DJI phantom Vision Plus


North York Moors
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Who's getting one :wave:
I have one on the way, will be here Monday if not tomorrow. :woot:

I've had the Phantom One for a while so shouldn't be too difficult to get to grips with it.

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Looks a superb piece of kit.
Now do I really need the Mac :)

Could have so much fun with this,

Is it still frowned on selling children.?
Bought a Phantom Vision last year and it's a great laugh and super easy to fly.
Rarely comes out if it's box now though. Hoping for some summer inspiration so it gets some use.
Bought a Phantom Vision last year and it's a great laugh and super easy to fly.
Rarely comes out if it's box now though. Hoping for some summer inspiration so it gets some use.
This was my concern, it will be hard to maintain enthusiasm after a few months when you have 'done' favourite places , and the batteries need maintenance to keep condition.
These things come along from time to time and it's a good excuse to get out more.
Bought a Phantom Vision last year and it's a great laugh and super easy to fly.
Rarely comes out if it's box now though. Hoping for some summer inspiration so it gets some use.

I have an old Ikarus Eco 8, well based on that, it's heavily modified and runs with a bullet cam.
I got it out this weekend for the first time in about two years inspired by you all and whilst the lipo charged fine, the transmitter battery wouldn't hold charge. Typical!
Now that looks hard to fly lol. Shame about the battery issues.

A good couple of threads here will hopefully help hold interest a bit more as well as energising the video forum a bit:)
Had the Vision Plus a couple of weeks now but still not confident to let it get too far away.
Once it's a speck in the distance you only need glance away momentarily and it can be hard to spot again, but the phone app display confirms it has not moved and it can be brought back towards the start point easy enough.

The video it produces is not technically that good with rather excessive processing you can't really reduce much.
However the silky smooth gimbal is just a delight.

I am the same with my fc40 mate..bit nervous about flying to high and far away!.Watched your vids on youtube and have to say they are very smooth! Nicely done. Seems the local youngsters have taken an interest when I am messing around in the garden with mine lol..
I am going to get a quadcopter for some fun etc.. cannot seem to make up my mind what to get.. the vision plus camera is not as good as the go pro 3 by all accounts the dji550 will mount a heavier camera but apparently is harder to fly etc

cant seem to make my mind up what to get (must add a complete newbie) to RC flying might buy one of those mini hubsan x4 's to practice round the garden with
The Phantom is far easier to fly than the Hubsan or Parrots, but starts to get a bit heavy and ponderous with the gimbal and gopro.
Vision Plus is a lighter, elegant all in one ready to go kit with *quite good* camera, excellent gimbal and FPV with acceptable range by smartphone or tablet.
Though pricey, you get a lot for the money and to make up something similar piecemeal would cost you significantly more.
An issue coming to light seems to be that even a quite minor crash can easily damage the gimbal and at present you'd have to send the whole thing off for repairs.

I acquired a few weeks experience with an affordable phantom 1 with my own action camera attached (or get a cheapy like the SJ4000)
With hindsight this is quite a good way to go, as though basic flying is relatively easy, there is A LOT to pick up over time as your experience grows.
It would be amazing if you do not have a number of minor crashes.
The basic P1 is lightweight and hard to break other than the props which are inexpensive.
If you wade in with a Vision Plus or the Phantom 2 with expensive gimbal as a kit you are almost certainly going to have costly mistakes.

You must approach this with the recognition that it is *likely* sooner or later the craft will be lost or damaged and you just have to accept it.
On the other hand make no mistake it is huge fun the more you get into it.
It will depend a good deal on your home location.
It must be very frustrating if you don't have a good open area almost on the doorstep.
You need to practice almost daily to keep skills honed.
Had the Vision Plus a couple of weeks now but still not confident to let it get too far away.
Once it's a speck in the distance you only need glance away momentarily and it can be hard to spot again, but the phone app display confirms it has not moved and it can be brought back towards the start point easy enough.

The video it produces is not technically that good with rather excessive processing you can't really reduce much.
However the silky smooth gimbal is just a delight.

You need some hills. Get yourself to Scotland:p:D
Looks like your mastering flight- just a case of putting the hours in I guess. I think FPV is a must- unless your quad is the size of a car- it just becomes so difficult to tell which way it's facing etc.

The smooth footage is great- much better than on my X4 anyway:LOL:
I am the same with my fc40 mate..bit nervous about flying to high and far away!.Watched your vids on youtube and have to say they are very smooth! Nicely done. Seems the local youngsters have taken an interest when I am messing around in the garden with mine lol..

Better watch out for catapults and bb guns next lol

FPV is definitely the way forward. I just had a 50ft crash with the wind catching it and then not knowing which way it was facing just killed the throttle before difficulty was faced. Superglue did not rescue- new body shell ordered lol
Right, getting distracted multi-tasking.
Anyway, @StuartH and @4wd- I thought I was not that interested in music as a whole:p;):LOL:
I am going to get a quadcopter for some fun etc.. cannot seem to make up my mind what to get.. the vision plus camera is not as good as the go pro 3 by all accounts the dji550 will mount a heavier camera but apparently is harder to fly etc

cant seem to make my mind up what to get (must add a complete newbie) to RC flying might buy one of those mini hubsan x4 's to practice round the garden with

Chris - I'll echo what has been said. I've wanted a quadcopter for the last few years but they have always been pretty expensive. They are certainly now more affordable- depending on what you want to do although I also think it's a case that I can justify the expense a bit better now lol.

Stuart (@StuartH) renewed my desire to go and do it so I went and got a X4 with camera as a starter. What I would say now is that although the camera is fine it's not stabilised so early footage is a bit ropey. I'd probably get the £36 one to use as a learning curve and not bother with the camera.

I've been getting used to t, spending a few mins a day flying it. It really does come down to how they judge pilots based on the number of hours. when I first started I was pretty much hard into ceiling and then into carpet lol. Not as bad now. Outside is pretty hard because the X4 is so small that it is very difficult to work out orientation when it gets a certain distance away from you. However, it's all good fun and useful for learning to fly. I just had a 50ft crash- I have had many others- this was a bit more terminal in that a leg broke but far better on this than on something that costs several hundred pounds. I tried superglue but have ordered a new bodyshell for a £5- pretty inexpensive.

The GPS stabilised copters are easier to fly when there is a lock but I think a good grounding in the inexpensive ones is the way to go. For nay distance FPV is a must as well I think.

If you mean the flame wheel 550 I don't think it's any harder to fly than the phantom if you are using the Naza flight controller. I've looked a quite a few things now as I was wanting something compact and it is a minefield for self building. Even the phantom once you add gimbal/ fpv the flight times reduce quite a bit form the 25mins.

I've looked and looked and to some extent I'm no further forward- thinking of heading to the city and a shop tomorrow to just buy something and get started in the big boy league. It's either that or run 50/60km run in the Cairngorms with the weather looking a bit poor:confused:

View starting quadcoptering as kit lens and then subsequent upgrades
Good thread guys... my brother has a Flamewheel 550 along with normal helicopters for the acrobatics etc which is not what I intend doing
yesterday we met up he lives 'not near me' for the first time so I could watch him working the flame wheel and the weather was pretty poor with gusty winds - I was shocked at how tiny these things really are.. and apparently the Vision plus is half the size of the 550

I had pretty much got it into my mind that I would get a vision plus but now I really cant make my mind up
as to the Hubsan X4 I never intended getting one with a camera - just as a learning curve to moving upto a bigger one - ie. less expensive when I smash it into the ground couple of times

another area I had not given much thought was the editing of the video footage yesterday I got a little bit of video footage and a few of his older clips just to mess about with - I have the full version of Photoshop CC (legal) which has a bunch of video editing features which last night I spent hours getting my head round - but seems to do everything I will need to do, but is not for the faint hearted so to speak so I will be practicing some editing into the lead up to getting a quadcopter
Re. adding music, the vision plus does not record sound at all so most people add some kind of sound track or it's a bit weird.
If it did record you'd only hear buzzing motors and wind anyway.

Adobe Premiere takes some beating for editing but you do need to spend some time getting to grips with it and rendering is rather slow even on a fast computer.

Some nice video their 4wd
just looked up Rosedale moor as I had never heard of it.. and it turns out near Goathland where I have been many times

as for Adobe Premier.. I Have the full blown Photoshop which far surpasses my talents at Video editing so wont be paying a out a lot more for Premier - I was surprised at just how much you can do with the Video using photoshop... pretty much all the same tools that are used on still images can be applied to the Video as well

really looking forward o getting up and running with this quadcopter malarkey
For the price,(free) Lightworks is unbeatable.

Outperforms Premiere CC on basic edits, used on features like the King's Speech, yet really easy to learn the basics.
I bought a Phantom 2 with Zenmuse gimbal a couple of months ago. I've had smaller quads ( Blade MQX) and helicopters as well as a larger 450 quad. The Phantom is so easy to fly and if very forgiving. If you start to lose it, just let go of the sticks and it will stop and hover while you get your courage back.
The video with the gimbal is so smooth too, I use a GoPro 3+Black, the quality is excellent.
If you are thinking of buying a Phantom, you don't need to spend time with smaller quads to learn to fly, unless you want to.
Where are you guys buying your Phantoms from? I've not seen one in the flesh yet, all the places on the net are saying they're out of stock. I have emailed uk a couple of times (apparently you have to make an oppointment to visit their shop:rolleyes:) but never got a reply.
I've bought two from buzzflyers, they have a deal on a second battery too and seem very good to deal with.
The V+ is in great demand worldwide just now so stocks are limited, you'll need to pre-order.
It says next week at the moment for the +
P2 with gimbal they have now.

It would be a good idea to ring them to check that batch isn't all spoken for though.
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It would be a good idea to ring them to check that batch isn't all spoken for though.

Thanks for that, l may be a bit old fashioned in my thinking, that it would be good to visit an actual shop to enable me to see one in the flesh before parting with that kind of money, even if it means paying slightly more.
I saw a video where they'd hard mounted one behind the fitted camera to show how it moved I think.
It isn't a simple job to remove the camera for the odd flight, but if for example it were damaged you could fly without or fit an alternative.
You'd miss a lot of the extra stuff via the app though such as flight and battery info.

The fitted gimbal is too lightweight to carry an alternative camera - it is very light because it is only a lens and sensor, part of the workings are mounted above and do not move. For alternative cameras far more sensible to look at a Phantom 2
A still from it, this is about a third of the frame.
The stills are pretty good really, and it does RAW

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You do generally have quite a bit of fish eye from the wide lens, however both Lightroom and Photoshop now have a lens profile for DJI.
I find the Lightroom one is best.


Just a heads up to all you guys who are flying these things,the laws regarding flying them are getting tighter and are being enforced by the Civial Aviation Authority!
They are succesfully prosecuting people who don't abide by these laws and anyone that flies one for any kind of commercial purpose have significantly more robust laws including requiring a licence!
See link for further info!
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When they start getting heavy it's a toy helicopter.

A lot of the 'rules' are guidelines.
They do make some distinction between one carrying a camera or not.
The Phantoms are not able to operate in restricted airspace near airports.
The rest of the guidelines can be interpreted as making it already almost impossible to use - or more or less common sense considering there is always a slight risk of sudden failure e.g. motor or battery issues.

A cautious amateur user will not realistically be impacted by anything in that link, and why should they be, it's only a toy helicopter :)
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