Conflict of conscience, snapped minor celeb pics

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So on holiday and snapped a handful of pics of some minor celebs (towie!) I dont watch the program, not a fan. Had the spanish inquisition from them of am I a pap.?!! Explained im car sales so no. They asked if they can see the pics then asked if i can email the pics cos they liked them so got their email address.... Seemed like alright people. Nothing special in the pics, just them having a good time, dancing, in a bar. What would the pics roughly fetch? If its not much then definately not doing anything with them, they deserve a private life/day off! What would anyone else do?
Give 'em the photos and let them know where you are if they ever need to buy a car.
Well this is what im thinking, not worth a lot so just let them enjoy their holiday (and i did ask if they wanted to buy a citroen!!) . If i put them on facebook and someone then re-used them anyway... whats facebook copyright rules?!
Put a bloody great copyright through them :)
Well this is what im thinking, not worth a lot so just let them enjoy their holiday (and i did ask if they wanted to buy a citroen!!) . If i put them on facebook and someone then re-used them anyway... whats facebook copyright rules?!

Probably worth less because people like you give pictures like this away! Put them out through an agency. Or at least talk to an agency to find out! There are agencies that specialise in celeb pics.
How do you arrive at that?
I'm sorry - my wording could have been kinder! Especially as I've not even seen the photographs. Pardon me.

What I was thinking of - and trying to dig myself out of this huge hole I've dug! - is we have a few celebrities around here and I'm not sure the local paper would be interested if people managed to capture images of them. I don't remember seeing one candid photograph of them in the local paper. A few staged shots of them opening something or similar, but not candids.

Sorry, again :)
So on holiday and snapped a handful of pics of some minor celebs (towie!) I dont watch the program, not a fan. Had the spanish inquisition from them of am I a pap.?!! Explained im car sales so no. They asked if they can see the pics then asked if i can email the pics cos they liked them so got their email address.... Seemed like alright people. Nothing special in the pics, just them having a good time, dancing, in a bar. What would the pics roughly fetch? If its not much then definitely not doing anything with them, they deserve a private life/day off! What would anyone else do?

So they don't deserve a private life if the pics are worth a few quid?
Reminds me of something.

But his opportunistic images of Jackie Kennedy helped to fund his continued existence as an independent chronicler in a far-flung place and time of world-relevance, & he showed the world things that needed to be seen. I doubt that such applies to what you've done? So let it be.

You engaged with them as people, & they with you? Don't betray that.
Reminds me of something.

But his opportunistic images of Jackie Kennedy helped to fund his continued existence as an independent chronicler in a far-flung place and time of world-relevance, & he showed the world things that needed to be seen. I doubt that such applies to what you've done? So let it be.

You engaged with them as people, & they with you? Don't betray that.

But Jackie Kennedy was America's unofficial roving ambassador at the time,so i think fair game for any press/photojournalist :)
Through my sons football I have met several premiership football players. Most of the time they have been with their own or family kids and yes, I have taken the odd snap cos it seemed like fun family life. I'd never dream of trying to flog them to the press! We all have lives! Mind you, if they came stumbling out of a bar then that may be a different matter. Were do you draw the line?
So on holiday and snapped a handful of pics of some minor celebs (towie!) I dont watch the program, not a fan. Had the spanish inquisition from them of am I a pap.?!! Explained im car sales so no. They asked if they can see the pics then asked if i can email the pics cos they liked them so got their email address.... Seemed like alright people. Nothing special in the pics, just them having a good time, dancing, in a bar. What would the pics roughly fetch? If its not much then definately not doing anything with them, they deserve a private life/day off! What would anyone else do?
As they are in TOWIE they were probably disappointed you weren't a pap...Looking at the show it is, their career is highly (wholly?) dependent on getting publicised as there is very little else to it. Don't know if you spotted other photographers around, but I would sell.

Now the second point is where. I've got no idea nor experience to recommend anywhere, I'm sure some will do....
I read the OP as the non-entity wanting the shots rather than the OP wanting to flog them to the papers. I would sell them to the subjects but with a strict "not for publication" license. For an indecent price! If they want them for publicity purposes, an even more indecent price.
If i put them on facebook and someone then re-used them anyway... whats facebook copyright rules?!

Didn't you read them when you signed up?!

Basically, you give Facebook the right to let anyone share them. Doesn't affect copyright in any way though.

Sounds like they were disappointed you were not pap
In my book anyone who are famous for doing sweet FA is fair game. Those who seek fame for fames sake have no respect from me. Even if you only get 50p per shot sell sell sell That's about how much thy are worth

The likes of Terry Wogan (rest in peace) who was always in the public eye but never sought to have his face fill those column inches will always get my respect. I would never ever pap those types.
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