Finally an article about photography that I agree with!

ha ha ha.............oops!

Brilliant, and I even had the audacity to forward that to my long suffering beloved as recompense for trying to explain tilt shift lenses the other day!
:LOL: very good find.
Sandisk unveils thousand terrabyte SSD card. Can hold a day's amateur photography or half the internet.

A very useful addition (y) :D
ha ha ha.............oops!

Brilliant, and I even had the audacity to forward that to my long suffering beloved as recompense for trying to explain tilt shift lenses the other day!

Do not quote your lens' reflectability as she beats you to death with it! :LOL:
Well you lot may find it funny---But frankly --I DONT.

Lens nano-coatings and the Canon v Nikon question are two of the most compelling issues in modern photography and we all need to be up to speed and fully conversant in these matters.Many people have been giving of their valuable time to discuss these issues at not inconsiderable length and much inconvenience .We should all be very very very grateful to them.Taking the micky in such circumstances is both disrespectful and impolite.Shame on you.

For the uninitiated-----Nano-coatings-----Good.
Canon v Nikon------Canon by a country mile.

In future pay attention in class. :bat:
Haw haw haw! Aren't amateurs stewpid?!

Haw haw haw I've got a degree and my own buisness and am therefore sew superiorior to YEW!


All it is is that now everyone's potentially equal - someone on here's even got a quote from David Bailey about how that upsets him.

It's not the kit, its the operator, and nothing's bad, it's just not to your taste.

I understand professionals having a bit of a hissy fit about the accessibility of digital but really it's only because they're going to have to work harder to stay on top of their game. I think that's a good thing.

Yes it means there's more rubbish to sift through now, but at least Joe is allowed and able to have a crack at it. All this snobbery does no one any favours, and merely paints the perpetrators in a very bad light.
Haw haw haw! Aren't amateurs stewpid?!

Haw haw haw I've got a degree and my own buisness and am therefore sew superiorior to YEW!


All it is is that now everyone's potentially equal - someone on here's even got a quote from David Bailey about how that upsets him.

It's not the kit, its the operator, and nothing's bad, it's just not to your taste.

I understand professionals having a bit of a hissy fit about the accessibility of digital but really it's only because they're going to have to work harder to stay on top of their game. I think that's a good thing.

Yes it means there's more rubbish to sift through now, but at least Joe is allowed and able to have a crack at it. All this snobbery does no one any favours, and merely paints the perpetrators in a very bad light.

Thats almost as funny a the article. Sorry Myky - you need to read a bit more than it seems you did :)
Haha it's super true though.

Watching videos of pros, like the one where the guy had like a zillion 1D's for the olympics, and the video of Jason Boland, or whatever his name is.
They generally buy it because it's good, and that equates to the end of their cares as to how it works. It works, that's it.

Jason Boland was like "Yeah, the D90 is a cool camera, I really like it"
And that's it!
But if people just took pictures and never talked about photography - this forum wouldn't have much to offer would it? :)
Aplogies for this little rant, and it's not directed just at the poster who I've quoted, but rather at society at large!

Haw haw haw! Aren't amateurs stewpid?!

Haw haw haw I've got a degree and my own buisness and am therefore sew superiorior to YEW!


Dude. It's comedy. Ok, it's not particularly 'PC' but it is still funny nonetheless. I'm a firm believer in being able to laugh at yourself and this is a prime case. Stop being so bloody sensitive. Although the article uses the word 'amateur' I think it is targetted at people who spend more talking about photography rather than actually doing it. Me included.

All it is is that now everyone's potentially equal - someone on here's even got a quote from David Bailey about how that upsets him.

Nobody was ever equal. There were always people with and without an innate talent for photography, or any kind of art, for that matter. All that digital has provided is a shorter/easier learning curve. TBH, the internet has provided most of the benefit here, not the transition to digital from film. If there was digital, but no internet there would be a mere fraction of the people now professionalising themselves. Too many ways in which this has helped to describe here, but downloading for free, then learning photoshop is a whole lot cheaper and easier than paying for it and some 1-2-1 tuition, for a start. I'm not suggesting this is bad or good. Just a statement of fact.

It's not the kit, its the operator, and nothing's bad, it's just not to your taste. First part true. Second part badly wrong. Quality and taste are two entirely different things. Quality is objective, not subjective. It is apriori. You do not decide if something has quality. It either has it or it doesnt. What qualities you apply subjective grading to is up to you. Porsches are generally better than Vauxhalls. Ansel Adams photographs are better than mine. There are plenty of things with quality I hate (porsches) and plenty of bad things I like (burger king)

I think you are confusing this with people who say things are bad because they dont like them.

I understand professionals having a bit of a hissy fit about the accessibility of digital but really it's only because they're going to have to work harder to stay on top of their game. I think that's a good thing.

Its the access to knowledge that has changed. Not the access to quality photography. That and learning curve is much quicker now due to to the shorter time from capture to realisation of the finished image.

Yes it means there's more rubbish to sift through now, but at least Joe is allowed and able to have a crack at it. All this snobbery does no one any favours, and merely paints the perpetrators in a very bad light.

There was always much rubbish to sift through. The only difference is that it is now on the inernet to wade through, rather than kept in peoples albums at home. 'Joe' has always been able to have a crack at it. I've been shooting and developing film and digital on and off for 25 years! Nothing has changed there.

Its not snobbery, it's a comedy of truth.

There are many, many people who'd rather sit at home in front of their keyboard fretting over which lens to get and poring over every minutae of detail in their shots, when in reality, the only way to learn is to get out there and do it.

Its not just digital either, you should check out some of the analogue forums too. People debating over which developer produces the widest range of tones or highest acutance etc etc.

If people want to do that, then it's fine by me. Each unto his own![

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Glad I got that off my chest. It was either that or kick 6 bales of **** out of the missus again.

Apologies if anybody takes umbrance at my opinion. It isn't meant as an attack on anybody, just a treatise on how I feel about this sort of thing. Unfortunately the OP just happened to illustrate the antithesis of how I feel quite eloquently.

Shame nobody will read this :).
What? Who said that..........................


It's not about snobbery or elitism at all. I think you will find most photographers among the most generous people both with time and information.
Sandisk unveils thousand terrabyte SSD card. Can hold a day's amateur photography or half the internet.

A very useful addition (y) :D

I've looked for this on the Sandisk site and from Jessops and can't find anywhere stocking them. Could be please provide the link and an idea of current price? Would I be able to get one from fleabay from Hong kong and if so, would it have the full warranty or cost me VAT? If I bought two would I be able to get the whole internet on it? Would this work better on a nikon or canon camera as I'm considering getting a DSLR and don't know which one to get?

Thanks very much for your help - I'm new here
