Foma Retropan 320 Soft

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Hello, I was checking the new film RETROPAN 320 SOFT from Foma but I was unable to find examples on the net, except from Foma itself... anyone here has experience with that film already?.


I'm thinking about try it in 135mm and 6x6, and a friend in LF 8x10, so any experience, advice or info will be more than appreciated.

Thank you in advance. :)
I seen these a few weeks ago but haven't seen it for sale any where, where have you seen it?
I seen these a few weeks ago but haven't seen it for sale any where, where have you seen it?

It is available in the Foma e-shop site:

My friend in Spain already bought and received the 8x10 sheets, so I think they will sell and ship to UK too, but be prepared and have the translator ready because there is not English version of the site.

There's one album on Flickr but that's the only mention of it I can find looks quite nice though.

Yes, thanks, I saw that album already, but not much info there than the pics itself, of course it helps, but maybe somebody here tried too and wish to share their thoughts. :)
I've not used this particular product from Foma but have used their Fomapan 400. If that product is anything to go by, then it won't just be the contrast that's soft with the Retropan but the emulsion also. I found the Fomapan 400's emulsion to be so soft that a squeegee would have been capable of scraping all of it off. If you buy the Retropan, treat it gently at first until you have assessed the strength of its emulsion.
I've not used this particular product from Foma but have used their Fomapan 400. If that product is anything to go by, then it won't just be the contrast that's soft with the Retropan but the emulsion also. I found the Fomapan 400's emulsion to be so soft that a squeegee would have been capable of scraping all of it off. If you buy the Retropan, treat it gently at first until you have assessed the strength of its emulsion.

I've come across the same whenever I've used Foma products, except for the 100 speed film I've also found that the film speeds tend to be overstated for the developing times, especially with the 400 which exposed better when overexposed by two thirds to one stop. Most of the shots I made at box speed tended to seem a bit underexposed so don't know whether similar logic will follow with this new film.
It is available in the Foma e-shop site:

My friend in Spain already bought and received the 8x10 sheets, so I think they will sell and ship to UK too, but be prepared and have the translator ready because there is not English version of the site.

Yes, thanks, I saw that album already, but not much info there than the pics itself, of course it helps, but maybe somebody here tried too and wish to share their thoughts. :)

Cheers, I couldn't find a web shop last time I looked. How which were they?
Nick and Samuel, thanks for the tips, I will keep it in mind. :)

Steven, I'm in Poland now, so for sure they will ship here, I will ask to my friend in Spain how he got the 8x10 sheets.
For some reason my exposures were all over the place with Foma 400.. every roll I used, some were over, some were under... with the same metering... no consistency. Weird. Very steady with anything else.
So far I have experience only with Fomapan 100 (120) and so far so good, maybe too many greys than blacks and whites, and zero problems when processing with R09, but thanks for sharing your experiences. :)

Steven, the film is available here:
Hi...I am ariel7515 friend, tonight I'll try some macro flower photos, in 8x10, may be ,I'll post a sample in the weekend, very exited to see the results. By the way, I used fomapan 100 , and very happy with results, and never had any problems with emulsion. That's true, fomapan lies with box speed , shotting fomapan 100 at 50 iso, and short the time development, with good results. Regards.
Welcome Andres, looking forward to seeing the results.
OK, fisrt attempt in retropan 320 ( actually fisrt attempt in 8x10 contact, new used camera, new used film holder...etc, new in this format)
Info: plaubel peco universal III 8x10 camera, sironar N 240mm f5.6 lens, retropan 320 film exposed 320 iso ( 1/8 seg f11 ) , rodinal 1:100 semi stand development ( 1 hr )

Not the best shoot , but can get an idea, I'll try this weekend with the foma special developer, and daylight condition.
Andres, nice shot, and very good for a first attempt with all the equipment. :)
View attachment 42364

HI, ok here is better example of this film with its special developer.
Info : Plaubel peco universal III 8x10 camera, Kowa-Graphic 305mm f9 lens, retropan 320 film exposed 320 iso ( 1/15, f 32 )
Foma special developer 4:30 min ( Firts min agitation, then every 30 seg, 2 shakes ) . Still lot of contrast, I will try with less agitation.

Can see full resolution here:
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