Golden Llight

That's a belter. The only question is, where are you going to hang it
Awesome shoot mate, what was the set up on this out of interest.

Thanks David.

I believe there was only 1 filter involved and it was a Hitech .6 ND Grad. Didn't require a full ND as it was still reasonably dark. It'll have been f11 and somewhere around half a second exposure. The exif on Flickr may well prove me wrong though :)
Love this shot. The orange into grey colours really work well.
I like it, but would have liked to see more sky

You're right, that would have been ideal. Just wasn't possible to get the rocks in and all of the sky I wanted at 17mm. That's where that 10-22 I've been banging onto the mrs about getting would come in handy. Have a word with her will you :LOL: