
Well going back a few posts I was on about not getting tastes maybe trying a different tank and so on, see Johns replies and so asked about that tank, You up to speed now ;)


ps Just over the month now without cigs and I'm pretty sure I won't go back to smoking :D

Thanks for your patience Helen, it looks like normal service has been resumed again ;) Ok so are you still getting the problems with the taste or has it come back again? And going back to the tanks I personally think for flavour you will not beat the iClear compared to the Protanks. But if you buy one and find it is no improvement and want to get shot of it, then you should easily be able to sell it on again.
Can anyone recommend a nice butterscotch? it's one i've wanted to try for awhile now, ordered one from creative vapes last week and it's like they forgot to add any flavour... it's almost plasticy :(
Can anyone recommend a nice butterscotch? it's one i've wanted to try for awhile now, ordered one from creative vapes last week and it's like they forgot to add any flavour... it's almost plasticy :(

Have not tried any Butterscotch myself T but here is an answer to the same question from somebody.
" Ive tried liberty flights and dekang`s butterscotch and prefered dekangs. Saying that I also liked vaping kings mdv 666 "

Also some reviews T for the Raw Vapour Butterscotch from Liberty Flight

Somebody I know who loves Butterscotch has wrote this up T. And certainly a good point made, that if you got a liquid and it does not taste that much of the flavour, use a couple of drops of concentrate and let it steep for a week or so,give it a good shake every couple of days.

" LOL - it's true - I'm obsessed with all things butterscotch/caramel/toffee/maple.

I've only bought one ready-mix in this type of flavour - I think it was supposed to be caramel (FT Dekang) - didn't taste anything like to me - very artificial, even chemically. I've just had a sniff of it, and I've realised what it smells of - those sweet red dummies you get from the fair

The only other buttserscotch type flavours I used are concentrates.
I have 28Vapes own Butterscotch and Maple concentrates, both are pretty natural tasting and flavour strength is decent.

I have since bought Old English Toffee in extra strength food flavouring, and that seems nice (only used it in a coffee blend so far)
Today saw the arrival of another batch of food flavourings, including Butterscotch and Maple flavours.

These are available here

The butterscotch does have a pretty strong smell to it - if I'm honest, in its neat form a slight vomit kind of smell. I'm at work, so the best I can do on testing it adding it to a PT3 that already has a DIY banana Butterscotch in, and it does taste of butterscotch (with no sicky undertones), but I'd need to road test it properly.

One advantage of the extra strength is that you could use them as additives to pre-mixes if you didn't want to get into the whole DIY lark - I'd just buy a juice a couple of mg of nic higher than my target and maybe a high VG ratio than usual to allow for the extra no nic PG flavouring. "
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Just got the RSST and loving it so far (y)
Have not tried any Butterscotch myself T but here is an answer to the same question from somebody.
" Ive tried liberty flights and dekang`s butterscotch and prefered dekangs. Saying that I also liked vaping kings mdv 666 "

Also some reviews T for the Raw Vapour Butterscotch from Liberty Flight

Somebody I know who loves Butterscotch has wrote this up T. And certainly a good point made, that if you got a liquid and it does not taste that much of the flavour, use a couple of drops of concentrate and let it steep for a week or so,give it a good shake every couple of days.

" LOL - it's true - I'm obsessed with all things butterscotch/caramel/toffee/maple.

I've only bought one ready-mix in this type of flavour - I think it was supposed to be caramel (FT Dekang) - didn't taste anything like to me - very artificial, even chemically. I've just had a sniff of it, and I've realised what it smells of - those sweet red dummies you get from the fair

The only other buttserscotch type flavours I used are concentrates.
I have 28Vapes own Butterscotch and Maple concentrates, both are pretty natural tasting and flavour strength is decent.

I have since bought Old English Toffee in extra strength food flavouring, and that seems nice (only used it in a coffee blend so far)
Today saw the arrival of another batch of food flavourings, including Butterscotch and Maple flavours.

These are available here

The butterscotch does have a pretty strong smell to it - if I'm honest, in its neat form a slight vomit kind of smell. I'm at work, so the best I can do on testing it adding it to a PT3 that already has a DIY banana Butterscotch in, and it does taste of butterscotch (with no sicky undertones), but I'd need to road test it properly.

One advantage of the extra strength is that you could use them as additives to pre-mixes if you didn't want to get into the whole DIY lark - I'd just buy a juice a couple of mg of nic higher than my target and maybe a high VG ratio than usual to allow for the extra no nic PG flavouring. "

Oh Rich thank you, you are a real sweatheart for all that!... i didn't realise you could add a couple drops to pre mix, that's not a bad idea, I don't want to start buying trying loads if they are too caramel maple syrupy as i don't seem to like those flavours.. maybe i'll just have to go back to the drawing board and find some new flavours to like
No probs T, The Buttescotch from the Liberty Flight review looks as though it could be a nice one. The problem is and I have not long found this out myself Trace, is that there can be a lot of subtle differences with it all. It is just not about the liquid itself sometimes. For instance I was vaping Predator juice in the Fogger V2 atomiser, getting a good flavour and vape from it. A couple of days back I replaced the coil and wick in it, I then filled it up with my own Coffee Vanilla Custard mix. I was not happy with either the flavour or the vape, it did not seem as good as the last time I was using it in a dripping atomiser. Today as per my other post I recieved the RSST atomiser, it was already set up with a SS mesh wick running just 0.3ohms higher than the Fogger. I took a chance and filled it with my own Coffee Vanilla Custard mix, and bloody hell totally different again. Great flavour, one of the best throat hits I have had from any liquid so far and plenty of vape. I will soon have the Russian 91% atomiser arriving, and no doubt if I put that same liquid in that I will get something different again from it.
No probs T, The Buttescotch from the Liberty Flight review looks as though it could be a nice one. The problem is and I have not long found this out myself Trace, is that there can be a lot of subtle differences with it all. It is just not about the liquid itself sometimes. For instance I was vaping Predator juice in the Fogger V2 atomiser, getting a good flavour and vape from it. A couple of days back I replaced the coil and wick in it, I then filled it up with my own Coffee Vanilla Custard mix. I was not happy with either the flavour or the vape, it did not seem as good as the last time I was using it in a dripping atomiser. Today as per my other post I recieved the RSST atomiser, it was already set up with a SS mesh wick running just 0.3ohms higher than the Fogger. I took a chance and filled it with my own Coffee Vanilla Custard mix, and bloody hell totally different again. Great flavour, one of the best throat hits I have had from any liquid so far and plenty of vape. I will soon have the Russian 91% atomiser arriving, and no doubt if I put that same liquid in that I will get something different again from it.

Yeah i've heard that alot and to be honest i do need to sort my kit out, i change coils regular but i could do with a couple of brand new clearos really and my ego batts i got as a fill in are naff, when i vape it just seems really pants lately
Worth trying out, prices aren't bad for 20ml, so far i'm only really happy with vanilla custard or coconut as standard loves
Worth trying out, prices aren't bad for 20ml, so far i'm only really happy with vanilla custard or coconut as standard loves

Well they have not long just advertised on POTV, and I have just laid into them T:D I dont mind paying that for a liquid if it is good, but if it aint or it is just not to my taste it can be a waste. So asked them to start doing 5ml samples
These Let there be juice
Had them a week now and I tired the Green Steam again today and there now is a bit of flavour So maybe they need to be left awhile to steep
Edit, Jack The Ripple is also giving a bit of taste now too. not a lot but is there
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Been 8 months now without a proper fag and from the start I just bought whatever E Cigs were in the shop,the only ones I dont like are E Lites,a very strange taste
That is great :) well done

Thanks Rich I've been using the iclear30 from the beginning, (you are losing track lol) was on the John suggestion that I was looking at the protank2

I've had a look at that video about mixing my own, maybe that's the way to go so any suggestions on where to by a kit so I'm not buying all over the place


There's a puritank that holds more than the standard kanger PT. That's an option if capacity is key. Otherwise there's a protank 3 hitting the shelves any day now that's dual coil. I'll be getting one of those to try, when available.
There's a puritank that holds more than the standard kanger PT. That's an option if capacity is key. Otherwise there's a protank 3 hitting the shelves any day now that's dual coil. I'll be getting one of those to try, when available.

Yeh the PT 3 looks intereting John, will wait for your review. I was holding back on this as I did not know if you were involved or not John and would come back with it on here, anyhow I will post it up for anybody interested.
Taken from POTV. I am also reading that Parliament are planning to take the regulation behind closed doors and get it passed.


David Dorn will be presenting the signatures to No. 10 (I believe) and NEEDS a HUGE pile of signed paper.

If we dont get loads of signatures, well, we are probably stuffed.

Up to you guys (if you want to keep vaping)
Taken from POTV. I am also reading that Parliament are planning to take the regulation behind closed doors and get it passed.


David Dorn will be presenting the signatures to No. 10 (I believe) and NEEDS a HUGE pile of signed paper.

If we dont get loads of signatures, well, we are probably stuffed.

Up to you guys (if you want to keep vaping)
Signed but it won't stop them if they want to do it
They would tax air given the chance and tax is what this is about, it will at some point be regulated :(

A few big companies will be given licences and make a hell of a lot of money out of it, all dressed up as they (Gov) are looking after you, making it safe, in your best interest, or in other words Bull****

Think of all the tax they are already losing, all the sales tax on patches, gum and other noon smoking aides

The only thing you will be able to buy is pre-filled e-cigs and the other aides I've listed

I think they will bring it in pretty soon, while it is growing but not out of hand yet
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Can anyone recommend me an aniseed juice?.... i guess like black jacks but certainly not Licorice as tha'ts disgusting..... i was going to try trip hammers but after Toni saying it was yuk i'm put off! i know we all taste things different but at £5/6 a bottle you have to be wary
Whats everyones average spend pre month? ?

Wife just got ahold of my bank statement amd gave me abit of sh*t as ive spent about 130 in a month on stuff for vaping supposedly. ...I didnt think it was anywhere close to that.
Can anyone recommend me an aniseed juice?.... i guess like black jacks but certainly not Licorice as tha'ts disgusting..... i was going to try trip hammers but after Toni saying it was yuk i'm put off! i know we all taste things different but at £5/6 a bottle you have to be wary

Again I cannot recommend an Aniseed, but Mrs Lords Druid is lush as is Predator Juice. I have actually ordered some Aniseed concentrate to experiment with. Another supplierof Juice here also.
T - I've got but haven't tried Blackcurrent & Liquorice yet, but I can recommend the Coffee, Cream & Sugar from The Alchemists Cupboard


I've seen the coffee one mentioned a couple of times, might be worth a try, so far i've tried a mocha which i hated and i've just got today coffee paradise but it may need steeping as i can't taste coffee lol....

Again I cannot recommend an Aniseed, but Mrs Lords Druid is lush as is Predator Juice. I have actually ordered some Aniseed concentrate to experiment with. Another supplierof Juice here also.

I haven't tried Mrs Lords yet but they do seem to be popular... there are some lovely sounding ones on the chefs blend site! yum!
I've seen the coffee one mentioned a couple of times, might be worth a try, so far i've tried a mocha which i hated and i've just got today coffee paradise but it may need steeping as i can't taste coffee lol....

I haven't tried Mrs Lords yet but they do seem to be popular... there are some lovely sounding ones on the chefs blend site! yum!

There is T I think I am going to try the Trolls blood which does contain Aniseed, looks like a similar recipe to Druid so it will be interesting to compare. Just to add that Aniseed is quite a potent flavour I cannot recall seeing many just Aniseed juices, in most cases it is used with other flavours. I am about to order Squid Ink and Minion Farts from MRKraken both of which are getting rave reviews over on POTV.
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There is T I think I am going to try the Trolls blood which does contain Aniseed, looks like a similar recipe to Druid so it will be interesting to compare. Just to add that Aniseed is quite a potent flavour I cannot recall seeing many just Aniseed juices, in most cases it is used with other flavours. I am about to order Squid Ink and Minion Farts from MRKraken both of which are getting rave reviews over on POTV.

Yeah i'm just after something with anniseed in it i guess...squid ink was one i wanted to try along time ago but couldn't remember where i had seen it
Signed but it won't stop them if they want to do it
They would tax air given the chance and tax is what this is about, it will at some point be regulated :(

A few big companies will be given licences and make a hell of a lot of money out of it, all dressed up as they (Gov) are looking after you, making it safe, in your best interest, or in other words Bull****

Think of all the tax they are already losing, all the sales tax on patches, gum and other noon smoking aides

The only thing you will be able to buy is pre-filled e-cigs and the other aides I've listed

I think they will bring it in pretty soon, while it is growing but not out of hand yet

Actually, it's not about tax. Medicines are subject to a lower VAT rate than consumer products.

It's about:

a) keeping the Tobacco Control/Stop Smoking industry in jobs (by giving them something they can prescribe at great expense to NHS). Currently, NHS-supported quit attempts are falling as people are using Ecigs on their own.

b) Protecting the NRT market, which is in decline.

c) Changing Ecigs to something more palatable to anti-smoking zealots. For example, by reducing exhaled vapour, making them less enjoyable/satisfying by removing flavours and so on.

The latest news from the EU Trialogue negotiations is that, despite the Partliament rejecting med regs, the Lituanian President is intent on imposing them anyway. Our lead negotiator for Parliament is ....you guessed it....Linda McAvan! So, we won the parliament vote, but they're going ahead anyway!

Please please please, if anyone hasn't yet signed the save Ecigs letter, they really should. Not just Vapers, but friends and families as well. Medicines regulation will take ALL current products off the market. Current indications are that they will be replaced with just 2 cigalike type products, one of which is really just an aerosol spray. No flavours. No rebuildable atomisers. No boutique juices.
Whats everyones average spend pre month? ?

Wife just got ahold of my bank statement amd gave me abit of sh*t as ive spent about 130 in a month on stuff for vaping supposedly. ...I didnt think it was anywhere close to that.

How much would you have spent on cigarettes? I was spending over £150 a month on fags, and a lot if vape gear can be sold on easily. Can't sell fag butts. :)
Yeh the PT 3 looks intereting John, will wait for your review. I was holding back on this as I did not know if you were involved or not John and would come back with it on here, anyhow I will post it up for anybody interested.

Yes, I was there, Rich. An interesting and frustrating day in equal measure.

The full transcripts and slides are being published on the web, but the gist was:

Morning - the science. Overwhelmingly good. Ecigs are an order of magnitude safer than smoking and are relatively harmless even when you ignore tobacco harm itself. They're a reasonable, if not ideal, tool for quitting smoking. Smoking rates are falling, slightly, after being at a plateau for 5+ years.

Afternoon - Regulation. None of the science speakers want med regs. ASH and the MHRA will not hear of anything else. ASH cite the "gateway" risk despite is being disproved in the morning (by their own research). MHRA tried to convince us that med regs will be "light touch" despite the rest of the panel agreeing that there's no such thing.

A couple of highlights for me: Robert West (CRUK) appearing to lean towards consumer regulation by admitting the current situation doesn't really need to be changed for any evidence-based reason. Jacques LeHousec (sp?) saying Ecigs are a tsunami and "you can't stop a tsunami with a law". Antione Flahault talking about the Precautionary Principle and how the EU Snus ban has cost nearly 100,000 cancer deaths.
Transcripts from the summit are being published here.


Clive Bates presentation was the funniest. :)

Cheers John, and then I am reading this.

Letter from Frédérique Ries, MEP, answering a support message from a French vaper, published on forum-ecigarette.com :

Dear Sir,

I'll take a brief moment to answer your question, in between voting during the Environment commission and a meeting about scientific research.

Thank you for taking some time to write to me. I can assure you that all the support I get on that question really helps, and has been helping me since we started our work on that Directive a year ago.

After being for a long time the only one to fight for another classification for ecigs, I have been able to convince a majority of my colleagues from the European Parliament. Today it is not only Frédérique Ries, not only the Liberals, it is the European Parliament as a whole that rejects the "pharma route" proposed by the Commission.

And you know what ? I am not convinced it will be enough ! Negociations are in the Trilogue phase right now. I'll spare you the institutional jargon, that means that the text, after going through Health commission, then Plenary, is now being reviewed by 3 small delegations : one for the Commission, one for the E. Parliament (the 6 reporters of the text, including myself), and one for the EU Presidency, i.e. currently Lithuania.

The second Trilogue took place last Tuesday, almost exclusively about article 18, i.e. the electronic cigarette. I came out of it appalled.

The Lithuanian presidency, who supposedly talks in the name of the 27 other Health Ministers, is in an absolute blocking attitude, a resounding rejection, almost despise for anything but the medicine classification. According to the presidency, not one state member wishes anything else. I cannot repeat the words of the ambassador, we are bound to discretion until the final agreement is signed. Just maybe give you my feeling : I do not think Council yet realises that, for the European Parliament I represent here on that issue, it really is a red line. The commission, on the other hand, seems ready to negotiate an agreement.

I wait and see.

Churchill used to say the worst is not certain. What is certain however, is that the ministers are in complete "lag" and are making more than an error, a major mistake, by holding back the only true safer alternative to tobacco. And they do that in the name of the fight against tobacco, unbelievable ! I have trouble understanding how they can be so deaf to what millions of vapers citizens say, as well as scientific experts.

Next Trilogue december 3rd. I'll keep you posted.

Frédérique RIES,
Member of the European Parliament
Cheers John, and then I am reading this.

Letter from Frédérique Ries, MEP, answering a support message from a French vaper, published on forum-ecigarette.com :


The translation of that letter was by @elvapote, a pair of French vaping activists I met at the Summit. They had me helping with the translation in the small hours of Friday morning. Thought the Churchill mention was odd, for a Belgian, taking to a French man. :)
Another bit of news coming out of the ecig summit is that Prof Peter Hajek is planning a London-based study of the use of "3rd generation" Ecigs (ie mods and RBAs etc). He's going to be looking for Vapers and/or smokers in the London area. PH is a big name in the smoking cessation industry. He's been referred to as the Godfather of NRT, although he's against med regs for Ecigs.

I've suggested he comes to one of the meet ups, and he seems quite interested. Will keep you posted if that develops.
John, I agree there is more than one reason but the bottom line is just the same, it will end up being regulated

That's why I'm stocking up on 72mg nic base. A couple of litres will last me 3-4 years. ;-)

Any one good place you have found for price John? In fact from memory I think I only seen once place that sold it, as I was not really looking for it. Forgot where that was now.