
Just loaded the Pro Tank with Coffee with Cream and Sugar from The Alchemists Cupboard.

Nice, not overly strong in the coffee department and you certainly get the cream and sugar as well, could definitely be one I'd buy again.
I'm fed up as my order has not come from ejuice lab, won't be using them again
I did wonder about those heads John, have you ever used any of the older C2 misers? They look a right PITA to recoil

I don't think you can recoil them. They look very similar to the coil in my first innokin iTaste. A semi-sealed unit, with the coil and wadding inside. The iTaste ones were actually rather good. Superb flavour, when new.

Joytech do a similar atty for the eVic that looks the business, but the spare coils were nearly £5 each. I don't object to £2-3 for protank/EVOD heads, but a fiver is pushing it a bit.
I don't think you can recoil them. They look very similar to the coil in my first innokin iTaste. A semi-sealed unit, with the coil and wadding inside. The iTaste ones were actually rather good. Superb flavour, when new.

Joytech do a similar atty for the eVic that looks the business, but the spare coils were nearly £5 each. I don't object to £2-3 for protank/EVOD heads, but a fiver is pushing it a bit.

Cheers John, yeh likewise with the price of the new heads. I am tempted to get a PT3 on pre order. As far as I am aware it is possible but fiddly to recoil two in there but a normal coil would still work equaly as well.
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Colin, Rich, Toni, John.....Kanger all fixed now. Ta muchly. Sorry I didn't reply earlier but this thread had dropped off my "watch list". I thought you were all ignoring me :(
Damn you new forum format :bonk:
Colin, Rich, Toni, John.....Kanger all fixed now. Ta muchly. Sorry I didn't reply earlier but this thread had dropped off my "watch list". I thought you were all ignoring me :(
Damn you new forum format :bonk:

As if we would do that Phil :LOL: :whistle: Glad you are all sorted now. It can be a little frustrating sometimes but all adds to the fun of it imho. By the way Colin and John my staus has been upgraded to packaged :banana::banana:Update it is now shipped :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: Apologies for all the Bananas Phil but as you can see I`m excited ;)
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Cheers Rich and YAY!!! I got my first "Like" My turn for the bananas I think.....:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Hmm.. not so impressed with triphammer. If I was to blind taste the fruit salad, refresher and rainbow fizz, I'd swear they were the same liquid. I flew to Northern Ireland the afternoon my order arrived so opened the envelope and grabbed the pear drops without really looking (easy enough - only 30ml bottle when the rest are small 10ml) on my way out the door. Decided I'd like a change tonight so got the others out the envelope they were still in - all three had significantly less liquid than my previous order with them did. For example, I ordered 10ml bottle of fruit salad. After filling my tank up to 2ml, I'm left with a hair over half of the supposed 10ml bottle :wacky:
Hmm.. not so impressed with triphammer. If I was to blind taste the fruit salad, refresher and rainbow fizz, I'd swear they were the same liquid. I flew to Northern Ireland the afternoon my order arrived so opened the envelope and grabbed the pear drops without really looking (easy enough - only 30ml bottle when the rest are small 10ml) on my way out the door. Decided I'd like a change tonight so got the others out the envelope they were still in - all three had significantly less liquid than my previous order with them did. For example, I ordered 10ml bottle of fruit salad. After filling my tank up to 2ml, I'm left with a hair over half of the supposed 10ml bottle :wacky:

That does not sound good Toni. i would contact them explaining it, I am sure they will try and sort it out.
Saying that Toni my order a while back of rainbow fizz and fizzy trifle, flavour wise there isn't much difference to me, or the jelly babies and the bottles weren't filled up as much
I did notice both my pluid bottles had broken seals on them when they arrived and went full to the top,though the bottles look bigger(thinner but longer).

Im also still going through heads at a silly rate..I see people say heads can last weeks I'm lucky if mine last 3/4 days on my iclear 16. I presume its due to mostly using sweet juices as my menthol head does last longer, is this the reason. For example I put a new head in my tank with swedish fish and I'm on the 3rd fill since tuesday when I got it ,but the heads getting a burnt taste and where the wick enters the head is a lot darker and turning the liquid browner.
I did notice both my pluid bottles had broken seals on them when they arrived and went full to the top,though the bottles look bigger(thinner but longer).

Im also still going through heads at a silly rate..I see people say heads can last weeks I'm lucky if mine last 3/4 days on my iclear 16. I presume its due to mostly using sweet juices as my menthol head does last longer, is this the reason. For example I put a new head in my tank with swedish fish and I'm on the 3rd fill since tuesday when I got it ,but the heads getting a burnt taste and where the wick enters the head is a lot darker and turning the liquid browner.
They ought to last a good week Peter, but it could be down to the sweeter liquids. Can you remind us what your PV is that you use the iClears on? You might want to consider taking the head out and clean it. A video here to watch, personaly though I would wash the worst of it of and then leave it soaking in a small pot of vodka for a while, you could also use one of the small paint brushes what you find in a kids watercolour set to brush the worst off of the coil. After that I would either let it dry naturaly or use a hair dryer on it to dry it off. Once that is done then you can do it as per video and pulse it a few times so you get the coil glowing hot again.

I did notice both my pluid bottles had broken seals on them when they arrived and went full to the top,though the bottles look bigger(thinner but longer).

Im also still going through heads at a silly rate..I see people say heads can last weeks I'm lucky if mine last 3/4 days on my iclear 16. I presume its due to mostly using sweet juices as my menthol head does last longer, is this the reason. For example I put a new head in my tank with swedish fish and I'm on the 3rd fill since tuesday when I got it ,but the heads getting a burnt taste and where the wick enters the head is a lot darker and turning the liquid browner.

What voltage are you using? I can't run protanks any higher than about 5.5-6.5w without them tasting burnt.
Thats bern on a standard ego and now an itaste v3 .the former I only run at about 6.5-7.5W . All mybliquids have been 50/50 mix. But bar thr monthol have all been sweet(fruitsalad/sweed fish/gummy bears). The gummy bears was the worst would burn after 1 tank.

I have been useingvthem and ckeaning them for a re use. I just expected longer than 2-4 days.. my ce4 I had at first lasted nearly 4 weeks on menthol.
Thats bern on a standard ego and now an itaste v3 .the former I only run at about 6.5-7.5W . All mybliquids have been 50/50 mix. But bar thr monthol have all been sweet(fruitsalad/sweed fish/gummy bears). The gummy bears was the worst would burn after 1 tank.

I have been useingvthem and ckeaning them for a re use. I just expected longer than 2-4 days.. my ce4 I had at first lasted nearly 4 weeks on menthol.

Menthol is such strong flavour that I'm not surprised atties seem to last longer. I've never had a coil last 4 weeks, nowhere near, but then I never use menthol.

2-4 days is not unheard of, but is it on used/cleaned heads, or brand new? I know guys who change EVOD/protank heads every 3 days, but I've never found the need to do that. I nearly always get 7-9 days, but then again I never clean and re-use atties these days. I found it just wasn't worth it for the extra couple of days I got out of them. Better to just make or buy a new one.
I don't know how you tell if a coil is not working, I've had one fall to bits after cleaning it a few times, even that kept on vaping till there was no wick left
I don't know how you tell if a coil is not working, I've had one fall to bits after cleaning it a few times, even that kept on vaping till there was no wick left

I notice it most after changing to a new one. The flavour just "pops", like when you hit the right WB on a RAW file. ;-)

Seriously, though, it's a matter of taste, so there's no absolute rule. We all taste things differently and use different types of flavours. The flavour change between a new and an old coil happens gradually, so it's just a question of when it becomes noticeable to you.
I'm due a new coil just now. Got pear drops in it atm and struggling to taste anything - just leaves my mouth feeling a bit crap. When I put the new coil in, the flavour will hit me in the face :D
Just decided to give the VIP menthol starter kit a go, hopefully will do the trick and get me off the cigs again.:)
Just decided to give the VIP menthol starter kit a go, hopefully will do the trick and get me off the cigs again.:)
Mike, if you don't like the menthol don't give up, try another juice. My OH was always smoking menthol fags but has yet to find a menthol juice that hes happy with. hes more into the fruit/sweet flavours now
Just decided to give the VIP menthol starter kit a go, hopefully will do the trick and get me off the cigs again.:)

Have you used them before? The reason I ask is that most people here don't use "cig-alikes" (ecigs that look like fags). There are much better devices available that allow you to use a much wider range of flavours, nicotine concentrations etc, at a much lower overall cost. With cig-alikes, you're stuck with a small battery that doesn't last long and just the flavours and strengths that the manufacturer offers. If you're looking for a long-term alternative to smoking, they can get very expensive (don't believe the "equivalent to 40 cigarettes" claims).
Just got my delivery from Ejuicelab with the post date of yesterday, they are absolute liars, saying they sent it on the 29th, I have emailed them to call them just that, Liars! and won't be using them again

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Have you used them before? The reason I ask is that most people here don't use "cig-alikes" (ecigs that look like fags). There are much better devices available that allow you to use a much wider range of flavours, nicotine concentrations etc, at a much lower overall cost. With cig-alikes, you're stuck with a small battery that doesn't last long and just the flavours and strengths that the manufacturer offers. If you're looking for a long-term alternative to smoking, they can get very expensive (don't believe the "equivalent to 40 cigarettes" claims).

With a lot of the cig-a-like carts you can pop the top off and refill with juice (the manufacturers wont tell you this though) although you are right that perhaps an ego type kit may be a better start point.
Well the VIP Kit arrived today, never used them before but very impressed with them so far. I think they will do the trick but i can see them being expensive to keep buying new cartonisers. Still cheaper than real fags from what i can see. Will try these and if i get on with them look at other options. If anyone can post a link to something they have tried and tested that is more economical then that would be great:)
In answer to your question about vaping in hospital John. In all honesty I never gave it a thought. I had my Evods and dripper with me in my bum bag which I had with me on the night, I also had a needle bottle of Pluid and one of my own VC mix. It was stashed in my bedside cabinet and I would smile when the nurses would stop now and then sniff the air and ask us can you smell that sweet perfume smell. I would just say not I cannot smell anything and then tell them what it was. I did ask one nurse what their policy was and she said she did not know but siad she could see no reason not to. I had a few vapes when lights were out but did not want to cause a scene, I will ask when I go up in a couple of weeks to have my staples out though.
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Well the VIP Kit arrived today, never used them before but very impressed with them so far. I think they will do the trick but i can see them being expensive to keep buying new cartonisers. Still cheaper than real fags from what i can see. Will try these and if i get on with them look at other options. If anyone can post a link to something they have tried and tested that is more economical then that would be great:)

A few of the recent converts have started with EVOD starter kits from Myepack. I've used the same kit, though not from that supplier (it bothers me that they supply chargers with 2 pin plugs). Failing that, any eGo battery with a CE4 or CE5 clearomiser will do. They can be had for between about £7 to £25 (ish) from any number of vendors. You'll need to factor in replacement clearomisers (or the heads for them, if replaceable) every 1-2 weeks, plus the juice.

Be aware, though, that the big risk with Ecigs is "shineyitis", a form of GAS. From the £9 eGo/CE4 blister pack, it's a slippery slope to the £300 handmade "mod and RBA". :)
okay been having a look on Uk vapours but its to much for my brain to handle... I'm wanting to try re building my own heads as I'm still going through 16's like mad. so whats the best set up for this, I don't want anything overly expensive and big(has to look okay on a standard ego type batt).

I quite like the look of the ones with the tank bellow the two screws that the wick goes down to(don't know the proper name) but i guess they are quite large. Are the boge f16 types any good,but looking at these there very large also.

I tried badly to re wick a evod type head and got 3.5 ohm hahaha so need to work on it i guess... whats the reason for having such low ohm head? would using the one at 3.5 damage anything or be dangerous?
any help would be great
okay been having a look on Uk vapours but its to much for my brain to handle... I'm wanting to try re building my own heads as I'm still going through 16's like mad. so whats the best set up for this, I don't want anything overly expensive and big(has to look okay on a standard ego type batt).

I quite like the look of the ones with the tank bellow the two screws that the wick goes down to(don't know the proper name) but i guess they are quite large. Are the boge f16 types any good,but looking at these there very large also.

I tried badly to re wick a evod type head and got 3.5 ohm hahaha so need to work on it i guess... whats the reason for having such low ohm head? would using the one at 3.5 damage anything or be dangerous?
any help would be great

Probably the best suited would be the Kanger protank mini II. Fits with size requirements and heads are fairly easy to rebuild.
okay been having a look on Uk vapours but its to much for my brain to handle... I'm wanting to try re building my own heads as I'm still going through 16's like mad. so whats the best set up for this, I don't want anything overly expensive and big(has to look okay on a standard ego type batt).

I quite like the look of the ones with the tank bellow the two screws that the wick goes down to(don't know the proper name) but i guess they are quite large. Are the boge f16 types any good,but looking at these there very large also.

I tried badly to re wick a evod type head and got 3.5 ohm hahaha so need to work on it i guess... whats the reason for having such low ohm head? would using the one at 3.5 damage anything or be dangerous?
any help would be great

What guage wire did you use Peter? Take a look at the chart on the POTV Wiki site. As you can see your resistance is calculated by the size of Kanthal wire used which is in the left hand column and the length which is along the top row. Plenty of other useful stuff on there as well to look at.
What guage wire did you use Peter? Take a look at the chart on the POTV Wiki site. As you can see your resistance is calculated by the size of Kanthal wire used which is in the left hand column and the length which is along the top row. Plenty of other useful stuff on there as well to look at.

I managed to completely miss the last paragraph, the protank heads are the same as the evod heads to rebuild.
Probably the best suited would be the Kanger protank mini II. Fits with size requirements and heads are fairly easy to rebuild.

Yep any of the atties that use EVOD/Protank heads are going to easy to recoil. Fiddly, but easy. Opinions vary on wick size, but I use 2mm ekowool, with a "flavour wick" (a 2nd piece of wick on top of the coil) and Kanthal or Nichrome wire (can't remember the size, but it's not the lightest stuff, which burns too easily). 3-4 wraps gives 1.8 to 2 ohms, which is plenty low enough for an eGo battery.
Jusdt found out a few guys are changing there Nemesis clone switches out for magnetic ones using the magnets from THIS place, just up the road from me which is good. Goin to order a couple of them I think, cheaper than the atmomixani magnets.