Clarkson suspended by the BBC, TG taken off air.

So Chris Evans is a huge car fan and yes he paid millions for a rare Ferrari, does that make him the ideal candidate.........hmmm I don't think so.
Top Gear has and was always more than just about the presenter being car daft.

To me it was about the presenter's persona and over the years fans have become accustom to Jeremy, Richard and James' on screen relationship. I find that irreplaceable no matter who you bring in and can't help thinking the BBC would try and continue in that manner to the point of it being so obviously fake!

This is of course purely my thinking and not necessarily that of others.

Even if he does get sacked he is in such a prime position to give the two finger salute to the beeb anyway.

The show is due a change of format, as I said before its current format has been past its sell by date for a while now to the point where the missus can say Top Gear is on Will, and I can say errr Nah not in the mood, where as a few years back I would not miss it and would even record it, That has changed to I will record it and whiz through it to see if there is anything interesting - now my 8/9 year old like it and thats about right - its become a bit of slapstick with high end cars thrown in.

I would like to return to the more factual offering and would welcome some other presenters from Autocar, maybe Tiff has a place in the new Top Gear or Plato maybe? who knows - I do know it cant keep going as it was though.

I see now that Clarkson will be sacked according to news reports today?

Looking forward to see IF Clarkson takes a TG esq programme to another channel ?
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I think everyone is missing the important question here.

if TG were to be no more, or if it ended up with new presenters etc. Who would get custody of the Stig?
I would like to return to the more factual offering and would welcome some other presenters from Autocar, maybe Tiff has a place in the new Top Gear or Plato maybe? who knows - I do know it cant keep going as it was though.

You do realise you are describing Fifth Gear?

It's still on one of the cable channels somewhere (Discovery? History Channel?)
He will get the sack and write a book about the whole thing and silly people will pay 19.99 for the hard back and 9.99 for the slightly later release of the paperback.....
He will get the sack and write a book about the whole thing and silly people will pay 19.99 for the hard back and 9.99 for the slightly later release of the paperback.....

how much later.. seems like a good saving ten quid for same book ...
You do realise you are describing Fifth Gear?

It's still on one of the cable channels somewhere (Discovery? History Channel?)

YUP - But I would like to see a Fifth Gear with a bigger money pot to play with and BBC production values to add a bit of quality .........Lets have some real petrol heads involved .....
YUP - But I would like to see a Fifth Gear with a bigger money pot to play with and BBC production values to add a bit of quality .........Lets have some real petrol heads involved .....

It won't happen, it doesn't have the popularity to bring in any money, it's slipped from mainstream, to almost mainstream and now niche on a small cable channel.

The old format of dour presenters stolidly recounting technical details of the Vauxhall Viva are long gone.

Whatever the anti-TG posters think, the mad non-PC trio doing ridiculous car based challenges are what the majority of viewers want to see.
hat could be similar to a football team manager saying they have no intentions of leaving their club.
That thought crossed my mind too, when I heard it.

The lady protests too much, methinks ;)
or is it

Methinks the lady doth protest too much,

Buggered if I can remember TBH
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And it's being reported he's gone. BBC will not renew his contract.

Told you so :)
Laughing here.

It didn't really take a genius though, did it, to see the likely outcome :)
Laughing here.

It didn't really take a genius though, did it, to see the likely outcome :)

Nor a betting person :) I reckon now he'll either go and create a new programme on a commercial channel or he won't. One of the two.
Its the right decision for me he had outgrown his position really.

Ah well lest see what he does next, could be pretty good as he will be released from beeb restrictions.
If there is no more TG on terrestrial TV then I see much less reason to continue with a tv licence now. BBC3 is being dropped as well. Suddenly the £144 a year which used to seem like excellent value doesn't seem so great.

I reckon netflix would do just as well. DVD player for when t'internet has gone belly up.
Laughing here.

It didn't really take a genius though, did it, to see the likely outcome :)
Yeah I don't think there was any real uncertainty about the outcome, especially when it became clear he did assault the other guy. I suppose he aught to consider himself lucky the producer didn't complain to the police.
A shame seeing as I absolutely love(d) Top Gear, but I do agree 100% with the outcome - if I punched someone at work tomorrow, I'd be fired. Especially on a last warning.
Be interesting if he took Capt. Slow and the Hamster with him.

That really would be amusing......

Expect your license fee to increase now there is less money in the pot.

No doubt Stig is copyrighted to Auntie Beeb?
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Yeah I don't think there was any real uncertainty about the outcome, especially when it became clear he did assault the other guy. I suppose he aught to consider himself lucky the producer didn't complain to the police.

Producer couldn't even manage to organise hot food. I think his career is basically over.

Somehow I think Clarkson will end up in TV adverts for something where he lamps someone thus earning a fortune!
If there is no more TG on terrestrial TV then I see much less reason to continue with a tv licence now. BBC3 is being dropped as well. Suddenly the £144 a year which used to seem like excellent value doesn't seem so great.

I reckon netflix would do just as well. DVD player for when t'internet has gone belly up.

I tend to listen to more radio than I do BBC TV now. F1 has gone to Sky, generally watch matches live or MOTD on iplayer/catch up tv.
His services as a motoring journalist will remain in high demand the world over...maybe even more so.
He'll not suffer.

In the mean time, didn't the producer at one point insist that JC hadn't punched him?
Make your mind up. :rolleyes:

There'll be hushed gatherings in the hallways here at work....moist eyes trembly-lipped grown men in mourning :LOL:
Producer couldn't even manage to organise hot food. I think his career is basically over.
Somehow I think Clarkson will end up in TV adverts for something where he lamps someone thus earning a fortune!

How do you stand having someone shout at you for 20 mins then a 20 sec assault? At the first point of shouting you say "Sorry you're being a knob, come back when you've calmed down" and walk away.

Pretty poor the chef went home at 9pm with a large film crew staying.

Clarkson should sign up for Angus steakhouse, or beefeater adverts :)
In the mean time, didn't the producer at one point insist that JC hadn't punched him?

It was all pushing, finger proding and handbags apparently. which to the Mirror is punch, hospitalising the producer...
It was all pushing, finger proding and handbags apparently. which to the Mirror is punch, hospitalising the producer...

So it was probably somehwere in the middle then.
If the producer went to A & E for something that didn't warrant it, then he's an arse.
And if JC is such a big girl's blouse as to be incapable of sourcing food for himself, he's an arse too.
(and yes I know the producer was probably responsible for the food supply, but that doesn't make JC 'kin useless, does it?)
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As I understood at the beginning - the reason why there was no hot food was that a certain celebrity [ so called ] had delayed for a drink or too or more, after filming was finished for the day , keeping the helicopter and its crew hanging about waiting for him , until he chose to appear for transport back to the hotel.

I'm sure if there hadn't been this delay of , I understand , 2 hours there would have been freshly cooked hot food available.
I still don't get why the producer went to a&e. Was there a punch or wasn't there?

Further more the "sacking" statement during which he wasn't actually sacked was full of praise of Jeremy. They merely decided not to renew his contract.

Meanwhile the whisper in the city is to buy itv shares as it is expected to raise in value by £1bn if they get clarkson and the team.

Nice one for their negotiations.

Ps. @Phil V as promised you win :p
I still don't get why the producer went to a&e. Was there a punch or wasn't there?

Premiership footballer? May put it right: I’m sorry that what ought to have been a small incident sorted out easily has turned into something big.
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Police are working with the BBC over what the corporation called an "unprovoked physical and verbal attack" by the presenter.
His services as a motoring journalist will remain in high demand the world over...maybe even more so.
He'll not suffer.

In the mean time, didn't the producer at one point insist that JC hadn't punched him?
Make your mind up. :rolleyes:

There'll be hushed gatherings in the hallways here at work....moist eyes trembly-lipped grown men in mourning :LOL:

It was all pushing, finger proding and handbags apparently. which to the Mirror is punch, hospitalising the producer...

From the statement

"During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip."

It lasted "around 30 seconds and was halted by the intervention of a witness," Mr MacQuarrie noted in his report.
I'm at a loss to understand how he can physically assault a work colleague and everyone bemoans the fact he has been sacked!

I'm curious what he would have to do in some peoples eyes to warrant dismissal?
During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip.
I guess that only 2 people really know what happened.

But as Ruth has already noted
His services as a motoring journalist will remain in high demand the world over...maybe even more so.
He'll not suffer.
From the statement

"During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip."

It lasted "around 30 seconds and was halted by the intervention of a witness," Mr MacQuarrie noted in his report.

Warranting a trip to A & E though?