Come one and all: Christmas up your avatar.....

couldn't have put it better myself (well I could but only by defeating the swear filter)

tis the season of enforced jollity and false bonhomie - if I could get away with it I'd hibernate until the 26th

"yeah boss, I'm ringing in sick ... yeah I'm sick of all this false xmas b*****ks, i'll be back in the new year "
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Done :p lol
Animated gifs don`t work as avatar`s. How carp is that?
Animated gifs don`t work as avatar`s. How carp is that?

They do if you click on the avatar and bring out the pop up info bit (y)
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No you don't, that's not you, you are fatter than that :p

I beg your pardon?!

I'll have you know… I'm… errr… actually I'm…

No, you're right. I am :eek:ops:
Ok, my photoshopfu failed me, so I've just used a pic of my son taken around this time last year... I might replace it with one taken this year... if I get to take some.
Weather your pro or anti it's time to decorate your avatar :D
Well! I hopy, you're happy now!

Made me ruin the lovely X-ray shot of the D800...
Done :)
Mine's done. Took this last winter and the pooch was not impressed with her new look. Can't think why :naughty:
Found a new, dark, black & white... just to fit with the lovely Night Scheme...

... and now? All wrapped in green and white!

But a nice pair, I got there! :wave: