
Paul, I mix my own, started with neutral VG/PG, mixing that, then adding flavour and mixing my nic solution to get the right strength using multiple syringes etc. I now just buy premixed VPG at my nic strength and then add a bottle of flavouring to it. Takes less than 1 minute to do. I get mine from LTECIGS - if you google them.

Thanks for that I take it the 10ml bottle of flavouring would last quite a few bottles of premixed VPG. Obviously this would depend on the amount of flavouring you use. Do you add the flavouring to the full 100ml bottle or do you do smaller batches. Sorry for the newbie question but this would work out a hell of a lot cheaper for me. considering I pay £10 just for 30ml
Search ejuice Calulator,
30ml bottle
72 mg base
flavoring 14%

Base 6.25 ml
VG 19.55ml
Flav 4.20ml

This is my mix,
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I've just ordered the Vamo v6 20w from Fasttech for £18.
Not the greatest mod I know but once I've built a descent kit I can always get a better mod that takes the same batteries.

Now just need to order a descent charger and a few 18650 batteries. Any recommendations?
Have a look at the seller big_f_d_d on ebay - excellent batteries and he can supply chargers as well, or Sony VTC5's and a Nightcore charger from myepack
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Cheers Guys.

Funnily enough Wooky, Torchy was recommended on another forum I use as well and I've sent him an email already to get a price on the Nitecore D4 and a couple of Sony 30a VTC5's. Looks like I'll have the batteries and charger well before the new Vamo as that won't be here for a month.

On paper it looks ideal for me as the Nautilus Mini atty's are reported as working really well up to 20w and I have no intention of getting into rebuildables (to much hassle for me).
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Thanks for that I take it the 10ml bottle of flavouring would last quite a few bottles of premixed VPG. Obviously this would depend on the amount of flavouring you use. Do you add the flavouring to the full 100ml bottle or do you do smaller batches. Sorry for the newbie question but this would work out a hell of a lot cheaper for me. considering I pay £10 just for 30ml

I tried lots of flavours but have been boring for ages now and just use menthol (and I was finding the brown coloured flavours, caramel/kent etc were staining my teeth) so I buy a 100ml bottles of 18mg PVG and just add a whole bottle of the menthol flavour and works fine for me. As I said it takes seconds to do and then I let it sit for a while, giving it a mix as I do.
I tried lots of flavours but have been boring for ages now and just use menthol (and I was finding the brown coloured flavours, caramel/kent etc were staining my teeth) so I buy a 100ml bottles of 18mg PVG and just add a whole bottle of the menthol flavour and works fine for me. As I said it takes seconds to do and then I let it sit for a while, giving it a mix as I do.

Thanks very much I have bought 10ml of menthol for the wife with 100ml of pg 18mg and 10ml of Virginia tobacco and 100ml of 24mg vg for myself. I think I will do as you do and just put all the 10ml flavour into the 100ml bottles. Thanks again for your advice
Cheers Guys.

Funnily enough Wooky, Torchy was recommended on another forum I use as well and I've sent him an email already to get a price on the Nitecore D4 and a couple of Sony 30a VTC5's. Looks like I'll have the batteries and charger well before the new Vamo as that won't be here for a month.

On paper it looks ideal for me as the Nautilus Mini atty's are reported as working really well up to 20w and I have no intention of getting into rebuildables (to much hassle for me).

@Wissel David, I use his battery's myself and they're on par with the retail stuff - if you fancy a Xtar SP2 charger, he's got them on special offer at the moment for £15 for direct paypal payment


And it takes up to 26650 battery size.

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Have a look at the seller big_f_d_d on ebay - excellent batteries and he can supply chargers as well, or Sony VTC5's and a Nightcore charger from myepack
He sent me some to test out before, I know him from Ebay & put his name out & about Three years ago on UKV :)
Thanks very much I have bought 10ml of menthol for the wife with 100ml of pg 18mg and 10ml of Virginia tobacco and 100ml of 24mg vg for myself. I think I will do as you do and just put all the 10ml flavour into the 100ml bottles. Thanks again for your advice

Maybe don't go as strong with the tobacco flavour. Flavours like that that I've used in the past were fine at around the 5% mark.
Need a recommendation for a new cartomizer please. I've just broken mine for the 3rd time and it's getting expensive. Ego fitting, not a small tank, relatively cheap to buy and cheap replacement atomisers aswell. Over to TP!
Need a recommendation for a new cartomizer please. I've just broken mine for the 3rd time and it's getting expensive. Ego fitting, not a small tank, relatively cheap to buy and cheap replacement atomisers aswell. Over to TP!

What about the kanger aero tank the atomizers are around £2 each it is a 510 connector so would need a plinth/beauty ring fitting aswell but some of the kanger tanks come with these. I have the original kanger protank it holds 3.8ml of fluid and it has pyrex glass instead of plastic.

I can't recommend any others as I have only had the Kanger tanks. So sorry if this doesn't help much
I've just ordered the Vamo v6 20w from Fasttech for £18.
Not the greatest mod I know but once I've built a descent kit I can always get a better mod that takes the same batteries.

Now just need to order a descent charger and a few 18650 batteries. Any recommendations?

I use the Vamo V5 - does everything any pricier device does, up to 15w, for a lot less expense. I had the V2 for about a year and a half before I had issues with it. Brought it abroad, it was left out in the hot sun for a few hours and I guess the electrics got burned out!? So got the V5 and it's been solid last few months. €35 from thebestshop I think it was. I didn't want to wait 3 weeks for FT to deliver. Not seen the V6, must have a look. As I wouldn't need it in a hurry.

I'm currently using a Nautilus with the newer BVCs - wonderful! Hated the Nauty at first, the draw was way too airy and light - but with the new coils it's perfect, and I can go right to 15w without a dry hit on any juice.
Aspire have lower OHM coils on the way as well for the Nautilus. 1.5, 1.2 and 1.0 (all BVC) - should be interesting.

The Vamo v6 is exactly the same as the v5 apart from being 20w. It hasn't arrived yet so can't comment on if it's any good. I've also ordered the D4 charger and some VTC5's (from Torchy)

Also, I've been looking for a more subtle battery for when in the pub. Kanger are bringing out the IPOW 2, 1600 mAH, variable wattage (3-15w) and a removable ego thread to leave a flush 510. This looks perfect for me. Should be out middle of October for the same price as a spinner 2.
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Using a 1.8 ohm BVC in mine, it's lowest I go really. Well, it reads 1.9 on the Vamo so I'm sure it's supposed to be 1.8 anyway

I was thinking on getting a spinner 2, they look pretty cool, I'd stick an evod on for a lighter device to carry about. I have a few twists that I currently use.

I brought the Vamo with the Nautilus attached to a wedding I was shooting last month, all day ... the enquiries about it, with people wanting to try it out. Got annoying! Felt like gathering everyone in a circle and have them pass it about while I explain what it is :D would have saved a tonne of time
I have 3 Nautilus Mini's with different juice in (coffee in the morning, raspberry ice all day, still tobacco if having a beer). To date I've been using a MVP v2 and a couple of spinners, but I've tried my raspberry ice on a vamo at 13.5w and wow, what a difference.

Really looking forward to the vamo arriving, I've read the BVC coils are fine all the way to 20w. I'll definitely be trying a 1.0 or 1.2 OHM coil once available. If I understand correctly this will bring the voltage down for the same watts. Worth a try anyway.

My "pub" rig will be the new IPOW 2 battery (finally a VW battery the same sort of size as a spinner) with a Nautilus mini but with the new lattice style metal tank (looks like the one for the big Nautilus). I think this should be nice and subtle but still have great performance.
Well I went on a bit of a spending spree yesterday :rolleyes:

Yesterday afternoon my raspberry ice just wasn't doing it for me (Nautilus mini and MVP) so I thought I'd give myepack a call. I ended up buying the Sigelei 30w mod and a few other bits which should be delivered today. I already have a Vamo v6 on order from Fasttech but god knows when that will turn up. Guess it will be useful to have a backup anyway.

I then noticed the new Eleaf istick was in stock at ivapour, so ordered one for the Missus (looks a brilliant bit of kit - 2200mAH, tiny and 2-20w). If this is good I may get one myself for my pub rig. I like that it's 510 threaded so no need for a beauty ring thing. Still want to see what the new Kanger IPOW 2 is like before deciding.

Then I noticed my local vaping shop was now stocking Ruthless juice, so popped down and ended up getting 6 new different flavours to try and the big Nautilus tank. As much as I love my mini's they do run out of juice a little quick during the day.

I also ordered the new hollowed tank for one of my mini's, as I don't like the glass when at the pub, from smokepurer. I've wanted a metal tank for a while but just couldn't buy the original one due to the phalic design on the side. The new design is very similar to the big Nautilus criss-cross design.

Then I decided the big Nautilus on my new Sigelei mod was an accident waiting to happen, so ordered the hollowed tank for this as well from ukecigstore. This was £9 so I thought I may as well get free delivery by spending £20 and bought a tobacco flavour samples pack and thought I'd try some Red Astaire as well (keep hearing good things about this juice).

I'm really looking forward to the new mod turning at today as it will be first. Think this will do on the vaping front for a while now :)
I've had splurges like that here and there. I'd go to order a couple of evods and end up with 60ml of juices, spare coils, batteries, drip tips ... :D

Nothing major here lately though, I keep it simple enough. I use the Vamo 99% of the time, with either an iClear 30s, the Nautilus, or an evod for a spare flavour. Must get a Nauty mini though. Stocked up on juices last week, spent €38 - my all day vape is i-Vape's Beetlejuice - a mixed fruity 'can't quite put a finger on' type juice. Good stuff. Great shop btw, nothing like the generic, white counter types that sell the Chinese juices. This is more the gourmet, sample juices while having a coffee type. I'm in there once a week at least.

Also trying some pink spot [Happy ending, Snowman's kiss, Ultra violet] flavours, and got the missus some Pink starburst. She's only just got a Zmax, after using nothing but ego twists and evods, she got an iClear 30s to go with and she loves it.

Saw that iStick posted on the Irish FB vape pages, must have a better look.
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Typical, I thought the other day about stopping and bought myself a kit. I've now found this and read about 30 pages of it, and am still pretty much confused. I got one of these http://www.ukecigstore.com/e-cigarette-kits/beginner-kits/the-stoptober-kit.html did I waste my money ? I used it today and didn't have or want a fag for the 8 hours I was out and about, so for me that's at least 8. Tomorrow morning I'm going to try it from first thing.. ( I do like my black coffee and a rollup in the morning )
Not a waste of money, it stopped you smoking 8 today and hopefully will stop you smoking a lot more. These kits are great for a small cost. If you decide you want to keep vaping long term rather than quitting everything, then as you can see from this thread there are a lot of other options open to you.

Here's to a smoke free day tomorrow!
Keep it up Simon! Picked up an ACE50 the other day,pretty pleased so far with it.

I'm still using my Provari from 3 years ago :p never missed beat(y) & built to last

Very nice too, if they had gone with a box mod on their lates edition it might have tempted me. I`m still using the same heart I was given 55yrs ago, although that did miss a few beats last year when I dropped down like a sack of s***e (y) So the only thing I care what I have and don`t have, is my life nowadays ;)
I'm liking the look of the ACE50 box; had a 120w box with a Raptor chip delivered today:

Full specs:

Hammond 1590B box in black
22mm Fat Daddy Spring loaded 510
Reverse Polarity Protection
Short Circuit Protection
Low Voltage Cut Off
Flush Mounted Voltage Reader With Blue or Green LED
3 way switch for voltage meter (Battery Voltage - Off - Atty Voltage Output)
Stainless Steel 12mm Anti Vandal Switch
Keystone Battery sled (2 x 18650's)
Magnetic Cover (No Screws)







Nice one M8, was it done by a Modder or just purchased it elswhere? I was looking at getting one similar to this built later,you can choose your own design and he will do it.I was desperate to get a vv/vw straight away so this will be on hold untill a month or so. I also wanted a dual version and want the box made out of solid copper,so he is working on a trial box for me.


That's looks a stunner and given the specs you're going for, you'll a Cape Cod cloth ;).

Mine was built by an english a guy in Alicante thru the UKV forums and to date, it's the best thing I've used. KFL+ @ 4v output, the vapes got so much flavour and there's plenty of it and on the dripper, hmmmm, nom, nom, nom....
It's been ages and ages since i popped in here, been off the smokes for around 17 months ish, not even a drag:banana:

But my question is..........can anyone recommend a nice vanilla, i am so damn fussy with my juices but i found a vanilla from LTecigs that i liked, it was quite plain with just a small hint of sweetness, but it's been my go to vape/all day vape for many months now, but as i went to order today they no longer make it and when they do bring it back it's going to be an improved flavour ( i hate change if i like something)

so basically now i am stuck, too many i have tried taste to much like vanilla custard and i don't like that anymore..

I should make my own after vaping so long but i have never plucked up the courage to try
@Cg_Girl I'm still on the custard, with a few others going round as my taste buds fancy it, but any of these worth a try?



...and diy mixing ain't that hard once you've bought all the necessary bits and pieces - I've a 500ml bottle of vanilla custard sat in a cupboard at home steeping, it's 4 weeks old and probably won't be touched until next month but I reckon it cost me between £20 - £25 all in.

Good luck with the vanilla search and congratulations for being off the stinkies for so long.
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@Cg_Girl I'm still on the custard, with a few others going round as my taste buds fancy it, but any of these worth a try?



...and diy mixing ain't that hard once you've bought all the necessary bits and pieces - I've a 500ml bottle of vanilla custard sat in a cupboard at home steeping, it's 4 weeks old and probably won't be touched until next month but I reckon it cost me between £20 - £25 all in.

Good luck with the vanilla search and congratulations for being off the stinkies for so long.

well the good news is LTecigs just emailed me and said he had enough left to make around 10 30ml bottles and will keep it by for me as i mail him for more until it's gone..

I think that's enough of an incentive to think i should be doing my own in time for that to run out lol- i shall have a search for what i need etc

wicked eliquids, i used to use them all the time but can't remember if i tried their vanilla, might be worth ago at least
well the good news is LTecigs just emailed me and said he had enough left to make around 10 30ml bottles and will keep it by for me as i mail him for more until it's gone..

I think that's enough of an incentive to think i should be doing my own in time for that to run out lol- i shall have a search for what i need etc

wicked eliquids, i used to use them all the time but can't remember if i tried their vanilla, might be worth ago at least

Buy the whole stock off him and see if he'll do you a deal.

For mixing you need

VG - get both from Classikool

Nicotine probably one of the cheapest http://everythingliquid.co.uk/shop/nicotine-72mg100ml/

Concentrates (I get concentrates from Chefs Vapour)

Something to measure the stuff with (syringes, scales etc cos you can weigh the liquid out PG 1ml = 1gram, VG 1ml = 1.25g apparently)

Software (I use eJuice Me Up - http://ejuice.breaktru.com/ it's free and works out the various quantities off stuff

and Patience for the steeping...
well the good news is LTecigs just emailed me and said he had enough left to make around 10 30ml bottles and will keep it by for me as i mail him for more until it's gone..

I think that's enough of an incentive to think i should be doing my own in time for that to run out lol- i shall have a search for what i need etc

wicked eliquids, i used to use them all the time but can't remember if i tried their vanilla, might be worth ago at least

Well I am placing an order in a couple of days T,if you want a bottle of this to try
I'm liking the look of the ACE50 box; had a 120w box with a Raptor chip delivered today:

Full specs:

Hammond 1590B box in black
22mm Fat Daddy Spring loaded 510
Reverse Polarity Protection
Short Circuit Protection
Low Voltage Cut Off
Flush Mounted Voltage Reader With Blue or Green LED
3 way switch for voltage meter (Battery Voltage - Off - Atty Voltage Output)
Stainless Steel 12mm Anti Vandal Switch
Keystone Battery sled (2 x 18650's)
Magnetic Cover (No Screws)








Nice one Martyn,how long is battery life with what you run on it? I keep looking at the Tank Crossing and wonder if I should take a punt on one.
Well I am placing an order in a couple of days T,if you want a bottle of this to try.

I thought you made your own Rich? I've just ordered 5 of the 30ml remaining bottles so i can't really stretch to another bottle at the min, thank you though

Buy the whole stock off him and see if he'll do you a deal.

For mixing you need

VG - get both from Classikool

Nicotine probably one of the cheapest http://everythingliquid.co.uk/shop/nicotine-72mg100ml/

Concentrates (I get concentrates from Chefs Vapour)

Something to measure the stuff with (syringes, scales etc cos you can weigh the liquid out PG 1ml = 1gram, VG 1ml = 1.25g apparently)

Software (I use eJuice Me Up - http://ejuice.breaktru.com/ it's free and works out the various quantities off stuff

and Patience for the steeping...

Hmmm can you buy the patience? :D i certainly wouldn't mind giving it ago and save more money... can it be any scales and equipment or is there somewhere that does specific stuff?
I thought you made your own Rich? I've just ordered 5 of the 30ml remaining bottles so i can't really stretch to another bottle at the min, thank you though

Hmmm can you buy the patience? :D i certainly wouldn't mind giving it ago and save more money... can it be any scales and equipment or is there somewhere that does specific stuff?

Sorry T,I did not even put the link in.Yeh I do mix my own,mostly Minty The Toff one called calipitter Chow and then my own Vanilla Custard. The one I have been buying recently are from Skyline which is Castle Long by Five Pawns as that is an adv of mine, my other fave is Mothers Milk and Milk and Honey by suicide Bunny.Still got plenty more to try though :D
Sorry T,I did not even put the link in.Yeh I do mix my own,mostly Minty The Toff one called calipitter Chow and then my own Vanilla Custard. The one I have been buying recently are from Skyline which is Castle Long by Five Pawns as that is an adv of mine, my other fave is Mothers Milk and Milk and Honey by suicide Bunny.Still got plenty more to try though :D

Do you know it's been ages since i've shopped around for juice, i think i got so fed up of being fussy i stayed with this vanilla that i like and gave up.... i don't even know half of the places to get juices now... i'm curious on the mothers milk /milk and honey though.. i am off to look at the link:D

taking a look the castle long sounds yummy!... pricey compared to what i'm used too though especially if i end up not liking, but i'm tempted
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Do you know it's been ages since i've shopped around for juice, i think i got so fed up of being fussy i stayed with this vanilla that i like and gave up.... i don't even know half of the places to get juices now... i'm curious on the mothers milk /milk and honey though.. i am off to look at the link:D

taking a look the castle long sounds yummy!... pricey compared to what i'm used too though especially if i end up not liking, but i'm tempted

What kit are you using for vaping T?