Does anyone want to talk about anything?

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Saw this girl in town today, sat just like this I asked her what she was upto. She was holding the sign and talking to people for one hour every day for a year. In the bag next to her was a A4 notebook, in which she recorded each conversation she had.


I like her style (and yours too!)

Is that the piece hall in Halifax?
Absolute cracker, I really like it, so what did you talk about? :)
Very strange, I've even heard of people taking one picture every day for a year!
Excellent photo. Excellent idea from that girl too. Love to have met her myself. Where did you run into her?
i think picture 2 is amazing!!
you say you emailed her the pic for her coursework, what course was she doing?
Interesting photos and nicely done. #2 could do with a little levelling though...