Cunning plans for frost free windscreens?


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Its that time of year again. Has anyone got any top tips for keeping car windows frost free apart from the obvious one of put in a garage overnight.

I bought a half-car cover from LIDL yesterday and its basically useless. "Do not apply to dirty car, do not apply to wet car, do not apply if cover wet." etc. Not to mention the attachments being so lame, the first gust of wind and it'd take off down the street.

I've tried spraying on "pre-icer" the night before made absolutely no difference.

So, grateful for any tips whilst I carry on using a boiled kettle topped up with cold and pouring over the car in the morning. (y)
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Its that time of year again. Has anyone got any top tips for keeping car windows frost free apart from the obvious one of put in a garage overnight.

I bought a half-car cover from LIDL yesterday and its basically useless. "Do not apply to dirty car, do not apply to wet car, do not apply if cover wet." etc. Not to mention the attachments being so lame, the first gust of wind and it'd take off down the street.

I've tried spraying on "pre-icer" the night before made absolutely no difference.

So, grateful for any tips whilst I carry on using a boiled kettle topped up with cold and pouring over the car in the morning. (y)

I bought a car cover once....the top half type.
Fix it on all nice and snug.
Next morning after a fart of a breeze I retrieved it from the local park a 1/4 of a mile away.

Watch your windscreen using even luke warm water.
If you have a drive or can park the car close to your house where it is safe to run an electric cable then put a mains connected fan heater in the car. Switch it on from your house about 20 mins before you intend to drive. Car defrosted and nicely warm when you get in.
Heated screen! Used to spray deicer on on the way to bed which seemed to make life a little easier, especially when combined with a squirt on the way to brekkie. For very frozen, I even started the car with the heater full on while having brekkie so there was some warmth in the system to aid scraping.
I just get in the car, start it, air con maximum blast up the windscreen which also switches on heated front and rear screens at the same time. Windows clear within 2 minutes. Drive off. Just remember to turn off the autowipers before starting the car. ;)
Spray de-icer next to useless in my experience ... dedicated screen cover as above or newspaper/cardboard/cloth under the ('upped') wipers.
I usually use warm water and a squeegee to clear the water away. If locks are frozen then hot water bottle leaned against the lock usually defrosts it reasonably quickly.

I'd have thought an old electric blanket would be quite good. If you stuck one in a water proof cover and popped it on the screen it'd probably defrost it reasonably without much effort. Hairdryer on a lower heat setting would be quite good as well.
There was a great deal on windscreen covers at Aldi last year, picked up quite a few for friends and family. Just fitted an outside socket on the side of the house so in heavy frosts at 5am i can use a small fan heater.
Fan heater sounds a reasonable idea although I am usually in such a rush i wont have 20 minutes to leave it running. External socket a great idea so long as its switch offable from inside the house.
the front silver cover thing I do have one, probably better than the cr4p half cover I bought but doesnt stop the sides and rears from frosting up. Will dig it out again though.
Cheers all.
The outside socket is on its own circuit so its only switched on from the consumer unit when needed.
They used to say cut a potato in half and wipe that over the windscreen the night before. I never tried it, so can't comment, but worth a try.:)
They used to say cut a potato in half and wipe that over the windscreen the night before. I never tried it, so can't comment, but worth a try.:)

I thought the potato trick was for de-greasing the windscreen! (the starch absorbes the grease)
Pair of gloves and a scraper do the job just fine. Wear the gloves obviously, don't wipe the windscreen with em :D
:naughty::naughty::naughty:pour a litre of engine oil over the windscreen that will stop it freezing :naughty::naughty::naughty:
RainX won't stop ice (obvs) but it does make it quicker and easier to get off. Or Duxback from Halfords. I think it's a kind of nano coating. Also good for rain ;)

I use that and then warm water. Salty warm water if it's really cold.
They used to say cut a potato in half and wipe that over the windscreen the night before. I never tried it, so can't comment, but worth a try.:)
Eye eye, No skin off my nose to give a try something new I suppose. Must remember to put my jersey and jacket on before venturing outside to defrost the Cara.
You could always live in New Zealand for our winter/their summer :)

You think I'm joking - We have friends who do that albeit not just to save defrosting their windscreen :D
If locks are frozen then hot water bottle leaned against the lock usually defrosts it

I don't even have that trouble. Keyless entry. :) Or at worst unlock the car with the remote.
The trick is to keep the interior and exterior glass clean and free from moisture

If your car has Air Conditioning, then use it on the journey of the night before frost is forecast
When parking the car, wipe the windscreen with a disposable towel / tissue
The following morning you won't have as much frost on the windscreen as other cars parked nearby
Don't use a scraper, unless it is the flexible rubber version
Whilst removing the frost, set the heating to the front windscreen
When you get back in the car the windscreen may be misted up, but will clear very quickly
Anything that stops the glass having a clear line of sight to the sky will stop dew - and the ice it turns into. An old bedsheet or towel or anything will work if you cant keep the car under cover.
Old bed sheet trapped in doors and below the wipers ....used for years never fails ....

A fleece blanket used the same way is even better.
Let a tramp sleep in the car! Their body heat will stop it freezing. Smells can be a problem and of course, sometimes they die and stop giving off heat.
But at least one member is a car valeter, and I'm sure he'd be happy with the work :)
Eh Mike? :D

I've used loads of things over the years, from a large sheet of cardboard,
to old sheets, old duvets, large sheets of polythene something like a cheap dust sheet from the likes of B&Q
but they tend to disintegrate after a "hard season"
Juts make sure they are tucked in the doors and under the wipers,
or you maybe recovering them from the county (as already noted) if it gets windy.
Can't say winter bothers me too much. Heated screens, mirrors and front seats. All nice and toasty.
Can't say winter bothers me too much. Heated screens, mirrors and front seats. All nice and toasty.
We are all getting soft,
What's wrong with a scraper and a piar of gloves (If you must?) :D
tbh I just start the car and turn on the heater then scrape the screens by hand leaving the windscren to last - no big deal