Dreams you've had about photography!

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Just for a bit of fun...Anyone had any funny/crazy/weird dreams about photography before?

I'll start:

Mine usually revolve around equipment! Lately it's been - losing stuff like lens hoods! and batteries not being charged when i'm suppose to be doing the most important work I've ever done lol
Various situations where I have all my equipment stolen..

But then i do have a sleep disorder and one of the symptoms is nightmares for most of my life... Not monsters and ghosts nightmares... bad dreams that could be reality..
I have the same sort of thing, feels like that film Inception sometimes, dreams within a dream.

But I have gone and checked in the morning I haven't lost anything :)
Kylie, Kiera, Elle and several others all disporting themselves in front of me and I have forgotten a) my camera and b) my clothes...