
Oh good god no I haven't gone back to the stickies, have loads of new kit even more juice and won a templar mid in a raffle last week. Plus been made an admin on one of the Facebook vaping groups, so life in my vaping world is really good.
Lol! Nice one M8 looks sweet what build have you got in it? Still going strong here at the moment, must admit I have not looked at my analogue reminder to see how much I have saved or what I have not smoked. Nothing showing in my bank account anyhow :D Waiting on a 28mm RDA for my Hades and just bought a couple of the Sony 50amps for it.Other than that I am pretty much happy with the 2 x Chi`s, 1 x Nem and the XPV.

After trying lots of fancy builds in various drippers, I tend to just use 3mm Silica and normal coils. This one I built with 3mm doubled over and 0.3mm Kanthal for a 1.2ohm dual coil.
Got a few small bottles of the Powow flavours coming soon, will wait and see which one I fancy the most.
I have been stopped since September, saved myself nearly 2k, this is the one I am on, and a brief description of it :-

Vapour MX E-Cigarette
This is a beast of an e-cigarette: it has a large capacity tank and has Variable Voltage.
It come in 6 different colours, white, black, blue. pink, pale blue and red:each has a matching case, each case has a spare slot to store anothe e-cigarette (not supplied).
Click the button 3 times to change the power voltage: a light around the neck of the battery indicates the voltage: a green light is low voltage and a small amount of vapor production: a blue light is medium voltage and a moderate amount of vapour and finally the red light indicates high power output and an enormous amount of vapour.
The battery can not be overcharged as there is a microchip which prevents that.
It comes complete with a USB charging cable, you can charge it from your laptop or purchase one of our mains chargers (sold separately). It also has a User manual.
It is a big cigarette packed with more technology and features than any other I have seen.
I have been stopped since September, saved myself nearly 2k, this is the one I am on, and a brief description of it :-

Vapour MX E-Cigarette
This is a beast of an e-cigarette: it has a large capacity tank and has Variable Voltage.
It come in 6 different colours, white, black, blue. pink, pale blue and red:each has a matching case, each case has a spare slot to store anothe e-cigarette (not supplied).
Click the button 3 times to change the power voltage: a light around the neck of the battery indicates the voltage: a green light is low voltage and a small amount of vapor production: a blue light is medium voltage and a moderate amount of vapour and finally the red light indicates high power output and an enormous amount of vapour.
The battery can not be overcharged as there is a microchip which prevents that.
It comes complete with a USB charging cable, you can charge it from your laptop or purchase one of our mains chargers (sold separately). It also has a User manual.
It is a big cigarette packed with more technology and features than any other I have seen.

Well done Graham on quitting, I have a VV/VW myself in the form of an XPV. DNA 30 mods are becoming more readily available now.But if you want technology and feature then there is always the Gi2 Mod or the 120 watt by vicious ant :D
Does anyone know if there is any other E-cig that is charged via USB2? (Other than the Innokin Itaste V3)?

I have the Itaste V3 but im looking for something else with a higher batter capacity. I like the fact that i can use the same charger as my phone to charge the Ecig.
Does anyone know if there is any other E-cig that is charged via USB2? (Other than the Innokin Itaste V3)?

I have the Itaste V3 but im looking for something else with a higher batter capacity. I like the fact that i can use the same charger as my phone to charge the Ecig.

Well dini you can do that with the iTaste MVP2 or the MVP3, obviously a different shape of Ecig but then they will last a good couple of days between charges even if your vaping habit is pretty heavy.You can also charge your phone from it as well, so double bonus :D If you do think about getting one and do not already know, then MyEpack are worth looking at for price, customer service and support.
I saw the MVPs but i am not sure of the shape of it. The battery size on the MVP is quite tempting though :)

Well a lot of people who have bought one swear by it and usually go on to buy a second one. I think it s roughly the same size a a 10 packet of analogues, a couple of people I know who have one are in the building trade and say that despite all the bashing about and knocks it never misses a beat.
I have the mpv and it's great, rich is right think the size roughly of a pack of 10, prob super kings size and. Teeny bit fatter, never had issues with mine at all :D

Sent from The Moon.....
I think i will be getting the MVP. I cant find any info on the MVP3. Is it out yet?

My mistake Dini, the MVP is version 2 and it was the itaste that is version 3.
Here is a good review of the MVP2 for you if you have not looked already.

while E cigs do seem to help some people stop smoking a number of people become hooked on them.
No one has checked the health risks of using them yet. They might be a worse risks and more addictive than cigarettes.
No one has checked the health risks of using them yet. They might be a worse risks and more addictive than cigarettes.

I think you need to do some homework Terry regarding that statement ;)
I think you need to do some homework Terry regarding that statement ;)

"In a recent review of research on e-cigarettes, researchers at the University of California-San Francisco found that although the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes are still largely unknown, they emit potentially harmful substances into the air and can be a source of indoor pollution.
The researchers also found that e-cigarettes actually reduce the likelihood that people will quit smoking, in contrast to advertising claims that firing up an e-cig will help people kick the habit." http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/201...te-users-may-end-up-paying-more-for-insurance

It seems that some agree with me.
For every article you find regarding how bad they are theres just as many reporting how good they are.

I've been of the smokes for nearly a year now and have cut from 18 to 6mg. Ive had one many to cigarets in this time and didn't enjoy them one bit.
I've also cut back on what i use kit wise after trying a few things.. tried the mech side but it wasn't for me personally. prefer the ease and safety of vv/vw devices, plus the smaller size of what i use.
Might grab a mvp or vtr next though as charging batts all the time can be a pain even with two v3's. I'm also down to two main liquids and just trying stuff now and again. red astire and snake oil top it for me, still have plaid now and again but getting i is the issue and think I'm going to grab some squid ink next to try.

generally trying to cut the cost as it was costing me as much if not more than smoking for a while.
"In a recent review of research on e-cigarettes, researchers at the University of California-San Francisco found that although the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes are still largely unknown, they emit potentially harmful substances into the air and can be a source of indoor pollution.
The researchers also found that e-cigarettes actually reduce the likelihood that people will quit smoking, in contrast to advertising claims that firing up an e-cig will help people kick the habit." http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/201...te-users-may-end-up-paying-more-for-insurance

It seems that some agree with me.

Well there is always going to be two sides to the fence Terry http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/ Sudies have been done and are still being done, the vaping community welcome all of these studies and some form of control has to be done to stop the import of crap stuff. Nothing in this world is 100% safe but if you compare 3 known products in an E-Liquiid to over 4,000 in a cigarette, of which they do not know what a lot are even, I know what I would sooner use. You say a lot of people get hooked on them, I think it is more a case of getting hooked on a lot of the hardware that is out there from a collective point .Ye`h people are addicted to Nicotine as it has natural calming properties, but then no more than people drinking coffee or alcohol, but has been proven to be non carcinogenic,and unless admitted orally or high concentrate levels absorbed through the skin, is no more dangerous than any household cleaning product you can purchase and have lying about the place.
"In a recent review of research on e-cigarettes, researchers at the University of California-San Francisco found that although the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes are still largely unknown, they emit potentially harmful substances into the air and can be a source of indoor pollution.
The researchers also found that e-cigarettes actually reduce the likelihood that people will quit smoking, in contrast to advertising claims that firing up an e-cig will help people kick the habit." http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/201...te-users-may-end-up-paying-more-for-insurance

It seems that some agree with me.

The phrase "long term effects are unknown" gets used a lot in anti vaping articles.

Personally I weigh this against the known effects of smoking.

"they emit potentially harmful substances"

Again true, but in such low levels as to be considered insignificant.

As to reducing the likelihood that people will stop smoking, that one confuses me somewhat.

I smoked for 32 years, I could easily smoke more than 50 in a day before I started vaping. I tried various methods to stop all unsuccessfully. I am now in a situation where I have tried one cigarette in the past 305 days and thought it was disgusting. I am now in control of gradually reducing the amount of nicotine I use while continuing to vape at a level I am comfortable with.
All living things emit harmful substances - CO2 for starters! I would be a little surprised if there was no tobacco money behind the study that has been done at UCSF. As an ex-smoker, I find the smell of tobacco smoke in an enclosed space almost nauseating but actually quite like a lot of the 2nd hand vape I smell these days.
Well there is always going to be two sides to the fence Terry http://www.ecigarette-research.com/web/ Sudies have been done and are still being done, the vaping community welcome all of these studies and some form of control has to be done to stop the import of crap stuff. Nothing in this world is 100% safe but if you compare 3 known products in an E-Liquiid to over 4,000 in a cigarette, of which they do not know what a lot are even, I know what I would sooner use. You say a lot of people get hooked on them, I think it is more a case of getting hooked on a lot of the hardware that is out there from a collective point .Ye`h people are addicted to Nicotine as it has natural calming properties, but then no more than people drinking coffee or alcohol, but has been proven to be non carcinogenic,and unless admitted orally or high concentrate levels absorbed through the skin, is no more dangerous than any household cleaning product you can purchase and have lying about the place.

Nicotine is a deadly poison
"Calls related to poisoning from the liquid nicotine used in these devices were running at a rate of roughly one a month in 2010, but jumped to 215 in February of this year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Even more troubling, more than half (51 percent) of the poison calls involved children aged 5 and younger, while 42 percent involved people aged 20 and older.
"The time has come to start thinking about what we can do to keep this from turning into an even worse public health problem," said Dr. Tim McAfee, director of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.
Continue reading below...

He added that many people are not aware that liquid nicotine is toxic. "We need to make sure we can avert the possibility of an unintended death from nicotine poisoning," he said."

I do not believe any poison is so little regulated as the Nicotine content of E cigarettes
Nicotine is a deadly poison
"Calls related to poisoning from the liquid nicotine used in these devices were running at a rate of roughly one a month in 2010, but jumped to 215 in February of this year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Even more troubling, more than half (51 percent) of the poison calls involved children aged 5 and younger, while 42 percent involved people aged 20 and older.
"The time has come to start thinking about what we can do to keep this from turning into an even worse public health problem," said Dr. Tim McAfee, director of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.
Continue reading below...

He added that many people are not aware that liquid nicotine is toxic. "We need to make sure we can avert the possibility of an unintended death from nicotine poisoning," he said."

I do not believe any poison is so little regulated as the Nicotine content of E cigarettes

Well M8 I never said Nicotine was not poisonous, but like anything it is down to how eliquid is stored which is the responsibility of the adult not the child. But it has swung from the topic of Ecigs not being proved safe long term, to poisoning by nicotine in children.Two very different things imo. But hey ho we will see what happens with it all.
Nicotine is a deadly poison
"Calls related to poisoning from the liquid nicotine used in these devices were running at a rate of roughly one a month in 2010, but jumped to 215 in February of this year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Even more troubling, more than half (51 percent) of the poison calls involved children aged 5 and younger, while 42 percent involved people aged 20 and older.
"The time has come to start thinking about what we can do to keep this from turning into an even worse public health problem," said Dr. Tim McAfee, director of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.
Continue reading below...

He added that many people are not aware that liquid nicotine is toxic. "We need to make sure we can avert the possibility of an unintended death from nicotine poisoning," he said."

I do not believe any poison is so little regulated as the Nicotine content of E cigarettes

Anything when used incorrectly can be dangerous. Personally I wouldn't allow a child to drink my single malt, drink bleach or swallow my lens cap. Should cameras be controlled better to avoid this?
Any e-liquid I have purchased has came with a clear warning on the bottle that nicotine is a poison.

PLease, please Terry don't make your next post about exploding batteries.
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Anything when used incorrectly can be dangerous. Personally I wouldn't allow a child to drink my single malt, drink bleach or swallow my lens cap. Should cameras be controlled better to avoid this?
Any e-liquid I have purchased has came with a clear warning on the bottle that nicotine is a poison.

PLease, please Terry don't make your next post about exploding batteries.

Well they will explode if you wash them in water :D
Anything when used incorrectly can be dangerous. Personally I wouldn't allow a child to drink my single malt, drink bleach or swallow my lens cap. Should cameras be controlled better to avoid this?
Any e-liquid I have purchased has came with a clear warning on the bottle that nicotine is a poison.

PLease, please Terry don't make your next post about exploding batteries.

I suppose that includes those 42% that were poisoned by the nicotine, who were 20 years and older.
There seems to be a problem that needs sorting, but as there are few if any regulations that cover this, I doubt it will be any time soon.
I've been off the cigs for about 12 weeks now and I must say it has for me been very easy to quit thanks to vaping I'm now down to 6-8mg liquids and I also have a few 0mg liquids as well I think I've just been addicted to blowing smoke as I've not had any cravings at all.
I've just bought a vamo v5 and an Itaste vrt and they are both great especially the vtr. I'm struggling to get an atomiser that suits my style of vaping though I keep going back to my aerotank and protanks so I think I might stop experimenting for a while and just enjoy those. I bought a couple of Foggers but I cant seem to get the tighter draw that I prefer from those so they are now in the classifieds and if they sell I'll get a couple more aerotanks.
I've been off the cigs for about 12 weeks now and I must say it has for me been very easy to quit thanks to vaping I'm now down to 6-8mg liquids and I also have a few 0mg liquids as well I think I've just been addicted to blowing smoke as I've not had any cravings at all.
I've just bought a vamo v5 and an Itaste vrt and they are both great especially the vtr. I'm struggling to get an atomiser that suits my style of vaping though I keep going back to my aerotank and protanks so I think I might stop experimenting for a while and just enjoy those. I bought a couple of Foggers but I cant seem to get the tighter draw that I prefer from those so they are now in the classifieds and if they sell I'll get a couple more aerotanks.

Congrats on quitting Dale, that is about my nic strength at the moment.Just replied to your advert M8
I'm a 20-30 a day roll up smoker who likes them strong (I dry my tobacco out)! But I'm considering the options here and Just going through all these posts and it's a minfield of info.

I know this may be a bit of an open ended question and I'd really appreciate some input, but what do users here think of the route I should take for the type of smoker I am?

I was similar to yourself until Dec last year, when I bought myself a MVP2, which I use with a Protank2 from myepack. I used up all my baccy stock and switched to 18mg tobacco flavoured juices. After I'd been on 18mg stuff for a few months I switched down to 12mg juices and I've been off the tobacco juices since about Feb. I use Triphammer, The Alchemists Cupboard, Mrs Lords for my juices mainly and I don't miss the roll ups one bit.

I can be a minefield when you first start looking around with the amount of devices/clones etc that are available but I bought the MPV as I wanted something that would last a day or 2 between charges and hold a days worth of juice while I was at work, and the MPV/Protank combination fitted the bill and has worked well as a starting point.

I'm about to spread my wings and get myself a 26650 mod for use in/around the house but I'll keep using the MPV for work purposes.

Hope that's helped a little.