Confused ahead of a Sony upgrade.

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Sometimes I wish the interenet was never invented. As the more I search, the more confused I become.
Well I've just got a bit of cash spare and a couple of picturesque holidays booked, so.............
I've decided that my old Sony 300 needs replacing. Nothing wrong with the way it works. Just that (obviously) technology moves along.
I was about to go for a SLT-A57K (body only). Then suddenly I discovered the A58, and am now confused. Is it mainly the fps that sets these two apart?
I can see that the cheaper A58 offers 20Mp against 16Mp for the A57. But in my situation that does not concern me greatly.
Then, what is the best thing to do in order to get a few quid back (if I can) for my A300? Ebay? Part-ex?
The a58 has caused quite a stir among Sony shooters. It's partly an upgrade and partly a downgrade, when compared to the a57. This is because Sony have repositioned the a5x range, from the mid-price/range to the entry level. Sony say it replaces both the a57 and the a37.

The a58 has a newer, higher resolution sensor, a better EVF and some small improvements to its AF tracking for moving subjects. Unfortunately, to achieve the lower price its also got a lower frame rate, poorer LCD and no 1080/50p video.

I personally think the a57 is the better camera overall, but YMMV (as they say).

As for selling, I always use eBay to dispose of my old gear.
I've been wondering the same thing myself. I can't afford the upgrade now, but have also started looking to see what's new. If the a5x range is the entry level, then what's mid-range?
Rustico said:
I've been wondering the same thing myself. I can't afford the upgrade now, but have also started looking to see what's new. If the a5x range is the entry level, then what's mid-range?

Presumably, there will be an update to the a65, although the next alpha body is rumoured to be an a77 replacement. I can't believe they'll limit the range to just two APS-C bodies.
I think the A58 is a good example of what one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away.

The OLED viewfinder at this price range is great. I think this would appeal to a lot of newcomers to DSLR photography as it is very much WYSIWYG. Makes the learning curve much lower.

However, the lower res LCD is a bit of a blow. Pictures won't look as good at all.

Personally I'd say wait for the A58 and have a play with both. You can make your mind up then. Either the A58 will be your choice or you will probably be able to pick up the A57 at a reduced price.
Might be best to keep your a300 it's probably not worth as much in value as it is to you as a spare.
I just upgraded to an a77 body only and the Internet drove me round the bend, the a65 is similar and I couldn't make my mind up for a week!
I'm sure whatever you choose to do you'll enjoy it as I have.
The Internet certainly brings out analysis paralysis in most people.

Only you can decide on the worth of keeping the A300 but they go for around £120 by the look of it and that is on eBay where you will get the best price (assuming you have history and feedback as a seller)