Classifieds - very quiet?

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My general experience has been good. If not doing a face to face deal, I check to see how long they have been on the forum for, how active they are and their trader feedback
Its almost at the point where I don't think I'll list anything on here, hardly worth it for the interest these days.
I think the place has such a small audience that it's more prone to external factors such as individuals being skint.

I know I'd have had a lens off you by now if I had the cash for example, Chris [emoji1]
As mentioned early, my access to the classified has been revoked as I haven't posted enough on the main section.

Whilst I totally understand the reason for restricting users to the classified, this obviously will have knock on effect with the classified being quieter imo rightly or wrongly.

I'm slightly thankful of my restriction as I use to browse the classified and just bought stuff lol
If there were fewer over-priced "no offers" listings things might pick-up again.. over-pricing is the biggest problem at the moment.
I have to say I have been more involved in the other sections since the rules came in. There's a wealth of information out there, and a lot of opinion!
I can't say i GAF about the classifieds being quieter, its supposed to be an occasional perk for contributing members to sell kit to each other, if anyone needs a bustling market place they can always go to ebay
If there were fewer over-priced "no offers" listings things might pick-up again.. over-pricing is the biggest problem at the moment.
Usual thing on a specialist forum, not just photography. Theres a difference between what people perceive as the value of their kit, because theirs is special, and the price someone is willing to pay. Usually there's a middle ground.
and poor Gary RIP, judging by how many people on the condolences thread said they bought stuff from him... :D
I'd love to use the classifieds but due to restrictions I can't have access yet. Consequently I've spent £500+ through other sites meaning potentially users of this site may have lost out on selling and as a result had to use a site (you know the one) that charges 10% to sell.

But its down to the owners of this great site to make the rules, which I'm happy to comply with.
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Not going on the classified as save me loads of money :)
I'd love to use the classifieds but due to restrictions I can't have access yet.
Not much longer to wait, besides its not the holy grail that some people seem to think it is ;)
It's going to take me a long time to reach 25 posts as I'm busy reading the forums and currently have no input to give and I don't want to just drop a quick one line post just to get the numbers up.
It's going to take me a long time to reach 25 posts as I'm busy reading the forums and currently have no input to give and I don't want to just drop a quick one line post just to get the numbers up.
There is also a 60 day waiting period, besides the 26 posts, you are 1/4 way there in 13 days, so plenty of time to post an opinion here and there (y)
Typical.... everytime I am after some new kit no-one is selling anything!!!
horses for courses personally I think the new rules have hindered newcomers having access to cheap upgrade kit.
they browse the kit ask questions then can't buy it, hey ho.....

I fall into this category :)

Same problem for me, I want to buy my first camera and ideally off the forum rather than the auction site. Without a camera I'm going to struggle to make 25 'meaningful' posts though

Would it not be possible to allow newbies access to the Classifieds but restrict them to replying to ads only ie it will have the same effect of stopping those joining the forum just to freely advertise their gear but those wishing to buy will have somewhere that is hopefully more trustworthy than other sites
Without a camera I'm going to struggle to make 25 'meaningful' posts though
If you struggle to find something to say about photography without a camera, how is a camera going to help you find something to say?

I know you're new, but every time I read this same excuse it still sounds like the dumbest excuse/whinge for not posting and participating. You're here because you want to take photographs, surely you can find the time to make 25 posts about the photographs you want to take or about photographs others have taken that you like or have questions about? I realise that using a phone camera is perceived as a direct threat to the masculinity of some members, but a photograph is a photograph and it's very rare to find anyone these days that doesn't have one device or another capable of taking an image.
Hi Alistair, in defence of JimM169 I can see his point and don't class it as being dumb at all. I'm new to the site but not new to photography and as a newcomer there is an apprehension to offer a critique on another members photographs especially if you have yet to post some of your own. If Jim hasn't even bought a camera yet he probably feels that apprehension more than most. Probably more productive to suggest he take a look around the many sections within the forums and to try and participate or create a new post to ask various questions to get him started.
Hi Alistair, in defence of JimM169 I can see his point and don't class it as being dumb at all
Dave.. the rules give you 60 days to find your feet, gain some observation skills, research cameras (potentially saving yourself a hurried purchase mistake) and find twenty-five things to say.

You mention critique, but no need to always be so serious.. sometimes a simple "I really like the way you've captured the colour of the sunset" is enough. As long as you avoid "Don't think much of this one" most comments will be appreciated.

Part of the reason it sounds such a daft thing to complain about is that the classified section is about 2% of the forum, complaining about lack of access and not being able to fine twenty-five posts to make comes across with the message that the classified section of 100% of what you want from the forum. That's not a very clever thing to admit to, even if it's true. And once you do get access, you're going to struggle with the 50% rule anyway. At least with 25 posts under your belt you've built up a bit of a margin before you go blow your post ratio.
Yes Alistair I have read the rules just as Jim must have done and I suspect everyone else who joins here.

You mention critique, but no need to always be so serious.. sometimes a simple "I really like the way you've captured the colour of the sunset" is enough. As long as you avoid "Don't think much of this one" most comments will be appreciated.

That's a much better response I think as it gives direction.

Part of the reason it sounds such a daft thing to complain about is that the classified section is about 2% of the forum, complaining about lack of access and not being able to fine twenty-five posts to make comes across with the message that the classified section of 100% of what you want from the forum. That's not a very clever thing to admit to, even if it's true. And once you do get access, you're going to struggle with the 50% rule anyway. At least with 25 posts under your belt you've built up a bit of a margin before you go blow your post ratio.

If a member here has no kit then it seems logical that they would want to look at the classified section as it's likely they will be able to purchase some equipment from a trusted source to get them going. Again I don't see anything daft in that, more a sensible option. I'm not saying or even asking that the rule be changed, it has after all been set up for a reason and that's fair enough but that doesn't mean others cannot comment on the fact they find the lack of access frustrating.

There is a wealth of knowledge and experience here but it can be daunting to a newcomer to navigate through it and find what they want, what is helpful though is others, such as yourself to help guide these people to the right place in order to help them get started.
Well that's encouraging, my third post and already being called a lazy, dumb whinger :) (Couldn't find a tongue in cheek smilie)
Part of the reason it sounds such a daft thing to complain about is that the classified section is about 2% of the forum, complaining about lack of access and not being able to fine twenty-five posts to make comes across with the message that the classified section of 100% of what you want from the forum. That's not a very clever thing to admit to, even if it's true. And once you do get access, you're going to struggle with the 50% rule anyway. At least with 25 posts under your belt you've built up a bit of a margin before you go blow your post ratio.

It may only be 2% of the form but it is 2% I'm currently interested in! My initial posts were in the Equipment section and from the responses there the next logical place to look in was the classifieds. Who knows in years to come the Business & Professional area may be my main area of interest but not at the moment.

I can understand where you are coming from and I fully intend to contribute where I feel that I can make a worthwhile contribution, I was just making the point that there could be a possible solution which helped new comers but also avoided the potential of spamming in the classifieds

At least I'm a fifth of the way to my 25 post now
Same problem for me, I want to buy my first camera and ideally off the forum rather than the auction site. Without a camera I'm going to struggle to make 25 'meaningful' posts though
5 posts in 2 weeks isn't a bad average.
"meaningful posts" are open to interpritation, and to stop people being here 60 days, and no posts, and then posting "nice shot" 26 times in less minutes.
Somehow or other, they never see the light at the end of the classified tunnel ;)
Would it not be possible to allow newbies access to the Classifieds but restrict them to replying to ads only ie it will have the same effect of stopping those joining the forum just to freely advertise their gear but those wishing to buy will have somewhere that is hopefully more trustworthy than other sites

Over the years there has been many permutations of the classifieds rules, this one has been in force for some years now, it deters people from signing up, snatching a bargian, never to be seen again.
Or conversely, selling "stuff" maybe be a bit iffy it may not, but they unload lots of gear and then drop off the face of the Earth.
Just remember also, that once you have access, its an automated ratio of below 50/50 posts classifieds to forum.

Have a read everything is explained. :)
Well that's encouraging, my third post and already being called a lazy, dumb whinger :) (Couldn't find a tongue in cheek smilie)

Stop complaining! :D
"meaningful posts" are open to interpritation, and to stop people being here 60 days, and no posts, and then posting "nice shot" 26 times in less minutes.

Haha, yep there have been loads of those.

TBH, I reckon the ratio should be changed to 75%/25% (tougher, not easier! btw)
Even though comments might be a bit longer than `nice shot`, there's still the odd member who posts nothing until their 50% is reached .......... then makes 5 or 6 comments specifically so they can buy & sell. :rolleyes:
For newer members looking for trustworthy places to buy second hand equipment, there is always MPB photographic, London Camera Exchange or Wex (as well as others) who also supply warranties with the sale of the equipment.
You can add mifsuds to that list.

If a member here has no kit then it seems logical that they would want to look at the classified section as it's likely they will be able to purchase some equipment from a trusted source to get them going. Again I don't see anything daft in that, more a sensible option. I'm not saying or even asking that the rule be changed, it has after all been set up for a reason and that's fair enough but that doesn't mean others cannot comment on the fact they find the lack of access frustrating.

It does seem logical thought but as cobra said the classifieds have been developed over several years to what they are now for many reasons. Please also think of it from the opposite perspective, although the seller may be a trusted source (they may have been a member for several years and got an excellent trading record), the buyer may be a new member who signed up that day and no one knows anything about them from no involvement in the forum. There are ways to be caught out whilst selling (payments can be reversed, items not turn up, even return as faulty but the original camera when returned). Not allowing classified access until 25 posts and 60 days isn't too long a wait but it stops the sign ups and never seen again people.

I bought my first Nikon camera from London Camera Exchange, I'm glad I did as I had a problem with the memory card slot and it was repaired under the 6 month warranty. LCE were excellent and I would recommend them to any new buyers. Buying from a second hand dealer gives piece of mind as the warranty is a backup. If your buying your first camera from the classifieds how do you know how to check it properly? You could think there is a fault when there isn't or vice versa.
Haha, yep there have been loads of those.

TBH, I reckon the ratio should be changed to 75%/25% (tougher, not easier! btw)
Even though comments might be a bit longer than `nice shot`, there's still the odd member who posts nothing until their 50% is reached .......... then makes 5 or 6 comments specifically so they can buy & sell. :rolleyes:
I think that's fair as classifieds are a member benefit rather than a right, perhaps a gradual reduction so that it pushes people to get involved more rather than pushes them away. There were a number of people that upped and left on the 50-50 change, to be fair some of them were only here for the classifieds and were never going to get involved in the forum so that was no big loss.
Haha, yep there have been loads of those.
Loads indeed Carl
TBH, I reckon the ratio should be changed to 75%/25% (tougher, not easier! btw)
It very nearly was TBH but after checking "stats" it was decided that the classifieds would be all but redundant :D
Even though comments might be a bit longer than `nice shot`, there's still the odd member who posts nothing until their 50% is reached .......... then makes 5 or 6 comments specifically so they can buy & sell. :rolleyes:
Indeed they do, and we know who most of them are, we do allow a little lee-way as long as they are better than "nice shots"
If its habitual, then posts do get deleted ( did I say that out loud? :D )

, to be fair some of them were only here for the classifieds and were never going to get involved in the forum so that was no big loss.
Very true Rob, We've even had people with massively biased posts in the classifieds, and absolutely no chance of "recovery" start up a new account.
That account is either deleted, or banned from classifieds from the off.
Can you imagine their surprise when they "fit the criteria" and still can't post in there?
They are ecstatic :D
If its habitual, then posts do get deleted ( did I say that out loud? :D )

Haha. a certain person's ratio went up to 51% last night, ............. so fired a dozen quick comments on today in readiness for the classified access.:rolleyes:
Haha. a certain person's ratio went up to 51% last night, ............. so fired a dozen quick comments on today in readiness for the classified access.:rolleyes:
I dunno some people eh? TBH its difficult to keep track, with over 60,000 members,
But someone usually spots these and gives us the heads up ;)
Haha. a certain person's ratio went up to 51% last night, ............. so fired a dozen quick comments on today in readiness for the classified access.:rolleyes:
I can't understand how someone could come to be even close to 50%, I would suggest around 5% classifieds activity would be reasonable and 20% would start me thinking someone was taking the **ss and not fully participating.
I can't understand how someone could come to be even close to 50%,
I guess if someone has been a member for quite some time, but not necessarily contributed a lot, I could maybe understand if they were selling off a system & changing over to something else.

I would suggest around 5% classifieds activity would be reasonable
Maybe that could be a bit on the low side, but I do feel 50% is way over the top. imho

and 20% would start me thinking someone was taking the **ss and not fully participating.

Hence my feeling re one poster; 560 posts in 1 year, 51% of those in the classifieds, then follows a similar repeating pattern of not posting anything for a while, then........posting a dozen `crits` in a day.
Doesn't always leave `feedback` & also keeps thread posts/replies in classifieds to a bare minimum.
Also I don't think they've posted a single image. o_O
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