Don't lose your composure over composition...

But has it occured to you that statement, by Gordon, may have also been a double bluff? ;)

You'll find the expenses claims forms right next to the holiday forms Matt (y)

Awesome can I borrow your pen, promise I'll give it back :D
There isn't a lack of sharpness, there's a lack of light. In those circumstances with the equipment I had, i achieved the optimum level of sharpness possible. It's rather simple really.

You may be comforted to know that I have high standards and deemed it to be trash. I'd say high quality trash but trash nevertheless. T

There's a valuable lesson in all that. Sometimes the situation simply doesn't allow for a perfect photograph.

Sorry Princess, but in posts 73 and 95 you distinctly state that the image lacks sharpness.
DO at least try to keep up with your own's far more entertaining that way. :rolleyes:
I'm surprised he's posting during the daytime. Must be a teacher training day

My money's on day release into the community and he's using Mcdonalds free wifi.
There isn't a lack of sharpness, there's a lack of light. In those circumstances with the equipment I had, i achieved the optimum level of sharpness possible. It's rather simple really.

You may be comforted to know that I have high standards and deemed it to be trash. I'd say high quality trash but trash nevertheless. T

There's a valuable lesson in all that. Sometimes the situation simply doesn't allow for a perfect photograph.

Perhaps you might have remembered that before telling your brother he couldn't have the photos of his kids first steps.... a claim which, btw, I don't believe for a second, but I'm sure we are all waiting with baited breath to see your announcement :whistle:
[quote"simon ess, post: 6186421, member: 41161"]Right - I'm calling it. This is definitely a wind up.[/quote]

Yes it has to be I wonder who Gordon really is
Whats the name of the next thread?

"Low ISO or no ISO - Why using above ISO400 is unacceptable for all, except murderers and scum..."??

No, dont ban him. Im looking forward to the 1 o clock 'coming out' of Joes new character :p
LOL you could be right of course talking * s*** * was Joe's favourite pass-time :D
Sorry to interrupt the healthy debate, but I'd like to make an announcement.

At precisely one minute past one this afternoon, GMT, I intend to make a statement to the community of readers. This is not a drill. Might I suggest that all Internet Bampot leave be cancelled forthwith.

Thank you and good morning.

I am not having my dinner break until we ( and half my staff at work ) found out the outcome of this, we believe its a classic April fool ,its four to one at the moment for it being a april fool
Im actually postponing picking my Daughter up from the childminder for a few minutes so that I can see this announcement :whistle:
Combination of April Fool and a new record of members online at the same time.
I am not having my dinner break until we ( and half my staff at work ) found out the outcome of this, we believe its a classic April fool ,its four to one at the moment for it being a april fool
I'm in the middle of decorating, I'm gonna go watch paint dry (y)
I intended to make a statement to the community of readers that I thought was both important to myself and that would have been important to others.

I regret to inform you that I will not be doing so. I am considering my options and leaning towards withdrawing from my responsibilities here for good.

I can take the incessant cynicism and accusations, they are part of life. But to have some non-descript orderly on here threatening to “ban” me for entertainment purposes, is completely unacceptable tyranny.

Thanks to all of you who welcomed me and responded with civility to my ideas.
Oh well, don't let the door handle hit you on the ass on the way out
Well there's a shocker.
Wouldn't be a classic April Fool anyway. To begin 2 days early would be a cheat of biblical proportions.
Disorderly more like, Chris would see orderly as a compliment, and I'm not exactly surprised that you'd said what you've said, pity really I was hoping for some amazing almost second coming moment instead you've lived up to my almost exact expectations :)
Ahhhh - But gordon, you'll miss my post in a couple of weeks showing off my photo in a magazine I'm lying about.

Or you could go off and setup your own forum. I understand www.GodsGift.Photography is still available.
Disorderly more like, Chris would see orderly as a compliment, and I'm not exactly surprised that you'd said what you've said, pity really I was hoping for some amazing almost second coming moment instead you've lived up to my almost exact expectations :)

Wouldn't it have been SO great though, to open the thread and see an image of Joe....bathed in a heavenly light...arms cast wide in welcome....seated upon his golden throne.

Gorchybaby....If you think this forum is tyranny, you really REALLY need to get out more :LOL:
Wouldn't it have been SO great though, to open the thread and see an image of Joe....bathed in a heavenly light...arms cast wide in welcome....seated upon his golden throne.

Really this thread is about composition. Would you put Joe on one of the thirds sunlight arriving from another or dead centre with his arms outstretched along the upper horizontal third?
I know where I'd put him...

(Well, I do need to test out the dungeons new Lime pit...)
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My God. Have I mistakenly logged on to DPR?

Come on guys, this thread must fall well below the standard of behaviour we'd like to see on this site, well, what I'd like to see anyway.
Ahhhh - But gordon, you'll miss my post in a couple of weeks showing off my photo in a magazine I'm lying about.

Or you could go off and setup your own forum. I understand www.GodsGift.Photography is still available.

I was going to ask if you have legal permission to use the picture of Bart Simpson as your avatar? And if you knew about copyright law? I decided against lowering myself.

I've looked at your photographs. I have nothing to say about them. Let's be clear, by nothing, I mean absolutely nothing.
. But to have some non-descript orderly on here threatening to “ban” me for entertainment purposes, is completely unacceptable tyranny.
Well, as you failed to note the date and the time, I guess that would be a sense of humor fail :)
But your statement is no surprise, people that crave attention, tend to play games all the time.
As for me, as above, you completely missed the date at the time.
Oh well. I for one will miss you (y)
My God. Have I mistakenly logged on to DPR?

Come on guys, this thread must fall well below the standard of behaviour we'd like to see on this site, well, what I'd like to see anyway.

We're overdue for one of these...

If you choose to live in the empty space that divides mediocrity and nothingness, you will become mediocrity and nothingness. It never surprises me to see people accept that "life" but it always disappoints me. As the great Proudhon asked, since when has nothingness ever protested against itself?

The sad thing is that my discussions here were very popular, with the highest page views recorded out of all the other threads on the page. I reached out to help people and tell them the truth, and the people responded. Of course, the establishment and the court of sycophants see things differently.

"Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves..." Matthew 21:12-13

My cross is being prepared as I type. But I would rather die on my cross than live on my knees in tyranny.
I was going to ask if you have legal permission to use the picture of Bart Simpson as your avatar? And if you knew about copyright law? I decided against lowering myself.

I've looked at your photographs. I have nothing to say about them. Let's be clear, by nothing, I mean absolutely nothing.

My avatar - well I could tell you a story about it and why I won't be sued but you've already made it clear you don't believe anything I say. Safe to say I've used that for several years now...

Copyright law. Unlike you I'm very aware of copyright law and how it applies in different countries, UK, US and Canada for example. Lets just says that: Only material that originated with the author can support a copyright. Items from the public domain which appear in a work, as well as work borrowed from others, cannot be the subject of an infringement claim.
Fox allows fans to create new images and even host static images of the simpsons. It does however request (and at times sue) those that use audio of video clips.

My photographs, they are on the forum, some comment some don't. It doesn't worry me. However one was asked to be published, that's a form of recognition I like. Not the one I would have chosen but still...

So how about, rather than your high horse, you tell us a little more about yourself. What camera do you have, what sort of photos do you like taking, do you shoot raw or jpeg, mac or pc.
What did you study before getting into graphic design. That sort of thing...

Or we could talk composition some more. Have you read the Photographer Eye by Michael Freeman
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My avatar - well I could tell you a story about it and why I won't be sued but you've already made it clear you don't believe anything I say. Safe to say I've used that for several years now...

Copyright law. Unlike you I'm very aware of copyright law and how it applies in different countries, UK, US and Canada for example. Lets just says that: Only material that originated with the author can support a copyright. Items from the public domain which appear in a work, as well as work borrowed from others, cannot be the subject of an infringement claim.
Fox allows fans to create new images and even host static images of the simpsons. It does however request (and at times sue) those that use audio of video clips.

You are using an unsolicited piece of copyright material. You and your friends were keen enough on discussing this issue yesterday. So, show me the document that proves you have a right to take someone else's artwork (Bart Simpson) and use it in a way that implies ownership. You can't. You're breaking the law. Stop lying. if you are suggesting that copyright over Bart Simpson as a piece of art material does not originate with the owner, you are insulting my intelligence.
Now that is a trick all it's own. :p

Viv/Ruth, I feel your pain. Here's your dilemna. You want to engage with me because I'm obviously pretty smart and passionate, but how do you go about it? You want to say to me "look, I am smart too, I'm worth talking to" but you don't want to be seen saying that. That's the purpose of these little sardonic quips, right? I've seen this approach several times before. There's got to be more to you than these little one-liners, I know that.
Viv/Ruth, I feel your pain. Here's your dilemna. You want to engage with me because I'm obviously pretty smart and passionate, but how do you go about it? You want to say to me "look, I am smart too, I'm worth talking to" but you don't want to be seen saying that. That's the purpose of these little sardonic quips, right? I've seen this approach several times before. There's got to be more to you than these little one-liners, I know that.

Whatever fills yer tissue, Princess. :mooning:
You are using an unsolicited piece of copyright material. You and your friends were keen enough on discussing this issue yesterday. So, show me the document that proves you have a right to take someone else's artwork (Bart Simpson) and use it in a way that implies ownership. You can't. You're breaking the law. Stop lying. if you are suggesting that copyright over Bart Simpson as a piece of art material does not originate with the owner, you are insulting my intelligence.

I thought you understood copyright law, the use of original material and the waver of copyright for fans artwork.
I'm not using anyone's copyrighted material but my own, but if you feel that strongly then write to their lawyers
Twentieth Century Fox Films
Baker & Hostetler
Los Angeles, CA, 90017, US

Hum, I wonder where I got that address from?

If you do write to them, ask them about their letter to me in 1997. Yup that's right, it's my artwork, I have permission as a fan. It's not original studio work. That of course doesn't stop it getting copied all over the internet, but hey, it's avatar size, not the original.

I'll accept an apology, otherwise please desist from this pointless tirade that you are on. It's boring and unacceptable within the rules of this forum
I thought you understood copyright law, the use of original material and the waver of copyright for fans artwork.
I'm not using anyone's copyrighted material but my own, but if you feel that strongly then write to their lawyers
Twentieth Century Fox Films
Baker & Hostetler
Los Angeles, CA, 90017, US

Hum, I wonder where I got that address from?

If you do write to them, ask them about their letter to me in 1997. Yup that's right, it's my artwork, I have permission as a fan. It's not original studio work. That of course doesn't stop it getting copied all over the internet, but hey, it's avatar size, not the original.

I'll accept an apology, otherwise please desist from this pointless tirade that you are on. It's boring and unacceptable within the rules of this forum
I don't know why you're bothering, you know she'll accuse you of lying.
I actually in the spirit of the forum tried to discuss composition at the start of the thread but Gordon just made some sarky comment about there not being Cheetahs in North Wales (I mentioned a running Cheetah as a example on composition)
So think that he's just on some sort of trip or whatever
I cant wait to see what bull-poo poo response he comes back with. Its obvious to EVERYONE that he/she has nowhere to go with this...