Free File Recovery Software


Emmet Brickowski
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Long story short. London all day with the wife. Home. Very tired. Had two files open. Deleted pics from the sd card (they were jpegs) :banghead:

Anyone recommend a free software that is easy, fast and safe?

Otherwise Easeus have a free recovery software :)
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If the software has to be free then your photos obviously don't have a very high personal value...
If the software has to be free then your photos obviously don't have a very high personal value...

That's quite a claim as you don't even know me. How do you know I don't want to print them off 6x4 and keep them in my album.

Some people :rolleyes:
I use recuva on a fairly regular basis, I have a friend who deletes her holiday pics more or less every trip so I end up getting them back for her. How she manages it baffles me, once off yes, anybody can screw up, but every flipping holiday! :confused:
Long story short. London all day with the wife. Home. Very tired. Had two files open. Deleted pics from the sd card (they were jpegs) :banghead:

Anyone recommend a free software that is easy, fast and safe?


Did you manage to recover anything?
I use RECUVA free version - enable a deep scan. I t doesn't always recover 100% of the deleted files.