Fireworks at any time

John 'Jack'
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How come there seems to be fireworks at any time, even yesterday, 9th Nov, there were some fireworks in my area.

Isn't it usual to have fireworks on 5th Nov or sometimes on a weekend nearest to the 5th, ie: Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd?

Nowadays it seems to be fireworks almost every day, at any time, even sometimes as late as 10pm!
How come there seems to be fireworks at any time, even yesterday, 9th Nov, there were some fireworks in my area.

Isn't it usual to have fireworks on 5th Nov or sometimes on a weekend nearest to the 5th, ie: Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd?

Nowadays it seems to be fireworks almost every day, at any time, even sometimes as late as 10pm!

It's been that way for a number of years now, we have one particular neighbour that likes them for all parties they throw, not that it bothers me as I love fireworks :D

Oh and there was one local chap that used to build his own fireworks :D some of his specials used to set nearly all the local car alarms off :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
We both love fireworks but the cat hates them! She goes upstairs and sticks her head under the spare bed (leaves her butt stuck out into the room but, being a miniature Bugblatter beast of Traal, if she can't see something, it can't see her...) Guy Fawkes night does seem to have stretched a bit in recent years but so have many other festivals.
There have been firework displays over the last 3 weekends (and in between) and there is another one at Bognor Football club tonight! :rolleyes:

Luckily Benji is not bothered by them.
Been here pretty much solid since the end of October. They were still going at 2am this morning. My poor dog looks like he is going to have a heart attack, he shakes violently for hours when they are going off.

Should be banned.
Fully agree with you Tom! From mid October to early December between 00:00 and 00:00 is fair game. Bloody hate the things - the only thing worse than hearing them go off at all hours is standing outside craning your neck to the sky to see them :puke: :LOL:
Fully agree with you Tom! From mid October to early December between 00:00 and 00:00 is fair game. Bloody hate the things - the only thing worse than hearing them go off at all hours is standing outside craning your neck to the sky to see them :puke: :LOL:

I think you meant mid October to early January? Don't forget they still do fireworks on New Year's Day!! :)
Oh good.. Guess whats just started again.....
Fireworks should not be on sale to the general public IMHO. They should be kept to set proper displays only as you know when they are going to happen! Its not just pets that are affected think of those with young children being woken up at all hours, my son is 5 and has struggled to sleep most nights this week leaving him grumpy and irritable for school the next day. They also affect armed forces veterans, many spend weeks or even months building up to cope with the onslaught of unneccessarily loud fireworks, I wouldnt like to imagine how a PTSD sufferer feels at this time of year. Some idiots (round here at least) have no consideration for anyone but themselves and their "entertainment".
I love fireworks! Out here people don't tend to have them at home, but go to displays that tend to be spectacular. What with the various town fiestas it would be easily possible to see a huge display every month. In fact there will be a big one just up the road on Wednesday in Chavidorm. What did used to bug me is the use of petardos (bangers) throughout the whole of June/July here in Alicante (because of the Hogueras de San Juan), but you just get used to them.
I'm pretty sure that when 5th November falls during the week there's always been fireworks on the weekends either side of that.

Perhaps we're all more conscious of it in the last 5-6+ years now that "decent" fireworks have been made available from the likes of the Factory Shop and these "pop up" fireworks shops?

I remember when I was a kid the "standard" and "bulldog" fireworks which to be frank I could fart louder than them. Next door could be letting them of and you'd probably be none the wiser.

I don't really have a problem with fireworks but outside the week around 5th November and New Years eve/Day people should be a little more considerate and end their displays by say 21:00?
I don't really have a problem with fireworks but outside the week around 5th November and New Years eve/Day people should be a little more considerate and end their displays by say 21:00?

I love seeing these things that highlights the cultural differences between countries! Out here the earliest they'd start is 10PM, and that would be early! When we have the annual firework competition straight after the Hogueras they start at midnight every night.
I love seeing these things that highlights the cultural differences between countries! Out here the earliest they'd start is 10PM, and that would be early! When we have the annual firework competition straight after the Hogueras they start at midnight every night.

My siter in law and her partner watched a display whilst abroad one year, they light a large proportion of the skyline up with fireworks. From memory I thinks she said it went on for almost an hour or more non stop, I don`t know if that is what you are refering to? It may have been in Italy but pretty sure she said in Spain.
My siter in law and her partner watched a display whilst abroad one year, they light a large proportion of the skyline up with fireworks. From memory I thinks she said it went on for almost an hour or more non stop, I don`t know if that is what you are refering to? It may have been in Italy but pretty sure she said in Spain.

Hard to say. Most places seem to celebrate their annual fiestas with very large displays.
Fireworks should not be on sale to the general public IMHO. They should be kept to set proper displays only as you know when they are going to happen! Its not just pets that are affected think of those with young children being woken up at all hours, my son is 5 and has struggled to sleep most nights this week leaving him grumpy and irritable for school the next day. They also affect armed forces veterans, many spend weeks or even months building up to cope with the onslaught of unneccessarily loud fireworks, I wouldnt like to imagine how a PTSD sufferer feels at this time of year. Some idiots (round here at least) have no consideration for anyone but themselves and their "entertainment".

I think the more chavved up an area the more likely you are to get them going off for weeks before/after the 5th and at whatever time suits them. I heard some last night but that really should be it now apart from the odd numptybrain I imagine.
Fireworks should not be on sale to the general public IMHO. They should be kept to set proper displays only as you know when they are going to happen! Its not just pets that are affected think of those with young children being woken up at all hours, my son is 5 and has struggled to sleep most nights this week leaving him grumpy and irritable for school the next day. They also affect armed forces veterans, many spend weeks or even months building up to cope with the onslaught of unneccessarily loud fireworks, I wouldnt like to imagine how a PTSD sufferer feels at this time of year. Some idiots (round here at least) have no consideration for anyone but themselves and their "entertainment".

Agreed - as in Australia.

Wonder where all the chavs get them. Selling period is quite short.
Lots of fireworks were stolen in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago. Issued a warning on the news cause they were pro fireworks, not the usual ones you buy it at the shop - they had no "get away pause" so they went off the second they were lit.
Lots of fireworks were stolen in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago. Issued a warning on the news cause they were pro fireworks, not the usual ones you buy it at the shop - they had no "get away pause" so they went off the second they were lit.

Sounds like an opportunity for some 'natural selection' to me...

Sadly they will likely end up sold on the market and some poor unsuspecting sap looses a finger instead.
I love seeing these things that highlights the cultural differences between countries! Out here the earliest they'd start is 10PM, and that would be early! When we have the annual firework competition straight after the Hogueras they start at midnight every night.

I find that "cultural difference" is seasonal as well given the huge difference in daylight hours we have in the UK......... for example in the height of summer when it's getting dark at around 9pm, I'd quite happily phone some but come the dark winter months when the sun sets before 4pm, by 7pm I've already got in my head it's late and I don't want to disturb anyone :LOL:

I guess in the UK, fireworks have only really be tolerated around Guy Fawkes night, maybe for New Years celebrations too.

We had some relatives over from Oz in July/August and they nearly wet themselves when they saw fireworks for sale in the Factory Shop :LOL: The night before they left we had a small fireworks display in the back garden, I'm guessing it was around 9pm as it had only just got dark.

Also had some for my wife's Birthday at the end of August 'cos she liked the ones we did for the Aussies :LOL:
Lots of fireworks were stolen in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago. Issued a warning on the news cause they were pro fireworks, not the usual ones you buy it at the shop - they had no "get away pause" so they went off the second they were lit.

I think there were 2 of them involved, one was caught drinking battery acid and the other one had eaten the fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.