cv templates


Staff Bog Cleaner 2015
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Does anyone know a source of some good CV templates

After a good number of years doing what I do, it's time for a change and my CV is so far out of date I had Noah down as a referee :eek:
Loads HERE DF ... Nurse to Aviation to Legal ... :shrug:

HTH ... ;)

... Functional (Modern) is probably the best style if you're unsure m8 ... :cautious:


I could send you some of the ones we're looking through just now. Especially the one which takes particular pride in accuracy and correctness but apparently couldn't be bothered to spell check :p
I could send you some of the ones we're looking through just now. Especially the one which takes particular pride in accuracy and correctness but apparently couldn't be bothered to spell check :p

That's the one thing I enjoy about recruiting, seeing how inept some people can be when it comes to presenting themselves on paper. :LOL: The best ones are the ones who run off a stock letter on their printer and just fill in the blanks with a pen depending on the job they're applying for :annoyed:
A pretty useful site here mate with lots of templates here. Might be useful :shrug:
That's the one thing I enjoy about recruiting, seeing how inept some people can be when it comes to presenting themselves on paper. :LOL: The best ones are the ones who run off a stock letter on their printer and just fill in the blanks with a pen depending on the job they're applying for :annoyed:

Yeah, but they dont want to intimidate the boss with their intellect :D.

having said that, DF, he's not the complete numpty i like to make him out to be; thats the same site i would have recommended.

Best tip of all - keep it simple. I'm a megalomaniac tyrant with an enormous chip on each shoulder so i just bin the CV's of people trying to be clever :LOL:
having said that, DF, he's not the complete numpty i like to make him out to be; thats the same site i would have recommended.

:razz: :p Mr Reb ;)

I had a graphic designer apply for a position once, he thought it was very trendy to swap all the upper and lower case letters in his CV (it was supposed to be artistic I think :shrug:). Needless to say, he got a "thanks but no thanks" letter, but with all the upper and lower case letters swapped :LOL::LOL::LOL:
tHANKS fOR THE reeplees chapz

I can tie my own shoe laces and in my younger days I could hit an apprentice in the head with a 17mm combination spanner at 20 yards.....what more do you need to get a change of employment?

I'll be trawling through them to find one I can fib my balls off in ;)
I've had informal talks with the MD of the company concerned, so at this stage I'm not putting myself out to tender. It was the MD that asked me to send my CV to him and not the engineering I need to make it count. :)
I've had informal talks with the MD of the company concerned, so at this stage I'm not putting myself out to tender. It was the MD that asked me to send my CV to him and not the engineering I need to make it count. :)

Ah I see good luck in that case (y)
Remember "if you can't blind 'em with science baffle 'em with bull-S***" works for me :D
I have to say I paid to have my CV professionally done and had 6 interviews within 2 weeks. Well worth the 100 quid or so I paid. As I'm having no luck with said CV over here I'm now going to pay for an American firm to do it. But then maybe I'm just lazy.
I've just done my CV and spent ages reading up and I'd advise you to only be inspired by the templates rather than use them, as the employer may have seen the template before..also, write your personal profile (if you have one) last as it makes it easier to write.. summing up everything you've just written..

Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.

Tks again and pls keep posting.
Have to agree use template CV's as a guide, but write your own. I get annoyed when I get half a dozen CV's all in the same style.

You need to find out what the company does and tailor your CV to that company.

Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about my ideals.

Tks again and pls keep posting.

/waits patiently for next post

//loses patience