DC2Z's 52 - 2010 (Part 2) Week 39 - Rage

Thanks for the comments guys. All the shots were slightly rushed, but as I have a little time on my hands I hope to go back through all of them and try again
Good catch up Darren. It can't have been easy to find the images for 4 weeks worth of themes in a week, its bad enough trying to find one image/idea at a time. Some good work in there, particularly the workmen :cautious: models, it has the feel of that TV advert for milk, not sure which brand though. The abstract for surfaces has potential, just needs a wee tweak on your dof/focus and it will work. iain
Well done on catching up - that takes some doing. :)

Transform: Nice interpretation of the theme, Darren and I like the low pov.

Mobile: I can't fault your choice of interpretation since I chose the same thing and using TP for the screen ws a neat idea. (y)

Surfaces: I love this even though it makes my eyes go funny. :)

Light: The dramatic lighting works well - definitely fits the theme. (y)

Project: This made me smile. :D As for the focusing, I'm sure there are workers for whom the portaloo is the most important part of a project. :)


Got this one done pretty quickly. I knew what I wanted to got straight away.

I quite enjoyed the theme and it hasn't come out too bad, I learnt a lot of things this week and it was the 1st time I had ever had to seperate a figure from a background.

I'msure many people will hate it but this was one of the 1st times in ages I actually enjoyed the whole process from start to finish.
Nice work catching up Darren, not easy.

Electric - Ow... that could be nasty. I like it, but agree with the other comments...

Transform I like, unusual thing that...

Mobile works, I think it could do with losing the book (??) upper left though... possibly also a bit central..

Surfaces... my eyes, my eyes ;)... nice idea, it does look like there's a curve away from the camera.

Light, moody and dramatic, and must have been hard to get right. I can't decide if the focus is slightly out or not.. but, it's well lit.

Project, nice idea, looks interesting, but I agree about the point of focus, the portaloo seems to be the sharpest.

Film, simple, and very clever, it works well... Nice interpretation.

Sorry to hear about the D90, but that little Pany is doing a nice job...

Good luck for the next few weeks
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Nice catch up Darren, and sorry to hear about having to sell the D90 that's a real shame.
some interesting shots there and i especially like the project offering and light.
Scar face is brilliant, one of my favourite films and a great take on the theme.
Quick catch up...

Transform - what an interesting piece - does it play a tune or something? The reflections on the left are a bit too bright but they are difficult to control on such a shiny surface.

Mobile - fits the theme. I think it would be better without the white thing in the top left, though.

Surfaces - This is rather fun and effective even though it makes my eyes go a bit funny! No idea what it is, though I thought at first it was a cheese grater...

Light - excellent! Very moody and spooky - I think this is one of the best interpretations of this theme. :clap::clap:

Project - another fun pic. I like the arrangement and composition but think the focus should be on the coffee drinker. Worth having another go at.

Film - I'm not looking at it cos I haven't done my own yet. Well done for getting up to date.
Glad you got to try something new for film and got a lot of enjoyment out of the process (y)
Great catch up Darren - you actually got your film shot in before I had a chance to look at the others.

Transform : Interesting object and good interpretation. I think the lighting could have worked a little better though. Slightly less reflection and maybe a bit more sparkle on the jeweled bird.

Mobile : Spot on theme and technically well executed.

Surfaces : I like this a lot - Really weird optical illusion when you look at it too long and especially when you scroll up and down past it.

Light : (y) Very atmospheric and a little bit "Blair Witch Project".

Project : I love these little model set ups that you do - where did you get these little figures?
Very good composition on this particular one, but I also agree that the focus would work better on the workman.

Film : My favourite of the lot.
Both the photography and the PP are executed well and they really come together to give an effective result.

Glad to hear that you're enjoying photography again, and I'm hoping to see some shots of the new arrival getting crowbarred into this 52 in the next couple of months.

A difficult week this week but at the last moment came up with something.

Not the most inspiring of photos but I think it still fits the theme.

Thank you all of the kind comments last week and once again feel free to give your views.
Darren tell me about the lack of inspiration for some the themes that have cropped up, i have been having a struggle with most weeks.

That fits the theme but i cannot work out what it is?
I don't know about dirty but it's definitely grossing me out whatever it is.
Film: excellent! You have pulled this off really well - one of the best interpretations I've seen :clap::clap:

Dirty: I thought at first it was a chop that the dog had brought in but a dead pear seems more likely. Whatever it is it is pretty revolting so fits the theme perfectly.
Thanks for all the comments.

Its actually a pear that fell from our tree and had been sitting on the grass for a few days
That's pretty disgusting, so .... therefore fits the theme perfectly... and it's a good shot of it too.
Catching up Darren.

Film - Good idea. Only thing that detracts is the cut-out on the black side. Other than that I like it.

Dirty - urgh!! :LOL:
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Once again quite enjoyed this theme. The themes seem to be improving.
I dont know about themes improving- they seem to be getting more difficult to me. Anyway your rage picture is on theme, although you dont really look too angry (if its you).I think you were enjoying it too much:) Good portrait shot though, maybe a bit noisy.
I'm not sure what you've done with the processing but it looks a lot like a still from a CCTV video. Agree with Sue that you seem to be having too much fun to be enraged, your mouth may be shouting but the emotion isn't reflected in your eyes.
Pose and processing are good but the eyes don't match the rest of the expression. Fair enough, though - this is all about having fun!
having a rant at the CCTV Darren ;)... it fits the theme nicely.. not sure on the processing myself ...
your eyes (is it you?) aren't angry but other than that fits the theme well. Have to say I don't like the processing.
Not keen on the processing either I'm afraid and as dlh says - your eyes don't convey the emotion. Maybe making it darker would help.