dlh's Photo 52 - Week 42 Secret

Thanks for all the comments this week. Despite the frustration, I'm quite pleased with the way this turned out and may have to stop thinking so much about what I'm doing and just do things instead.

I will try not to inflict any further self portraits on everyone for the rest of this year. Unless SP comes out as a subject, then I can only apologise :)
Quick catch up..

Light: brilliant - made me laugh out loud! A great idea and I love your processing.

Project: nearly made me yell out loud ! I really like this (when I can bear to look at it :LOL:) and think you have the focus just right. It looks as if you are pressed up against the glass and can't get out.

I hope life improves for you over the coming weeks but am impressed that it doesn't seem to have affected your creativity. :clap:
Apologies once again, but if you were offended by my ugly mug last week then this might just tip you over the edge...

As soon as I saw film pulled I knew what sort of film I wanted to shoot, I just had no idea how to incorporate it into an image worth placing in here. Some might say I haven't achieved that so why did I put anything at all :D Well I like it. Focus was deliberately kept shallow to keep the eyes oof as if they were losing consciousness (stare at them for a while). It was certainly how I felt whilst firing off a few at arms length. Have only had an hour to grab this whilst the house is empty and there is still enough natural light. Please slap me down if I'm deluding myself and I'll go spread a thin film of butter on some bread. Damn why didn't I think of that earlier! :LOL:

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Cracking shot, love the different take on this weeks theme.

It also looks like it should be from a thriller FILM
I thought of using cling film too Darren but no matter what I thought to do, it justs seems dodgy photographing cling film :LOL:.
You though have come up with something not so dodgy, more of a horror theme to it, it works. Iain
Scary, disturbing and bang on theme... Well done Darren...
Cracking shot, love the different take on this weeks theme.

It also looks like it should be from a thriller FILM

Thanks. There were some more horror-like versions but too many faults to be fit for purpose.

I thought of using cling film too Darren but no matter what I thought to do, it justs seems dodgy photographing cling film :LOL:.
You though have come up with something not so dodgy, more of a horror theme to it, it works. Iain

Now I've tried it once I can't wait for another opportunity to photograph it :)

scarey, if not a little disturbing.

Yes I am.

Scary, disturbing and bang on theme... Well done Darren...

Thanks John. Too many people agreeing I'm disturbing :cautious:

Very scary, Darren. You have to be really careful messing around with something like that, but you have pulled it off beautifully. That's a very clever take on the theme - well thought through and well executed.

Excellent :clap::clap::clap:


Thanks Jenny. Amazed how much I can hold my breath now that I no longer smoke. But yes was a bit daft really :)

I agree with Jenny. Well done - you weren't deluding yourself. (y)


Oh I am always deluding myself.

Haha this is great, all the comments about the scariness are bang on, great idea for the theme and the dof works well here. for some reason i want to poke my finger in your mouth to pop it:LOL:

I've got some other ideas for this I might try at the weekend. Will remember the finger popping idea in case I get in trouble :D
Eeek! ... but works really well. I just dread to think what you are going to produce for "dirty"...:eek: :D
We seem to have a theme starting to develop here :LOL:

I did actually consider wrapping my face in cling film, but decided that the suffocation risk (plus the fact that I'm rubbish at SPs) wasn't worth it - so well done for risking life and limb in pursuit of this week's theme.

Totally unique take on the theme and it absolutely works!
"Stare into my eyes" . . . yes I'm definitely getting that woozy, losing consciousness feel (y)
Another striking shot - really like it & rarely - it is a shot that works well with the eyes oof. Definitely looks like it's from a horror film!

Eeek! ... but works really well. I just dread to think what you are going to produce for "dirty"...:eek: :D

Thank you (I think ;)) Apologies in advance for anything else that appears here :)

We seem to have a theme starting to develop here :LOL:

I did actually consider wrapping my face in cling film, but decided that the suffocation risk (plus the fact that I'm rubbish at SPs) wasn't worth it - so well done for risking life and limb in pursuit of this week's theme.

Totally unique take on the theme and it absolutely works!
"Stare into my eyes" . . . yes I'm definitely getting that woozy, losing consciousness feel (y)

Thanks Sarah. I am trying very hard not to use myself as a model, but no other volunteers. This weeks goes nowhere near my face fortunately.

Another striking shot - really like it & rarely - it is a shot that works well with the eyes oof. Definitely looks like it's from a horror film!


Thanks Phil. I'm pleased it's had some impact.
I had a fair few ideas when I saw this topic. Obviously had to scrap most of them as this is a family forum so armed with some safer ideas I went out first thing this morning to find my subject. Needless to say I am disappointed that my town and surrounding industrial areas are so bloody clean :bang: Even the Council had already been through the town centre to clear up any rubbish from the Saturday night revellers.

So I have eventually ended up with plan K. And whilst I tried hard to avoid getting in front of the camera myself, this was a bit of a last resort.

I know what reaction I'm after. I apologise now if I get it :D

Eeuurrgghhh! Good interpretation, though it might have been even stronger if you had clarted the rest of the bath with that stuff :D.

I hope you got it all off afterwards! :LOL:
Grim! (y)
Thats gross Darren :puke:
I like your thinking on this though, its a strong image and brave of you to post it. I feel it would benefit from a little more dof maybe towards your legs. Well done all the same. Iain
yuk - what have you been standing in ! Certainly fits the theme.

If I tell it may spoil the illusion.

Urgh, Darren, that is horrible :puke:, but bang on theme. You do have a very vivid imagination! I am also wondering if you have a foot fetish?

The answer is yes :)

bang on the theme, but that looks disgusting lol. good work

Disgusting is good :LOL:

Yeuk, yeuk yeu, Darren! I definitely don't want to know what it is, but full marks for being bang on theme.

And .... yeuk, again. :puke: :)

Glad to see it's hitting the mark :)

Eeuurrgghhh! Good interpretation, though it might have been even stronger if you had clarted the rest of the bath with that stuff :D.

I hope you got it all off afterwards! :LOL:

It's all gone now (I think) but it stank too much at the start to want to get it everywhere :D


I dread to think what you used to get the shot but it works well. I think there is a little too much in front of the legs for me. Im wondering if you would be better sat on the toilet than in the shower:D:LOL:

I struggled to place the camera. It was a one time shot and didn't want to get it covered in erm... makeup by having it too close :)

Thats gross Darren :puke:
I like your thinking on this though, its a strong image and brave of you to post it. I feel it would benefit from a little more dof maybe towards your legs. Well done all the same. Iain

Yep I screwed up. It was a one shot shoot and having set the shot and prefocused, I then remembered to switch to self timer and the damn aperture changed from f/4.0 to f/1.7 without me noticing :bang:
It's pretty disgusting looking picture, and well done for shooting it.. The DOF and focus point actually, help enhance the image to my mind... it leaves me wondering what the hell you've been up to... but not that much...
What a horrible picture Darren. You are a very dirty boy! :LOL:

Yes. Yes I am :D

It's pretty disgusting looking picture, and well done for shooting it.. The DOF and focus point actually, help enhance the image to my mind... it leaves me wondering what the hell you've been up to... but not that much...

Feel free to justify the artistic merits of my mistakes every week John :)

Absolutely stuck for rage this week. I don't want to just reshoot project from few weeks back but can't honestly think of anything else. Good chance there's a joker coming tomorrow.
Didn't bother waiting for inspiration to strike as it was never going to this week, so I am playing the joker tonight. Maybe you can see the rage inside me that I'd already taken a perfectly good shot for this a few weeks ago :D

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I like this Darren, you've certainly got the knack of self portraits. The selective colouring works well here. Nowt more to add, here's hoping for a decent theme this week from Simon's little bag ;)
I was thinking of sticking a knife through a joker in an act of rage against the theme. As said before your eyes on the shot show an element of rage although it could do with a touch more light on your right eye to give it the intensity.
It was a difficult theme, Darren, but I see you've played your trump card! :D

Seriously, I like the shot and the idea behind it . From what little we can see I think you do look enraged!

After your Dirty shot, I was a bit worried about what you'd produce for Rage - I imagined you combining the 2 themes. :LOL:

Ahhh- The evil eye! From what I can see your eyes portray rage so I think you've got away with it, without using a joker. I like the way you have shown just a little of the face,using the fact that most emotion is shown in the eyes.
I like it - the idea works well and the selective colouring is great here. I think it fits the theme as it is, so you still have a joker left!
Love the joker shot - great use of selective colouring!

I don't think it's that far off the theme actually (I'm not trying to justify the artistic merits :D...) it's all in the eyes... and your eyes pull you in and look rather mean. Nicely colour popped.