Going to Oz alone


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I'm Quite Scared! :dummy:

I've just bagged a return flight for £215 London to Sydney - Good Times
But I'm going alone - Bad Times

I was booked for 3 weeks but I've just shortened it to 2 weeks ( I know it's not long enough, but this is my 1st time travelling alone )

I keep telling myself that there will be too many things to do to even stop and think about being alone....I hope.

Has anyone else travelled this far on their own before? How did you get on?

I've not even booked acoomodation yet, I think I'll find a hostel or something for the 1st few days and see how I get on.

i think 2 weeks is gonna be enough if you spend it in sydney alone. I spent 7 days there in June and it was enoughl. Its a lovely place, but its winter so things slow down, and its damn expensive (stupid weak pound!). Try and do the blue mountains tour, its pleasant and scenic. Take a trip out to Manly and if your into home and away, take a 1h30m bus from manly to palm beach (summerbay). I found Bondi beach to be a bit of a let down, its tiny... and i've seen nicer beaches on isle of wight, cornwall and even whitby in yorkshire. Buts thats my 2 pence worth. Excellent price for the flight!
I spent 4 months in OZ on my own. I met two friends when i first got there but they flew back to the UK after 2 days, from then on, i was on my Jack. It is not as bad as you think. You can meet people easier as you are less scary to approach. I found it one of the best experiences of my life, and would do it again tomorrow.
Dont worry. Oz is quite a civilised place most of the time:LOL: Its not that different from the UK. I have been out there lots of times cause I have family out there.They eat similar food, drive on the same side and have decent healthcare. Make sure you have travel insurance though. I've only spent a few days in Sydney. It has a few photogenic locations ( notably the harbour at night, bridge and theres a zoo) but I wouldnt want to spend 2 weeks there. Its a bit like visiting the UK and staying in eg. Leeds or Manchester or Liverpool and not seing anywhere else.Can you afford a tour?. They do quite a lot for young people, camping or 4 wheel drive. Check it out on Google. That way you would get to meet other young people. Otherwise you will probably meet someone at a hostel but I dont know what they are like in Sydney. Try to find one that is advertised online to students then it should be reasonable and mostly young travellers.Being on your own on holiday isnt as much fun as having company.

What time of year are you going? Its winter there at the moment. What airline are you going with and is it a direct flight? In my experience the worst thing about going to Oz is the long flight - totally boring and uncomfortable if you are more than 5ft tall and 6 stone.:). Unless you eat anything I'd suggest taking a few snack to eat on the plane but dont take any food at all into Australia ( totally illegal and they have sniffer dogs at the airport)) so eat it all or chuck it out before you get to the Aussie airport.

I could suggest other things and advise more if you want to send me a PM telling me more about your plans.
I'd advise going walkabout without any supplies somewhere in the outback, then reappear, looking suspiciously healthy, a couple of weeks later and sell your story. That way you'll get the whole holiday for nothing.

It's worked (so far :naughty:) for Jamie Neale :LOL:
Got a solo trip out to Japan for 3 weeks coming up very soon. I can't wait!

Also did Barcelona alone for a week back in December. I was crapping it leading upto the day I went, and even nearly cancelled the hol. Turns out, it was the best holiday experience I've ever had. Freedom to do whatever you want, self discovery, forced to meet locals/other travellers. AWESOME!
You will have a blast! There are thousands of solo travellers who you will meet whilst there, and then you'll kick yourself for not staying longer as no doubt you'll spend the first week getting over jetlag.
My brother (who was mid 20's at the time) completed a world tour on his own and met some fantastic people along the way.
I travelled to Australia on my own in 2007, I have a friend in Brisbane. Going to Australia was my best holiday experience (when I was over there, I found the photo bug :LOL:) and if I could repeat it again, I'd go back in a heart beat :). Australia is one of my favourite countries for Photography (I love the Aussie Wildlife especially the koalas, wallabies and the Aussie parrots) :), I hope you have a brilliant time, it's a great opportunity :)!!

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My brother-in-law spent a year walkabout in Oz........

He's now married with 3 kids & living there....

You have been warned :LOL:
Been on loads of holidays on my own, not that bad, then again there normaly ski'ing holidays of cycling type things where end up in groups. Those have been far my best holidays, particularly if single find a girl (or boy if thats your fancy) you dont feel that guilty for leaving your mates alone who havent found one, or you simple dont get left by your mates. If you see what i mean.

Then again in my job i meet knew people every single day of the working week.
You will love it! Are you taking your camera kit?

I was there last year for part of my honeymoon and would thoroughly recommend it. 3500 photos later!

There is lots to do including all the usual tourist attractions, there are lots of walks around bondi beach, plus a hostel right on the beach.

Lots of goods views and vistas for the taking.
Check out this guy for some inspiration http://www.flickr.com/photos/yury-prokopenko/3624576812/

A trip to the blue mountains is cracking check out the jenolan caves, the best cave system I have seen.

The aquariums are also good value with reef sharks,tiger sharks and some salt water crocodiles to name but a few.

Now I am getting jealous!

Enjoy you will have a blast!!
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