Flash Photography Books

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Has anyone got any good book recommendations for general basic flash photography?

I'm completely new to flash and want to get some general basics. I know there is a wealth of knowledge out there on tinternet, but I find it much better/easier for me to have a book to look at.

Thanks (y)

Edit: I think it could be all lighting in general if possible :)
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Have a look at 'Speedlights & Speedlites', as the title suggests it is about flash photography rather than general lighting.
Take a look at 'Understanding Flash Photography' by Bryan Peterson. I was completely new to flash photography and after reading his 'Understanding Exposure' book and finding it excellent, I was keen to get stuck into this one. I found it very easy to understand and follow.
+1 for understading flash photography...have just completed reading it...love it.

I also have these two books,
As a beginner I can recommend the On Camera Flash Techniques book. It is easy to understand, lots of diagrams and the settings used are explained. I was able to replicate most of the examples in the book.

The Light Science and Magic book was too heavy going for me.
I think you should consider signing up for the Lynda.com courses. There are such a wide variety of photography courses on there.

I've just done the Exposure, Composition and Black & White courese (3 seperate ones). Really good, I've learnt some great things in a very short space of time.
Joe McNally's book is a Nikon-centric book about speedlite photography, but I'm a Canon user and still found this a good read, simply by ignoring the Nikon jargon and translating it to Canon jargon :)

Sketching Light: An Illustrated Tour of the Possibilities of Flash


Syl Arena is a Canon user and has a really good book about flash techniques - the technique is universal, no matter which Speedlite you use - the same can be said about most books on flash photography:

Speedliter's Handbook: Learning to Craft Light with Canon Speedlites


Hope these help :)