Fuji Dave 100 Strangers Project 100

Fuji Dave

I'm in Clover
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Yesterday was so hard for me trying to start my 100 strangers project I was asking but got a lot of NO chance. Today I had another go when I saw these two men very nicely dressed, I went over to them and said Hello my name is Dave and I am a street photographer and I am doing a 100 strangers project and would love to photograph them. They were both great about it but did not give their names sadly. I would also like to thank @gramps for saying try it.


Mr Jubilee by Rohan, on Flickr


Mr Jubilee Friend by Rohan, on Flickr
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Great starting set Dave ... two gents well into the spirit of the day!
This is Joe I saw him sitting near where Fringe is going on, I asked him would he mind being part of my 100 strangers project and he gladly said yes. Joe is from Brighton and is joining in with Brighton Fringe, I gave him my business card and he said he had seen my jazz work and knew of me.


Joe by Rohan, on Flickr
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Well done that is a geed use of shutter speed with the cards. (y)
Cory is part of the Brighton Fringe here in town, once he had finished his session of entertaining the crowd I asked if he would be a part of my 100 strangers and he gladly said yes and struck this pose. Sadly I have blown the whites but happy still.


Corey by Rohan, on Flickr
No 4 ... well on the way now Dave. :banana:
I was having a smoke while sitting having a rest when I spotted Oriana and her mother sit down, she asked if I could give her a cigarette and I politely said yes if she would allow me to photograph her for my 100 strangers project which she gladly said yes, we had a talk and her mother told me her dad was Spanish so they named her Oriana. Her mother did not want her photo taken so we had a nice talk and her daughter showed me her photos that she had taken of her punk friends and they were very good.


Oriana by Rohan, on Flickr
Well done Dave, a bit of bribery has helped me too ... especially with the pensioner who couldn't stand up off the seat! :LOL:
Kez is a young lady who lives and works in Brighton, she loves all the Brighton life and works as a barmaid.


Kez by Rohan, on Flickr

Kai was sitting talking to his lady friend when I approached him and he gladly said yes, we sat down talking and he is waiting for his uni results.


Kai by Rohan, on Flickr

Annabel was the friend talking with Kai, she was happy to have her photo taken, but we did not talk a lot.


Annabel by Rohan, on Flickr
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On a roll now Dave ... love the biro in Kez's hair. :)
OMD5 III + M75mm f1.8. Red is a London lad born but now lives in a rough part of Brighton , he was a bit of a joker and liked to say what he had done in his 59yrs and who he had been locked up with. Sadly I did not believe the prison time as I was locked up with who he said and don't remember him at all.


Reg by Rohan, on Flickr
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Keep it up Dave!
it takes some courage to take pictures of strangers but you get some weird sort of satisfaction after doing it.
Good pictures and some interesting faces