Fields of Suffolk

Will Ainsworth
Edit My Images
Just staying at my rents in suffolk for a week so thought i would take my camera out while taking the dog for a walk.

few quick shots...





Very very nice!!
Very nice, think no. 2 is my fav, loving the simplicity of it and the colours.

Sorry if this is a bit harsh, but none of them are really special........

3 is probably the best of the bunch, 4 and 5 too many blown areas.

Why as well do people have to put such a bloody big watermark over their pics......... not much you can realistically do with an 800 pixel image.
Write off #1 and you've got a simple, cohesive set with consistent light and tones. Don't mind the DoF you've applied but would rather see the in focus elements more conventionally placed (the more right of the two poppies in #3) and I find #2 lacks any real anchor point.

Processing style suits the subject.

Why as well do people have to put such a bloody big watermark over their pics......... not much you can realistically do with an 800 pixel image.

I was thinking about this too recently, albeit from a different perspective. I noticed that there a lot of very 'sparse' images posted for critique which have (large) watermarks filling up blank areas. This vastly changes our perception of that image, IMHO, and can actually serve to make a rather weak photograph into a fuller, more balanced image.

Now, I'm not saying that the OP's photographs are 'weak', per se - I actually like most of them :). What I am saying though is that if you take away those massive watermarks, from #2 and #3 in particular, you change the whole dynamic of the image and it lacks the 'finished' quality which the watermark adds :|.

#1, by way of contrast, doesn't benefit from the watermark at all, as it is very busy (compositionally) to begin with. Curiously, this one doesn't seem to be as popular as the others, either :naughty:.

As I said, these are general comments about watermarks and not directly aimed at these images, but I must admit it would be better (for me) to see these pics posted as pure photographs and not with any text over them :(. Otherwise, it's hard to give an honest opinion.

Just my $0.02 :shrug:
I love number 4, tried the same thing myself at the weekend, sadly without the same result!
Number 3 is lovely... Right up my street that kind of thing :)! Number 2 is a close favourite... but what does it look like without the writing... I always find text can change the whole style of an image, often even improves the general look of some! Still lovely work!!