Download limits

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Anyone know what general browsing would take up per day?

My sis says talk talk just told them they over their limit and when she checked they had used 10gb in a particular day. This was for general browsing etc, not dloading movies.

The connection is secure etc.
10GB and no movies, I doubt that, in fact I'd say no way.
10GB in a day, something definitely not right,

I'm on BT 10GB DL limit per month, I use just over half in a month including watching youtube vids and streaming Spotify.

Check the security settings on the hub, if unsure contact talktalk.

maybe the computer has a virus, worm or trojan, working in the background downloading data.
10GB is way,way more than "general browsing" will take up in a day.

It's 14 CDs worth of data (that's uncompressed audio CDs, not mp3s), or about six hours of HD video (45 minute TV shows in HD come out at about 1.2GB when converted to computer files for torrenting. I'm told.)

They need to look at their network security and scan for malware. Also scan for children downloading pr0n, although 10GB is a lot of "Nudes and Glamour". :naughty:
it certainly is a lot, good job the interweb wasn't around when I was a teenager :D
I have this application on my computer as I was worried by the Virgin Media fair usage policy and rate capping they employ.

It has lots of functions, sits on the task bar and you can look at any time to see how fast your data is downloading and how much data you have downloaded.

Networx free download


does you Sister have anyone in the house with games consoles that they constantly play online?? still dont think you would rack up 10gb in a day but it would be a contributing factor...

Playing games consoles online uses very little data, even with voice chat. As all the visuals, physics, the entire game, is clientside, all the connection is doing is sending information regarding locations, where each player is in relation to others etc... The voice chat is lowish quality so that isn't an issue either. You could play all day non stop and not rack up 1GB.
By any chance does she use a lot of streamed media like YouTube or places streaming music but thinks that doesn't count as you're not "downloading" it onto your PC as a file in the normal way? I've heard that a few times.
By any chance does she use a lot of streamed media like YouTube or places streaming music but thienks that doesn't count as you're not "downloading" it onto your PC as a file in the normal way? I've heard that a few times.

In actual fact it does count towards your download limit, as the video or music has to cache which means it is downloading as a temporary file to your hdd, to give smoother playback also known as buffering
In actual fact it does count towards your download limit, as the video or music has to cache which means it is downloading as a temporary file to your hdd, to give smoother playback also known as buffering

Everything you do on the internet, from gaming, shopping, watching videos, email, it all counts as "downloading and uploading" and all goes on your allowance. As everything you view/hear is technically downloading, it just isn't being saved in the conventional way downloading is known as, this catches a lot of people out.
I would say there is a background issue, either that someone else is using the connection..
Sorry to hi-jack a little but I understand the download limit but what about upload ie I'm on a 10Gb package would the be up and download combined?

I doubt very much you have used 10gb in one day of just browsing. Other than downloading movies and stuff the only way to use that amount would be some serious hours on youtube watchin hd stuff or bbci player but even then yiou would need to be on a long time. Get yourself a bandwidth monitor that runs in the task bar and you can see what is uploaded and downloaded.

Download the lite version here... this is what i have...
I'd guess that TalkTalk have got their sums wrong for a change...........
In actual fact it does count towards your download limit, as the video or music has to cache which means it is downloading as a temporary file to your hdd, to give smoother playback also known as buffering

I meant I'd heard people say it while being bemused at how much bandwidth they were using rather than I'd heard it and was choosing to believe the video travelled to my PC via magic ;)
I meant I'd heard people say it while being bemused at how much bandwidth they were using rather than I'd heard it and was choosing to believe the video travelled to my PC via magic ;)

ahh ok, all understood :)