Do you beep or not

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Quick question, do you beep when focusing or do you turn that function off? is there any reason you leave it on if you do beep :)
Off. Simply can't see the point :)
No beep here. I am nearly always in AI Servo here as well :)
All sounds off, including shutte on my compact. Don't want people in the street to know I am taking their photo.
Beep, I like to pretend I'm a robot assassin locking onto my target :cool:
I thought this would be the response, I was at a wedding at weekend and all I could hear was the photographers beep. I don't personal use the beep as said its attracts way too much attention.
Like key click sounds on a mobile phone, its the first thing I turn off on any device. Infuriates me!
Off . I can't stand the annoying thing .
Beep Off!

The difference between the 'Beep' and the missus is I can turn the 'beep' off:D
On for me, except ceremony & speeches. Yep I shoot weddings :D
I leave it on at other times because I'm often shooting strongly backlit subjects or in low light & the confirmation saves looking for the green light in the viewfinder. Just the way I like to work I guess
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Off. Nothing worse than hearing other people's cameras beeping all over the place, so it's only polite to turn your own's off!

Actually, there is something worse. Needless flash - because the user doesn't know how to turn it off or think their puny flash can light up something 50m away. Annoys the hell out of me.
Used to have mine on most times, would turn it off when shooting an event. Call me strange, but I actually like the 'beep' on the D800, the L pitched one. Can't stand the high one - which most cameras have by default. Also you can turn the volume down on it, at 1 only you can hear it.

But ... I have it off most times now.
off for me - not great for wildlife or weddings
No beep from me, birds (flying kind) don't like it.
And if I can find the beeper on my car that tells me that I just put it in reverse it's going to get a screw driver where it hurts.
On for me, as I tend to take photos with my ears rather than eyes.

I shoot 'AI Servo' 90% of the time so I don't beep for wildlife and birds.

Now and again I go to 'one shot' and I beep, but for that photography it doesn't really matter. Some of my cameras beep in 'one shot' and others dont. I'll perhaps get around to setting them the same but hey ho - I just accept that some are set to beep and some aren't.
Nope, that's about the second thing I do to a new camera, straight after setting the time and date. Besides which, I'm usually on AI Servo anyway so it wouldn't make much difference. The wife had the beep active for about half an hour before it drove her nuts and one of my friends had the beep on for a week before I turned it off without telling her. She thought she'd broken the camera the next time she used it cause it didn't beep.
Off, but I should probably have it on the amount of times I've forgotten to focus!