
Garlic mushrooms

Roasted parsnips
Sausages wrapped in bacon
Roast potatoes
Mashed potatoes

Apple crumble
Ice cream

... lots more sweets

All gluten free :)

Dunno about boxing day.. haven't thought that far yet! Will just be me, my husband, our mums and my uncle :)
Full Scottish fry up

Please expand more on what a full scottish breakfast is so I can compare to full english! Thanks.

My idea of a full english is:

2 rashers bacon, sausage or 2, baked beans, fried egg or 2, toast, mushrooms. then you can start adding "optionals" like hash browns, black pudding, half a tomato etc. Finished off with brown sauce goes without saying.
How can you guys even contemplate breakfast on xmas morn knowing full well you will be regretting every mouthful when it comes to the 27th. don't get me wrong im a big fella and i can eat with the best off them but a full English before a turkey??? nooooo
Bacon, beef sausages, sliced sausage (or square sausage), hash browns, black pudding, white pudding, fried eggs, toast, beans, tattie scones, fried tomato, fried mushrooms. Yum!

I've never regretted completely and utterly stuffing my face over the Christmas week. I love it :D
Christmas Day, duck dinner for lunch and either Christmas pudding or sticky toffee pudding, with a traditional turkey dinner on Boxing Day. Bit apprehensive at eating so much meat in 2 days though, it's kind of hit me when writing, lol - I usually don't eat meat. Christmas day evening, we'll probably have sandwiches, cake etc, Boxing Day will be a full on buffet. Breakfasts....meh, whatever we end up having, cereal, toast, egg bread, fruit...whatever we're in the mood for.
My girlfriend is Vietnamese, they do it all on Christmas Eve (still not used to that). So will be at her parents' place then, no idea what's on the menu - was Korean barbecue last year I think, followed by presents at midnight.

Good old fashioned Aussie barbecue on Christmas Day with just me and the girlfriend, likely accompanied by beers/bubbles on the beach at some point.
How can you guys even contemplate breakfast on xmas morn knowing full well you will be regretting every mouthful when it comes to the 27th. don't get me wrong im a big fella and i can eat with the best off them but a full English before a turkey??? nooooo

Same here.
breakfast will be what ever i can think of. as there is just the 2 of us we are having pate and wholemeall toast i think a roast pork dinner not sure what cut of pork yet.. pudding is going to be a berry trifle cheese cake.
Well, the duck was amazing except for the fact that there wasn't much meat on it. Not much left over for the boxing day curry so along to the rescue came the leftover pigs in blankets. Chopped them up and threw them in, blimmin' delicious!
Had our usual breakfast which for me is 2 wholewheat biscuits (Sainsburys basics since they're about 1/3rd the cost of Weetabix!) and a latté then for lunch, I had chilli duck noodles followed by roast turkey with all the trimmings. Pud was xmas pud with vanilla ice cream and was followed by a cheese board. Coffee and a few chocs topped the meal off. Washed down with a pint of cider. Best of all, no prep time and no washing up! OK, my wife had to drive us out a few miles to collect her Mum and take us all to the hostelry that did the catering but that was a lot easier than all the chopping, stuffing etc, not to mention the clearing up. No left over turkey to struggle through for weeks either!
Usual breakfast, protein shake, followed 1hr later by porridge with a handful of mixed nuts, handful of raspberries and scoop of protein powder. Couple of hours later repeat protein shake. Dinner, roast chicken with butter beans, carrots, grilled parsnips and a couple of fat free roasted potatoes. No dessert. Buffet tea, chicken and salmon and cucumber slices. Another handful of raspberries and a protein shake. One more protein shake around 1-2hrs before bed.
Humbug, This was my xmas dinner Ansum!


Yeah I've been living in the land of pixies too long :)
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