
Done a bit more looking around today and might be tempted by this after all. Is the one you mentioned still for sale?

Lol!! I bought it for myself Phil,but as us vapers look after each other the offer still stands for you.I will message him now, and if he has not posted it off to me yet I will get him to hold on to it untill I get your address details from you.If not it will have to wait untill I get it to send it on.Once I know what is happening with it we can sort out the payment.
Thanks Rich. A fantastic gesture and much appreciated. I have sent money and PM'd my address to you.

Got some Kraken liquids today and have to say I'm not overly impressed.This was my monthly treat and bought them on all the great reviews.

squid ink- little to no flavour. a little hint off berry type flavour on the exhale and left in your mouth.. i was expecting a lot more flavour,hopefully it just needs to steep. If not i won't be buying again.
crystal menth- as you would expect menthol, but with a hint of sweetness… i would say its like having a few tick tacks/mints at once, strong but not harsh. I might consider buying again,but for the cost I'm sure you could get something similar a lot cheaper.

Not sure if I'm just spoilt buy strong flavoured liquids.

would also like to ask a favour of some of the experienced vapours here.. I'm looking for some people to try liquid I've had sitting for a while that now doesn't agree with me, I'm not sure if its gone bad or what.
Its pluid i bought second hand, and added cutter and boots vg to to reduce the nic content. It now gives me a sore chest, I'm normally using 70/30 or 50/50 pg/vg liquid so could be because its higher in vg as It wasn't doing this before adding the boots VG. will send free if you message me your address. Just want your feed back on what you think.
Could not agree more with regards to the Sqid Ink Peter,it was ok.The problem is a lot of people like to get up the arse of the vendor and will praise it up to the hilt with words like Wow! Brilliant! Exceptional! Just to get a few free samples. Me if I come across one I think is good then I will just say in my comments "I think this is a very well made liquid" Yeh I would be up to try the Pluid as I have had it before and found that I liked it.Can you remember where you got it from and how long ago? I am working my way through the Five Pawn range at the moment,the Castle Long flavour is one I have ordered a couple of times now.The flavours in these are very complexed and a small adjustment of power on the mod up or down will alter those flavours in different ways. And the Ecig company are really good for price compared to anywhere else I have seen,free first class signed for postage is good also.They have just started to sell the Red Vape range of liquid which I am going to try next.Not sure what flavours your are into Peter but I loved the Manabush range. At first I thought no not tobacco,but the base notes of the tobacco are very subtle and the other flavours carry it off really well.One more that a couple of people I know tried at the vapefest this year and liked was the Lancashire steam liquids,not tried myself so cannot vouch for them.
cheers rich the pluid was bought from someone on facebook, I've also added the boots vg to some darkstar liquids i bought as the nic was to high so, i think it might be that as they to do similar to me.

As for liquids I like sweeter/aniseed/menthol type juices, most stuff thats not tobacco i will try but they need to have plenty flavour. My main juice after starting was fruit salad(sweet) but the last few i got from that vendor were terrible, I've still got about 20/25ml that just tastes of chemicals. I vapid puid for quite along time until it couldn't get anymore, and have been using snake oil and red astire which with the later i buy the concentrate and mix to 20% flavour myself. so you can see by the juices I've stuck to that they need plenty of flavour.
I had similar to the squid ink with vapour emporium Swedish fish, it was okay but lacking flavour. Maybe my taste buds are shot. :)

I noticed that the kraken liquids seem very thin also, even the snake oil which is higher in pg is thicker, this just squirts out the bottle.

Have you tried any of the albavapour concentrates? was thinking i might have better luck there so i can add as much flavour as needed.

will get that sent out tuesday most likely.
cheers rich the pluid was bought from someone on facebook, I've also added the boots vg to some darkstar liquids i bought as the nic was to high so, i think it might be that as they to do similar to me.

As for liquids I like sweeter/aniseed/menthol type juices, most stuff thats not tobacco i will try but they need to have plenty flavour. My main juice after starting was fruit salad(sweet) but the last few i got from that vendor were terrible, I've still got about 20/25ml that just tastes of chemicals. I vapid puid for quite along time until it couldn't get anymore, and have been using snake oil and red astire which with the later i buy the concentrate and mix to 20% flavour myself. so you can see by the juices I've stuck to that they need plenty of flavour.
I had similar to the squid ink with vapour emporium Swedish fish, it was okay but lacking flavour. Maybe my taste buds are shot. :)

I noticed that the kraken liquids seem very thin also, even the snake oil which is higher in pg is thicker, this just squirts out the bottle.

Have you tried any of the albavapour concentrates? was thinking i might have better luck there so i can add as much flavour as needed.

will get that sent out tuesday most likely.

Well Pete from what I have read over time Darkstar aint the best of stuff but never tried any myself so cannot vouch for it.Honestly if you can then try a few from those I listed above,also Dan at Herbal Tides is creating some goos stuff.The Hemorrhoid Cream is a fave of mine,yup you gotta love that name for a liquid :D But honestly these people take a bit of time and care with their products and it shows in the quality of it.Too many people branding liquid of Facebook nowadays.As for concentrates,I rarely stray further than Chefs Vapour as they have a good selection from trusted vendors.
Oh dear...

Gone over to mechanicals. Got a Buffalo clone last week and I've a Magneto arriving tomorrow. Got the Taifun GT to go with the Kayfun. The Vamo wasn't doing it for me. Out of interest I tried out my Evod and iclear and I couldn't believe the difference.

I've been busy on the DIY juice too. I've 8 bottles of various concoctions steeping away in the cupbard.
Thinking of giving these a go myself at the end of this month. My local newsagent stocks the KIK vapour kit and a load of different flavour liquids, has anyone got any experience with the KIK products? It's a long thread and it will take me ages to read all.

For info: I smoke about 30 stinkies a day, about 25 rollies and 5 fags.
Thinking of giving these a go myself at the end of this month. My local newsagent stocks the KIK vapour kit and a load of different flavour liquids, has anyone got any experience with the KIK products? It's a long thread and it will take me ages to read all.

For info: I smoke about 30 stinkies a day, about 25 rollies and 5 fags.

Tbh mate I wouldnt touch a corner shop with a barge pole have a look HERE and see if one is near to you,you will get honest and professional advice to help sort you out with something to suit your needs.
Tbh mate I wouldnt touch a corner shop with a barge pole have a look HERE and see if one is near to you,you will get honest and professional advice to help sort you out with something to suit your needs.

Thanks for that Rich.

The factory shop is just around the corner from my wifes work. I'll have the car tomorrow so I will pop in for advice. Any experience with there products before I buy, or is it just down to personal choice? looking at the V2 Spinner or Evod kit to start off.

Linky > https://celticvapours.com/shop/

When I gave up smoking for 3 months last year using NRT I was eating sweets like there's no tomorrow and put the weight on accordingly. Due to arthritis and other disabilities, I need to whatch my weight and I cant munch on fruit or vegetables as I dont really like them and I have to watch my IBS or what ever I have (under investigation) with extra veg or fruit. How have you found these vapours in regards to this?
Thanks for that Rich.

The factory shop is just around the corner from my wifes work. I'll have the car tomorrow so I will pop in for advice. Any experience with there products before I buy, or is it just down to personal choice? looking at the V2 Spinner or Evod kit to start off.

Linky > https://celticvapours.com/shop/

When I gave up smoking for 3 months last year using NRT I was eating sweets like there's no tomorrow and put the weight on accordingly. Due to arthritis and other disabilities, I need to whatch my weight and I cant munch on fruit or vegetables as I dont really like them and I have to watch my IBS or what ever I have (under investigation) with extra veg or fruit. How have you found these vapours in regards to this?

I would go with the spinner v2 mate a great little device. I have just spoken to the guy in Celtic and they will let you try some different tanks or atomisers to go on the top to find that one that suits,as well as testing a few of the liquids.Ask any questions that you have concerns about and they will explain everything to you.As with regards to the weight it should not make any difference to you Simon.There are some good liquids out there now so again you can try and see what you like,it will pay to get two or three different flavours, and if you can afford get a couple of tanks or atomisers,this way you can swap over if you get fed up with one particular flavour. A lot of people have their own preferred ADV (all day vape) and will use nothing else.Vaping can cause slight dehydration and most if not all people that vape just make sure they drink water on a regular basis,which aint a bad thing anyhow.Wisah you all the best and let us know how it all goes.
Just found this thread so hello to all, & I mix my own for the last 3 years :)
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Just found this thread so hello to all, & I mix my own for the last 3 years :)

Hi Shaun good to see another vaper onboard,are you mixing allsorts or do you just stick to a few of your faves?
Thanks for the advice and speaking to Celtic, your a gentleman Rich.

When I stopped smoking last year, although previously I wasn't a sweet or chocolate eater I started nibbling on chocolate lime sweets and have continued as I have been trying to restrict my smoking out of boredom being home allday. So if they stock it, I will be asking for a lime flavour vapour.

I could kill two birds with one stone here, give up the smokes and chocolate lime sweets, where's that Fuji lens shop:D
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Hi Rich

I have a Large box full of different flavours but tend to stick to one called Irish cream, I own 2 x Provaris SVD, Kayfun 3.1 a US GTank, A Line and a few drippers
Plus Ive been to a couple of Vapfest :)

Same handle on UKV, POTV & VTTV
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Thanks for the advice and speaking to Celtic, your a gentleman Rich.

When I stopped smoking last year, although previously I wasn't a sweet or chocolate eater I started nibbling on chocolate lime sweets and have continued as I have been trying to restrict my smoking out of boredom being home allday. So if they stock it, I will be asking for a lime flavour vapour.

I could kill two birds with one stone here, give up the smokes and chocolate lime sweets, where's that Fuji lens shop:D

Lol! I am sure you will find something to curb your sweet tooth Simon,if not from Celtic there are plenty of other vendors around.

Hi Rich

I have a Large box full of different flavours but tend to stick to one called Irish cream, I own 2 x Provaris SVD, Kayfun 3.1 a US GTank, A Line and a few drippers
Plus Ive been to a couple of Vapfest :)

Same handle on UKV, POTV & VTTV

Ah right Shaun,excuse the ignorance but things get lost in my head quite easily after the heart attack.Provari,nice, really wish they had done something different with their latest version.I may have been termpted if it had been something of around 50 - 65 watts.Are you going to Hawkshead?It kind of clashes with my first holiday for a long time, so will have to give it a miss unfortunately.
@Swanseajack Did you get yourself sorted in the end Simon? If so how you getting on?
Hi Rich,

Wasn't feeling to well Friday, so popped in yesterday for the advice. Very helpfull guy there, although he recomended the EVOD kit, but I stated I would use the V2 due to advice from here, which in turn has the superior 1600mah battery.. I am going to go back and purchase on the 22nd, the 23rd is going to be my give up day. My wife is off work that week so I will have some support, to stop me bouncing off the walls.

I will report back when purchased, again thanks for the help.
Hi Rich,

Wasn't feeling to well Friday, so popped in yesterday for the advice. Very helpfull guy there, although he recomended the EVOD kit, but I stated I would use the V2 due to advice from here, which in turn has the superior 1600mah battery.. I am going to go back and purchase on the 22nd, the 23rd is going to be my give up day. My wife is off work that week so I will have some support, to stop me bouncing off the walls.

I will report back when purchased, again thanks for the help.

Nice one Simon,and good luck with it.You know where we are now if you need any advice,also worth coming onboard POTV plenty of advice flaoting about the place and links to any bargains that might be had.
Cheers Rich, book marked the POTV website.
I've only just seen this thread, nice to see so many vapers here :)

I switched from analogues 3 years ago and haven't had a single cigarette since. I was a heavy smoker of 40 Dunhill a day, stopping was easy with an ecig. I started with a Tornado kit back then, then had a few other cheap tanks etc before finding a set-up that works for me. This is the current kit:

Batteries: MVP v2, 2x Vision Spinner 2
Tanks: 3 x Aspire Nautilus Mini

I tend to have one tank filled with a coffee flavour for in the morning, then switch to raspberry ice (really nice btw) for the rest of the day. If I fancy a drink I still prefer a tobacco flavour juice so keep this in the third tank.

The MVP is great and is what I use most of the time. The Spinner's are not bad and I prefer them when out and about as they don't attract much attention. The Nautilus Mini's are brilliant. Great taste and flavour with no leaks.

I'd really like to replace the tobacco flavour with something else but haven't found a substitute that isn't sickly with a beer. Any suggestions?

I'm also thinking about mixing my own ejuice and looking into it at the moment so any help here would be great.

Cheers, David.
The MVP's my work battery but I tend to mechanical's at home. For mixing get yourself some PG, VG, nicotine and concentrates




or other suppliers (and plenty more thru google)

Chefs Vapour - http://www.chefsvapour.co.uk/

Justvape 24/7 http://www.justvape247.com/

Flavourart - http://www.flavourart.co.uk/

The Alchemists Cupboard - http://www.thealchemistscupboard.co.uk/DIY_Mixing_Flavours_Nic_Etc/cat1708885_1667536.aspx

T Juice - http://www.t-juice.com/product-category/concentrates/

and you'll find a juice calculator handy as well

E juice calculator - http://ejuice.breaktru.com/

other bits that come in handy are syringes for mixing, empty bottles and patience to left the stuff steep (anything up to month depending on the flavour type i.e custards generally just get better and better with age) and there's loads of juice recipes on the web and on the various forums




http://www.thealchemistscupboard.co.uk/page/capella recipes


Nae problem - good look with the mixing but it's not rocket science - the T Juice stuff might be an easy way into it, if there's anything there that takes your fancy flavour wise.
I've only just seen this thread, nice to see so many vapers here :)

I switched from analogues 3 years ago and haven't had a single cigarette since. I was a heavy smoker of 40 Dunhill a day, stopping was easy with an ecig. I started with a Tornado kit back then, then had a few other cheap tanks etc before finding a set-up that works for me. This is the current kit:

Batteries: MVP v2, 2x Vision Spinner 2
Tanks: 3 x Aspire Nautilus Mini

I tend to have one tank filled with a coffee flavour for in the morning, then switch to raspberry ice (really nice btw) for the rest of the day. If I fancy a drink I still prefer a tobacco flavour juice so keep this in the third tank.

The MVP is great and is what I use most of the time. The Spinner's are not bad and I prefer them when out and about as they don't attract much attention. The Nautilus Mini's are brilliant. Great taste and flavour with no leaks.

I'd really like to replace the tobacco flavour with something else but haven't found a substitute that isn't sickly with a beer. Any suggestions?

I'm also thinking about mixing my own ejuice and looking into it at the moment so any help here would be great.

Cheers, David.

Hi David and welcome.Well if you want something to go with your Beer then Castle Long is worth considering. I am trying to get a couple of bottles ahead of myself,that way I will not run out before payday.Ok it`s a little more expensive but think,silk dressing gown and a Leather chesterfield chair in the evening and this liquid puts you there :D Personaly I like any from the Manabush range.The problem is all our taste buds are different,I personally do not find them too sweet but you may.People are always trying to hunt the perfect tobacco vape,I have not bothered too much to be honest so cannot advise much further.
Hi, Has anyone with a itaste svd stacked 2 x 18350 batteries or do I need to buy a 18650?

Many Thanks!
No idea ain't got one but a quick google tells me you can use both i.e. either 2 x 18350 stacked or a single 18650
just make sure both are fully charged & brought at the same time & brand. Don't mix them, Oh and make sure thy are the same ma
Thanks Wooky

Personally I would not bother stacking them Chris,just get yourself a decent 18650.What brand do you have out of intrest?
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if 18350 are all he has , there ok until he can get an 18650, Efest are a good battery by the way.
if 18350 are all he has , there ok until he can get an 18650, Efest are a good battery by the way.

A valid pint Shaun,had an SVD a while back.Even with some of torchies 350`s I found that after a short while one was holding charge better than the other. Dunno that much about them but would guess it would be one was always discharging more than the other being at the top.
Personally I would not bother stacking them Chris,just get yourself a decent 18650.What brand do you have out of intrest?

Trustfire but not going to bother stacking.
My local vape shop are out of stock of the 18650 until next week so I'll wait.
Hello everyone I have only just discovered this thread. I have been vaping for about 2 years now. I currently have a Kangertech Pro Tank and buy pre-mixed fluid from a local stockist at £10 for 30ml.

This may seem like a silly question but is it cheaper to mix your own fluid, if so could anyone give me advice on what stuff I would need and the best way to go about doing it.
Trustfire but not going to bother stacking.
My local vape shop are out of stock of the 18650 until next week so I'll wait.

You have probably already seen the quote then? Do not trust anything with the word "Fire" in the name :D Wise decision M8.
Hello everyone I have only just discovered this thread. I have been vaping for about 2 years now. I currently have a Kangertech Pro Tank and buy pre-mixed fluid from a local stockist at £10 for 30ml.

This may seem like a silly question but is it cheaper to mix your own fluid, if so could anyone give me advice on what stuff I would need and the best way to go about doing it.

Hi Paul,good to see yet another vaper.Have a good listen to this vid by Lordy,I think it should cover most of your first questions on the subject.You can then take it from there to ask about anything you are not quite sure on.Martyn has already put some links up in his post #2224 afew replies above your post.

This may seem like a silly question but is it cheaper to mix your own fluid, if so could anyone give me advice on what stuff I would need and the best way to go about doing it.

Paul, I mix my own, started with neutral VG/PG, mixing that, then adding flavour and mixing my nic solution to get the right strength using multiple syringes etc. I now just buy premixed VPG at my nic strength and then add a bottle of flavouring to it. Takes less than 1 minute to do. I get mine from LTECIGS - if you google them.