Does anyone have the Lee filters polariser adapter?

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I could do with a polariser and this seems like the best solution, but the Lee 105mm polariser and adapter are a bit too pricey for me.
I'm wondering if it's possible to use any 105mm polariser with the adapter?
That will work, I have the adapter and it just has a 105mm sized thread on the inside.
It can be difficult to attach the filter when out and about, and you would not want to drop that filter. I would think about one of the new magnectic type filters available nowadays if I didn't already have it.
I have the 105mm CPL ( like new) and adapter all you need is the wide angle adaptor to fit your lens. Make me an offer.
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Sorry, what I really meant was I'm reluctant to buy items that don't have a price attached upfront.
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OK, well as a rough guide, I've found 'current' stuff tends to sell between 50% and 70% of its original price depending on condition.
The price for the items you wanted is 105mm CPL plus Lee screw in holder £115. As I said the CPL is like new but the holder (foundation ki) has slight damage to the paintwork, not to stop it working tho.
Yes, you can use other polarisers with the Lee adaptor, I can't remember the brand of the one I use, but it is another premium brand and it works fine.
It has to be the newer adaptor, the older one (which I had) doesn't take the polariser in its standard state (needs an additional attachment).